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The third and fourth lines pose a different problem. The word " espoir " – "hope" – first appears in the Centuries in quatrain 2-25, the fifteenth "death" – " mort ( e )", in the singular ( vne Quinziesme mort ) are also found in this quatrain.
In part, the quatrain already considered here also contains its task. All in the same fourth line:
-56 … Depuis six cens & sept XXIII.pars .
From this point, until the end of the seventh century, several words " part , par ( t ) s " are found: in 3-59, 3-99 ( deux parts ), 4-35, 4-80 ( quinze pars and part ), 5-11, 6-13 and 6-95. Given that " deux parts " and " quinze pars " means "two parts" and "fifteen parts" respectively, making 23 parts.
The competitive struggle that develops in the Nostradamus universe called "Prophecies" is clearly manifested in quatrain 3-59, which describes the duel between blood and death.
3-59 Barbare empire par le tiers usurpe',
La plus grand part de son sang mettra a` mort: Par mort senile par luy le quart frappe', Pour peur que sang, par le sang ne soit mort.
The barbarian empire is usurped by the third,
A very large part of his blood will be put to death:
Due to the death of an senile from him, the fourth is broken,
Because of the fear that blood for blood is not death.
Three times in this quatrain the words " sang " – "blood" and " mort " – "death" are mentioned. The second line promises that "blood" (with its current value in this quatrain equal to 30) will be put to "death" (this word has a rank of 32), which will happen in the fourth line of this quatrain. “Blood” will get rank 32, but “blood for “blood” is no longer “death”. “Death for the same period retired and became the 34th.
The first line promises to catch up with death in three steps, the third line gives another "death" and promises to catch up with it in four steps. That is why already in the next quatrain 3-60 one more "blood" appears.
And then came the moment when I first discovered the mystery of capital letters in the Centuries. For me it was then a turning point, but at first I did not attach much importance to this. Below are my old posts about this event.
In the next quatrain, which will be discussed here, the question of how problems with large dates are solved in Centuries, and about another encryption method.
3-77 Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins,
L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre: Le roy de Perse par ceulx d'Egipte prins: Conflit, mort, perte: a` la croix grand oprobe.
The third climate is contained under Aries,
In the year one thousand seven hundred and seven, in October:
The king of Persia is captured by those from Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: the cross is a great shame.
The problem of the first line is solved non-standard and extremely interesting. Yes, previously the entire inhabited Earth was divided into climates, so the phrase “third climate” is not surprising. Surprisingly, there are two words “climate” in the Centuries. Isn't it, in this case, a secret third? You should also pay attention to the word " Aries ". It is present only four times in the texts. And this is what I found in one of these cases: " CLIMAT ".
6-35 Pres de Rion, & proche a' blanche laine,
Aries , T aurus, C ancer, L eo la Vierge:
M ars, I upiter, le Sol ardra grand plaine,
Boys & cites, lettres caches au cierge.
Starting with a capital "C", this word is going almost clockwise. The method is the same as in " ORVS APOLLO . The Third Centurian Climate Discovered!
The second line contains another task. The year 1727 is supposed to be found in October. He needed to be found. But there was a problem with this. There is no more "October" in the seven Centuries.
I still found a clue, although I suffered for a long time. " October " is a Latin word, from " Octo " – "eight". With the "eights" – " huict " – in the seven Centuries, everything is fine. The only mention is in 5-98. Here he , this wonderful quatrain :
5-98 A quarante huict degre' climaterique ,
A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse:
Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique, Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse.
The first thing that catches your eye is the connection with quatrains 6-35 and 3-77 through the words " cliterique " and " Cancer ". This is proof that the location was discovered correctly. Now it was necessary to link everything with the date – " L ' an mil sept cens vingt & sept ". Here's what happened in the end: " L' an mil sept cens vi + nt & se + pt ".
5-97 …L'edict se uere des ca pt ifz reuoque',
Gresle & tonnerre, Condom inestimable.
5-98 A quarante huict degre' climaterique,
A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse: Poisson en mer, fleuue: lac cuit hectique, Bearn, Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse.
5-99 Milan , Ferrare, Turin, & Aquilleye,
Capne, Brundis vexes par ge nt Celtique:
Par le Lyon & phalange aquilee ,
Quant Rome aura le chef vi eulx Britannique.
5-100 Le boutefeu par son feu attrape',
Du feu du ciel a Carcas & Cominge: Foix, Aux, Mazeres, haut vieillart eschape', Par ceulx de Hasse, des Saxons & Turinge.
6-1 AVtour des monts Pyrenees grand amas
De gent estrange secourir roy nouueau: Pres de Garonne du grand temple du Mas, Vn Romain chef le craindra dedans l'eau.
6.2 En l'an cinq cens octante plus & moins,
On attendra le siecle bien estrange: En l'an sept cens , & trois cieulx en tesmoings…
As it turned out, almost everything is very fragmented, but still collected, however, with a slight caveat: the word "twenty" is collected in this section only in the variant " vint ". I think this is acceptable, an example is in quatrain 2-51: ( vinttrois ) . Of course, I did not find the ideal beauty, besides, there are other numerals on this site that were easier to use, but this was not done ( quarante huict , cinq cens octante ).
My next attempt was to count the current values of all the words in quatrain 5-98, which gave a very good result, equal to 1747, only 20 years more than desired. Given the differences between the editions of 1555 and 1557, especially those relating to prepositions with significant ranks, and taking into account the fact that the task was set even when none of the editions even came out, this may very well be true.
Now is the time to do quatrain 3-57, this topic will also not do without dates and without a big calculation, but first, not about that:
3-57 Sept fois changer verres gens Britannique,
Taintz en sang en deux cens nonante an:
Franche non point par appuy Germanique,
Aries doubte son pole Bastarnan.
Seven times the British people will see the change,
Stained with blood in two hundred and ninety:
Freedom is not achieved by the support of the German,
Aries is afraid of his pole of Bastarnia.
And in the beginning we will talk about one linguistic incident of the times of the Author. In order for everything to become clear, it is necessary to pay attention to the word "Britain".
In Old English, it could be written as " Breoton "," Bryten "– from lat. Britannia . _ In Old French – " Bretaigne ", in Anglo-Norman – " Britaine ".
This confusion has been around since ancient times. Britain and Bretonnia were sometimes simply indistinguishable. Only relatively recently, at the beginning of the 18th century, did they put an end to this. The one on the island – " Grande" Bretagne ", and the one that is a region of France is simply " Bretagne ".
Before the 18th century it was still far away, so in the Centuries things are like this:
"Britannique(s)" – at 2-1, 3-57, 4-96, 5-34, 5-99, 6-7, 6-41.
"Bretaigne" – at 3-70 and 6-53.
As is obvious, it is the “British” that changes exactly seven times, but the unwritten rule not to use the word quatrain in the calculation did not leave the task alone. There seemed to be something wrong with this. Salvation was the word " Bretaigne " from quatrain 3-70 – "Great Britain including England."
Now about the second line of quatrain 3-57. Britain and the year 290. How to link this?
Following the logic that such an insignificant number could be obtained by counting the word ranks of only a fairly early quatrain of the Centuries – there are no options other than quatrain 2-1.
2-1 VERS(4) Aquitaine(1) par(76) insults(1) Britaniques(1),
De(86) par(77) eux(3) mesmes(2) grandes(1) incursions(1):
Pluies (1), gelees(1) feront(7) terroirs(1) iniques(1),
Port(5) Selyn(2) fortes(1) fera(15) inuasions(1)
This quatrain, thanks to his words, scored 288 points – years. It is quite early for the Centuries, therefore, it is possible that the deviation from the expected result turned out to be so small: only two units.
Well, I – present and today – I remind you that I reproduce my past records, which reflect the entire process of the development of events, in this case without interfering at all. What was, was. Below is an outpouring of my feelings:
From the time I realized that I was listening to such a book, my attitude towards the Author, of course, has changed radically. From the mystic of dark distant times, foreshadowing a far from rosy future for mankind, a completely different, most interesting person appeared. He is alive, educated, having reached wisdom with his mind, with an excellent sense of humor, which has now become clear, and this feeling is inherent even in God, I know from myself!
He carefully packed all his ideas into a small book, making sure that even with the passage of centuries, interest in it would not disappear, so that it would not fall into oblivion. Now it becomes clear why all this “blood”, all “deaths”, “plague”, “floods”, “murders”, “monsters”, “battles”, “destruction”, etc. … What is there in the Centuries … All this can be united, perhaps, only by the phrase “Divine verb”, that is, the “word”, to each of which Nostradamus gave a soul, felt, at least, in the form of his rank to his book.
From tasks with large data arrays, I will move on to simpler ones. I will describe his vision quatrain 3-61:
3-61 La grande bande & secte crucigere,
Se dressera en Mesopotamie: Du proche fleuue compaignie legiere, Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.
Large group and sect of crusaders,
Will rise in Mesopotamia:
The nearest river has a light company,
Which such law will hold for the enemy.
Mesopotamia is an interfluve. The river – " fleuue ", is quite often mentioned in the Centuries. My idea was to find the words of the quatrain, such as: " bande ", " secte ", " compaignie ", " crucigere " – together, in some interval between the rivers. Such a gap was found between the "rivers" from quatrains 6-52 and 6-98. “ Bande ”, as part of the word “ contre bande ” – in quatrain 6-75, “ secte ” – in 6-66, the word “ crucigere ” is not mentioned anywhere else in the Centuries, therefore, starting from the meaning, the desired word, I think, should become "cross" – " croix ". There were even two of them in this section of Centuria, at 6-71 and 6-80.
The third line of the quatrain has its own solution. I think it refers to the "river" closest to 3-61. It is located in quatrain 3-72. Nearby – in quatrain 3-83 – we find " Ac compaigne s ", and even closer – in quatrain 3-68 – " legiere ".
… Well, why, why, after the discovery of the "third climate" then I was not immediately dragged into the search for compatible capital letters? If this had happened then, then occult Mesopotamia would have been revealed:
2-60 La foy P unicque en O rient rompue,
gang . Iud . & Rosne , Loyre , & Tag changeront:
Quand du mulet la faim sera repue, Classe espargie, sang & corps nageront .
2-61 Euge , Tamins, Gironde & la Rochele,
O sang Troien Mort au port de la flesche:
Derrier le fleuue au fort mise l'eschele,
Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche.
2-62 M abus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gen s & bestes vne horrible defaite:
Puis tout a` coup la vengence on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete .