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2-13 Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice.
Iour de la mort mys en natiuite.
L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice .
A serious case with the next topic came out. He absolutely correctly identified two sections of the Centuries that needed to be paid attention to, and made cautious conclusions that he was not sure of the chosen path. The path to understanding the thoughts of Nostradamus was difficult. Here are the old records, everything as it was.
Perhaps the next quatrain is just waiting to be solved. Now only ready share their observations .
4-50 Libra verra regner les Hesperies,
De ciel, & terre tenir la monarchie:
D'Asie forces nul ne verra peries,
Que sept ne tiennen par ranc la hierarchie.
Libra will see the reign of Hesperius,
From heaven and earth holding the monarchy:
No one will see the forces of Asia dead,
Until the seven enter through the rank of the hierarchy.
Hesperia is the historical name of the Western Roman Empire. The word is beautiful, like many other words in this book by the Author. It is mentioned in the first seven Centuries exactly seven times (they enter the next rank). Based on this, I draw attention to "Hesperius" with the ending "-s " . Nostradamus openly declares that Hesperia, at least, is not alone))). Printers echo him without distorting the text. Everything in those days was quite in order with the accuracy of copying from the original. This is my answer to those who, in an attempt to create their own, glossy from unnatural beauty, interpretations of quatrains, dare and dare to assert something like: – “Here is an obvious typo: it should be read … (in a different way)”, or: – “Here, in a sense, instead of the word “ x ”, there should be a similar word “ y ”, an obvious typo”. The human factor, of course, has not been canceled, but this is completely different. Today, in the era of the inception of artificial intelligence, sometimes books come across with so many errors that the "Prophecies" can be put among them as a model of literacy and accuracy … That's all, I spoke about this, I continue the topic.
Scales – " Libra ", really "saw" Hesperia a long time ago by Centurian standards, at its "birth", i.e. in rank number 1, in quatrain 1-28, however, in the form of a Hesperian boat – “ barque hesperique ":
1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare,
Vn temps, long temps apres barque hesperique ,
Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare
Taurus & Libra quelle mortelle picque?
The last time Hesperia appears in the first cycle of centuries is in quatrain 6-56. It is noteworthy that in the adjacent quatrain 6-57 the words " hierarchie " and " monarchie " are present:
6-56 La crainte armee de l'ennemy Narbon,
Effrayera si fort les Hesperiques :
Parpignan vuide par l'aueugle darbon,
Lors Barcelon par mer donra les piques.
6-57 Celuy qu'estoit bien auant dans le regne,
Ayant chef rouge proche a` la hierarchie :
Aspre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,
Succedera a` sacre' monarchie .
"The Present Today" – almost never went anywhere, except perhaps only for the duration of the playback of their past, regular, records.
It's amazing, I found a real relationship of the necessary words, and, in the end, made such weak conclusions from it. This reproduced the moment when I "plunged" once into the Centurian world almost completely. But, having surfaced, he wiped himself with a towel, and simply went on. Although, if I had been more attentive, I could have seen the “forces” – “ forces ” from quatrain 6-62, and even “Asia” – “ ASIE ”, which took place on that site, its strength really “did not die” – “ ne per + ie ".
6-57 … A spre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,
S uccedera a sacre ' monarch i.e.
6-58 E ntre les deux monarques esloignes,
Lors que le Sol par Selin clair per due:
Simulte grande entre deux indig ne s,
Qu'aux I sles & Sienne la liberte rendue.
But then there was clearly not enough experience and practice, I saw only what was impossible not to see. So it happened with the next topic: I identified one of the places correctly, but did not move further.
B endowed Nostradamus with quatrain 4-55 with piercing humor:
4-55 Quant la corneille sur tour de brique ioincte,
Durant sept heures ne fera que crier: Mort presagee de sang statue taincte, Tyran meurtri, aux Dieux peuple prier.
When a crow is on a stacked brick tower,
For seven hours it will only scream:
Death is predicted, the statue is stained with blood,
The tyrant is slain, the people pray to the gods.
words " heure " in the first seven Centuries. The last one is in quatrain 5-81:
5-81 L'oyseau royal sur la cite' solaire,
Sept moys deuant fera nocturne augure:
Mur d'Orient cherra tonnaire, esclaire, Sept iours aux portes les ennemis a`l'heure .
Royal bird over the sunny city,
Seven months earlier will make a night omen:
The wall of the East will fall, thunder, glow,
Exactly seven days later, the enemies are at the gates.
The royal bird was instantly found – a crow, solid sevens. No doubt the place is right.
And again, I "today" is forced to intervene, because a little embarrassing for myself – the past. Yes, I correctly determined that the keyword in this case is " heure " – "hour". All that needed to be done next was to carefully examine the places with these words in the Centuries. Then a lot of interesting things would be revealed. Take, for example, the same area near quatrain 5-81. It was necessary to see on it, in addition to what was noticed earlier, “ bri + que ”, “ to + ur ”, and there was still a crow on it: “ co + rne + il + le ”.
5-80 … Des deux loix l'vne l'estini que lachera,
Barbare & franche en perpetuelle bri gue.
5-81 L'oyseau royal sur la cite' solaire,
Sept moys deuant fera noctu rne augure:
M ur d'Orient cherra to nnaire esclaire,
Septiours aux portes les ennemis a l' heure .
5-82 Au co nclud pache hors la forteresse,
Ne sortira celuy en desespoir mys: Quant ceulx d'Arbois, de Langres, contre Bresse, Auront monts Dol le bouscade d'ennemis.
5-83 Ceulx qui auront entreprins subuertir,
Nompare il regne puissant & inuincible…
On another site, already with its “hour”, one could see other “predicted” events, but the brick tower also appeared on it: “ to + ur bri + que ". From implicit words Here also "cri + er".
2-98 Celuy du sang resp er se le visaige,
De la victime proche sa cri fiee:
To nant en Leo aug ur e par presaige ,
Mis estre a` mort lors pour la fiancee.
2-99 Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit augure,
Pargent Gauloyse par trop sera vexee:
Mais nation Celtique craindra l' heure ,
Boreas, classe trop loing l'auoir poussee.
2-100 Dedans les isles si horrible tumulte,
Rien on n'orra qu'vne belli quebrigue …
And here is the place with the very first "hour" in the Centuries. Apparently, the idea with a brick tower was then born: " br + ique ".
1-26 Le grand du fouldre tumbe d' heure diurne,
Mal & predict par porteur postulaire :
Suiuant presaige tumbe d' heure nocturne,
Conflit Reims Londres, Etrusque pestifere .
1-27 Dessoubz de chaine Guien du ciel frappe',
Non loing de la est cache' le tresor:
Qui par longs siecles auoit este grappe',
Trouue' mourra, l'oeil crue' de ressort.
1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare,
Vn temps, lon g temps apres barque hesper ique :
Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare ,
Taurus & Li br a quelle mortelle picque?
In addition to the revealed, in quatrain 1-25 – " Dieu " – God. Maybe he missed it.
The topic is quite long. I think it's already clear that the brick tower will appear in every section of the text where the word " heure " is, along with the details that are still missing. As a result, the whole picture predicted by the royal bird, the crow, will develop.
Back to my old notes.
Despite the abundance of numbers, "Prophecy" is still a work of art, and contains a lot of philosophical conclusions. Sometimes – deep, sometimes – deliberately simple. Being anxious about the creation of his work, filling it step by step with "divine verbs", Nostradamus probably thought about the role of each word in the world he created. In it, apart from words, there is nothing more in essence. What happens with the birth of a new word? It comes into the world already special and unique, with its own rank, which can be called the "soul of the word." What happens to predecessors? If you philosophize, then perhaps they die, leaving to their descendants all the most precious thing that they had – their "souls". And all this looks natural and beautiful, almost like in real life, until you imagine a situation where two identical words are in the same quatrain. Not after a long period, when each word has time to live its natural life, but almost immediately after birth to see its death. The second identical word practically kills the predecessor in infancy.
4-60Les _ sept enfans en hostaige laisses ,
Le tiers viendra son enfant trucider :
deux par son filz seront d' estoc _ perces ,
Gennes , Florence lors viendra encunder .
Seven children were taken hostage