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Et bestes brutes a parler lon orra.
1-65 Enfant sans mains i am a is veu si grand foudre,
L'enfant royal au ieu d'oesteuf blesse':
Au puy brises fulgures a lla nt mouldre,
Trois soubz les chaines par le millieu trousses.
1-66 Celuy qui lors po rt era les nouvelles,
Apres un peu il vie ndra respirer…
a little above – "Mas + con":
1-61 Leur grand a mas de l'exil malefice,
Fera Sueue ravir leur grand con tract.
As for the first two lines, I had no thoughts at all before. Yes, they probably didn't seem so interesting compared to pig genomes)))… Yes, probably, that's the way it is. Now there was little time to add to this theme and find that place – the source of inspiration for the first two lines of quatrain 3-69, it was found, it took place. Quite lengthy, but certainly exceptional and unique. Today I see a lot more than before, therefore – here it is, with literally all the significant words of the first two lines of quatrain 3-69: in addition to the obvious ones, the words “io + uue + nce + au ” , “ mai + ns ", It is also interesting that the "stupid beast" – " Bestes bru + tes " – will be found here, moreover, "speaking" – " par + ler ".
2-16 … Force de Londres, Gand, Bru celles, & Suses
Grand hecatombe, triumphe faire fes tes .
2-17 Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale,
Non esloigne d'Ethne & monts Pyrenees:
Le grand conduict est cache' dens la male,
North getes fluues & vignes mastinees.
2-18 Nouuelle & pluie subite impetueuse,
Empeschera subit deux exercites :
Pierre, ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse,
La mort de sept terre & marin subites.
2-19 Nouue au x venus, lieu basty sans defence,
Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:
Prez, mai so ns , champs, villes, p rendre a plaisa nce ,
Faim, Peste, guerre, arpen long labourable.
2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,
Se tro uue ront passer pres du monarque:
Les contemp ler ses rameaux ententifz,
Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques.
2-21 L'embassadeur enuoye' par biremes,
A my chemin d'incogneuz repoulses:
De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes,
Cordes & chaines en Negrepont trousses.
2-22 Le camp Asop d'Europe partira,
S'ad io ignant proche de lisle submergee:
D'Arton classe phalange pliera,
Nombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee.
2-23 Palais, oyseaux, par oyseau dechasse',
Bien tost apres le prince preuenu:
Combien qu'hors fleuve ennemis repulse',
Dehors saisi trait d'oyseau soustenu.
2-24 Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner…
With the next quatrain 4-11, a beautiful "red" theme opens. The word " rouge " in itself is quite remarkable, and considering all the passions that are created with him in the Centuries – the most remarkable.
4-11 Celuy qu'aura gouuert de la grand cappe,
Sera induict a quelque cas patrer:
Les douze rouges viendront souiller la nappe,
Soubz meurtre, meutre se viendra perpetrer.
He who will rule from the great mantle,
Will be hit on some business:
Twelve reds will come to stain the tablecloth,
Under the kill, the kill will be done.
As is probably already clear, starting from the third line of this quatrain, until the end of the seven Centuries, twelve “ rouge ( s )” are found, the last time in quatrain 7-36:
7-36 Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a l'vnde,
Pourte' par rouges sept razes a` Bisance:
Contre les oingtz trois cens de Trebisonde,
Deux loix mettront, & horreur, puis credence.
God sky all divine verb in a wave,
Carried away by the red seven shaved to Byzantium:
Against the anointed three hundred from Trebizond,
Two laws are established, and horror, then trust.
Again the divine verb, and with it the fulfilled prophecy. However, not even one. Seven "shaved" – " sept razes ( rasees )" is also a fact for the first seven Centuries.
It is quite significant that already in the second cycle of the Centuries, as if hungry and missing the “reds”, in quatrain 8-19, the Author immediately gives out as many as four “ rouges ”, moreover, “to support the great mantle”:
8-19 A soubstenir la grand cappe troublee,
Pour l'esclaircir les rouges marcheront,
De mort famille sera presque accablee,
Les rougesrouges le rouge assomeront.
To support the great mantle agitated,
To clarify, the red ones will pass,
Because of death, the family will be almost crushed,
Red reds beat red.
Something extremely interesting is planned with the Reds in the future. Wait and see.
And here is the very future, I have already lived through that stage, but now it’s not about him, but about the next topic. Now I remember myself of the past, wandering with a dim lamp through the darkening world of the Centuries, in an attempt to find at least some clues to the truth. The fact that she – the truth – was, it was already clear to me, it was just a matter of getting to it. But … either the light from the lamp was then very weak, or – the surrounding darkness suppressed it so much, that's why I stumbled more on the deaf walls, and with my forehead. But, even at that time, some insights came to me. Below is one of them. Now I don’t know if this is a coincidence or the author’s idea, but this is a fact, today I confirm it. Without that, without my past wandering and roaming in the dark, I think he would not have shown up. Further – about this, in words from my past.
Nostradamus compiled his main work from ten "Centuries", from lat. " centuria " – a hundred, a division in the Roman army of one hundred soldiers. This is ideal. In fact, a hundred, most likely, was not recruited. In most cases, there were 60-80 fighters in the combat centuria. The same situation developed with the legion, and although the meaning of this word is in no way tied to any number, it was generally accepted that quantitatively, ideally, it should have consisted of three thousand soldiers. In fact, over the centuries, this number has varied widely: from 2,000 to 8,000. I repeat: the ideal is 3000. A fleet of three thousand warriors is something even in our times. The strategist Nostradamus saw all this in the future. Further – about what I, in fact, outlined all this:
4-23 La legion dans la marine classe,
Calcine, Magnes soulphre, & poix bruslera:
Le long repos de lasseuree place,
Port Selyn, Hercle feu les consumera.
Legion in the navy
Lime, Magnesia, Sulphur, and Tar will burn:
A long rest from a safe place
Port of Selin, Hercules the fire will burn them.
Three thousand and " marine class ". How to tie it together? The search begs to be carried out letter by letter. The subject of the search is "marine fleet": « MARINE CLASSE ”, in capital letters, imprinted here is not in vain. Below are the statistical data on their number in the first seven Centuries.
M(177)A(340)R(173)I(62)N(107)E(193) C(242)L(572)A(340)S(301)S(301)E(193). The result is amazing! The sum of all values turned out to be equal to 3001. A legion was formed in the navy. The text used is the 1557 edition (Utrecht). Accuracy, based on my observations and comparisons, is excellent. Only one mistake crept into the text, one extra capital letter.
Was it possible for the Author to set such a condition and implement it? Work, of course, titanic, but quite realizable. So the capital letters of the Centuries must be treated with the utmost care.
magnesia , sulfur – " Cal cine , Mag n es s oulph r e ". These three words have all the constituent letters all for the same " marine class ".
A darkish picture emerges in quatrain 4-30. Nothing but a pole shift The author predicts.
4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,
Tous augmentes & baisses de degre':
Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,
Qu'apres faim peste descouuert le secret.
Eleven more times the moon will not wish the sun,
All rose and fell in degrees:
And they are placed so low that they sew little gold,
That after the famine-plague the secret will be revealed.
The mystical expression “The Moon will not wish the Sun”, taking into account the past allegories of the Author, can mean only one thing: when it wishes, then the Moon and the Sun are together in one quatrain, when it does not wish, then either the Moon without the Sun, or the Sun without the Moon.
If you pay attention to the third line of the quatrain, with the mention of gold, it will become clear in which direction to go further.
Since ancient times, alchemists have identified noble metals with celestial bodies. Gold is the Sun, silver is the Moon. In the Centuries, after quatrain 4-30, the situation with these metals is as follows: “gold” is present in quatrains 4-34, 4-42, 5-19, 5-41, 5-66, 5-69, 6-8, 6- 9 (in this quatrain together with “silver”), 6-49, 7-3, 7-25 (again with “silver”), 7-28, 7-32. Separately, “silver” – “ argent ” – is not mentioned anywhere in quatrains after 4-30.