Книги автора Don Pendleton
Don Pendleton
ужасы / мистика, ужасы, мистика, постапокалипсисThe clandestine operations group known as Stony Man is unbound by rules of procedure and answers only to the Oval Office. Hal Brognola's tea…
The clandestine operations group known as Stony Man is unbound by rules of procedure and answers only to the Oval Office. Hal Brognola's tea…
Don Pendleton
социальная психология, газеты, книги по экономикеSHOCK WAVEMack Bolan is in Turkey to recover millions in stolen medical and relief supplies earmarked for displaced refugees in the civil-wa…
SHOCK WAVEMack Bolan is in Turkey to recover millions in stolen medical and relief supplies earmarked for displaced refugees in the civil-wa…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, саморазвитие / личностный рост, мода и стиль, о психологии популярно, психология отношений, кризис среднего возраста, психическое развитие, женская психология, спорт, здоровье, красота, красотаWhen talks and negotiations stall, when rampant violence goes unchecked, the covert arm of the U.S. Justice Department enters the fray at Pr…
When talks and negotiations stall, when rampant violence goes unchecked, the covert arm of the U.S. Justice Department enters the fray at Pr…
Don Pendleton
магия / колдовство, эзотерика / оккультизм, мистика, мистические триллеры, духовный мир, Путь воина, магия и колдовствоKabul, Afghanistan, remains a front line within a bureaucratic civil war, where spooks, soldiers, fanatics and narcotics collide in profit a…
Kabul, Afghanistan, remains a front line within a bureaucratic civil war, where spooks, soldiers, fanatics and narcotics collide in profit a…
Don Pendleton
учебная литература, естественные науки, математика, начальная школа, обучение счету, задания по математикеROAD TO ARMAGEDDONA call from an old friend sends Mack Bolan to the Congo, armed and ready to extract a young man from cultists calling them…
ROAD TO ARMAGEDDONA call from an old friend sends Mack Bolan to the Congo, armed and ready to extract a young man from cultists calling them…
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, эротика и секс, остросюжетные любовные романы, эротические романы, криминальные мелодрамы, роковая любовь, страсть, превратности любви, любовные авантюры, романтическая эротикаTREACHEROUS CARGOA freighter smuggling nuclear materials from North Korea to Iran should be an easy target for law enforcement. But then the…
TREACHEROUS CARGOA freighter smuggling nuclear materials from North Korea to Iran should be an easy target for law enforcement. But then the…
Don Pendleton
документальная литература, историческая научная и учебная литература, юридическая литература, история права, история России, судебный процесс, история СССР, адвокаты, архивные материалы, исторические документы, политические репрессии, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезноPink. Orange.White. Indigo. In the ruthless and unforgiving world of mercenaries, these are the code names of an elite group of assassins, k…
Pink. Orange.White. Indigo. In the ruthless and unforgiving world of mercenaries, these are the code names of an elite group of assassins, k…
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, научная фантастика, боевая фантастика, космическая фантастика, звездные войны, смертельная опасность, космические приключения, космоопера, вооруженный конфликтA WORLD GONE MADJihad strikes the heart of Indonesia in a vicious terrorist onslaught to seize control of the entire region. The collusion o…
A WORLD GONE MADJihad strikes the heart of Indonesia in a vicious terrorist onslaught to seize control of the entire region. The collusion o…
Don Pendleton
сказки, зарубежные детские книги, семейное чтение, детская классика, поучительные истории, ЛитРес: чтецWhen several German CEOs become victims in deadly accidents and their strategic companies are suddenly bought out, red flags are raised in U…
When several German CEOs become victims in deadly accidents and their strategic companies are suddenly bought out, red flags are raised in U…
Don Pendleton
маркетинг, PR, реклама, о бизнесе популярно, саморазвитие / личностный рост, брендинг, просто о бизнесе, успешный бизнес, бизнес-тренинги, как достичь успехаThe covert anti-terror and security arm of the Oval Office, Stony Man operates in a world of subterfuge and bloodshed. This elite corps of b…
The covert anti-terror and security arm of the Oval Office, Stony Man operates in a world of subterfuge and bloodshed. This elite corps of b…
Don Pendleton
ужасы / мистика, ужасы, мистика, паранормальные явления, жизнь после смерти, зарубежные сериалы, мистические триллеры, хоррор, новеллизация фильма, борьба со зломIn the covert world of clandestine operations, Stony Man is the President's deniable expendable–a ready-reaction force that officially doesn…
In the covert world of clandestine operations, Stony Man is the President's deniable expendable–a ready-reaction force that officially doesn…
Don Pendleton
учебная литература, естественные науки, математика, начальная школа, обучение счету, задания по математикеRogue ThreatWhen the CIA intercepts a coded message that reveals the delivery of nuclear materials to Sudan, the U.S. decides to investiage …
Rogue ThreatWhen the CIA intercepts a coded message that reveals the delivery of nuclear materials to Sudan, the U.S. decides to investiage …
Don Pendleton
подготовка к школе, детская познавательная и развивающая литература, развитие ребенка, игровое обучение, дошкольное обучение, занятия с детьмиStony ManFighting battles few even know exist, the covert officers of Stony Man Farm are the most elite soldiers and cyber techs in the worl…
Stony ManFighting battles few even know exist, the covert officers of Stony Man Farm are the most elite soldiers and cyber techs in the worl…
Don Pendleton
приключения, книги о приключениях, книги для детейThe covert teams of Stony Man Farm battle terrorist threats few know exist. Operating under the President, these elite warriors and cybertec…
The covert teams of Stony Man Farm battle terrorist threats few know exist. Operating under the President, these elite warriors and cybertec…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, попаданцы, боевое фэнтези, геймеры, героическое фэнтези, компьютерные игры, виртуальные миры, квест, виртуальная реальность, магические миры, приключенческое фэнтези, LitRPG / ЛитРПГDirect action is the President's best option when America stands in the crosshairs of terrorism. The covert counterinsurgent team known as S…
Direct action is the President's best option when America stands in the crosshairs of terrorism. The covert counterinsurgent team known as S…
Don Pendleton
приключения, сказки, детские приключения, книги о приключенияхA ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the A…
A ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the A…
Don Pendleton
книги для детей, история для детей, английский язык для детей, short stories, stores in EnglishThe rise of two ironfisted dictators creates a stunning national security threat for the American government: open war with Mexico. The vola…
The rise of two ironfisted dictators creates a stunning national security threat for the American government: open war with Mexico. The vola…
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, современные любовные романы, остросюжетные любовные романы, короткие любовные романыA CIA asset carrying highly classified information disappears when her plane is shot down over Burma. Two paramilitary rescue teams are sent…
A CIA asset carrying highly classified information disappears when her plane is shot down over Burma. Two paramilitary rescue teams are sent…
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, боевая фантастика, морские приключения, морские чудовища, борьба за выживание, фантастический боевик, мутацииU.S. intelligence agencies are picking up chatter about something big coming their way.A series of calculated executions of undercover intel…
U.S. intelligence agencies are picking up chatter about something big coming their way.A series of calculated executions of undercover intel…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, общая психология, социальная психология, практика психологии, практическая психологияDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …