Книги автора Don Pendleton
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, о бизнесе популярно, общая психология, просто о бизнесеDemolition ChargeThe disappearance of two CIA agents in London plus intelligence chatter involving the IRA and access to weapons of mass des…
Demolition ChargeThe disappearance of two CIA agents in London plus intelligence chatter involving the IRA and access to weapons of mass des…
Don Pendleton
The Cold War just got hot again… The old Soviet Bloc espionage games have resumed on a covert and catastrophic new playing fi eld: the U.S. …
The Cold War just got hot again… The old Soviet Bloc espionage games have resumed on a covert and catastrophic new playing fi eld: the U.S. …
Don Pendleton
спорт / фитнес, газеты?A rash of killings among returning American soldiers puts Mack Bolan on the front line of a conspiracy to destabilize the U.S. military at …
?A rash of killings among returning American soldiers puts Mack Bolan on the front line of a conspiracy to destabilize the U.S. military at …
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, о бизнесе популярно, общая психология, просто о бизнесеWhen six U.S. naval officers disappear inexplicably while on leave in Honolulu, Mack Bolan is suspicious.Then an informant emerges from the …
When six U.S. naval officers disappear inexplicably while on leave in Honolulu, Mack Bolan is suspicious.Then an informant emerges from the …
Don Pendleton
A conspiracy deep within China threatens the balance of global power and stability. A rogue major from Chinese Intelligence is a mastermind …
A conspiracy deep within China threatens the balance of global power and stability. A rogue major from Chinese Intelligence is a mastermind …
Don Pendleton
научно-популярная литература, детская познавательная и развивающая литература, развитие кругозора, научные опыты для детей, эрудиция, интересные факты, занимательная наука, занимательная химия, просто о сложном, знания и навыки, книги для почемучекNational security missions requiring stealth, speed and direct action bring Stony Man into play. With a mandate to get the job done, this se…
National security missions requiring stealth, speed and direct action bring Stony Man into play. With a mandate to get the job done, this se…
Don Pendleton
стихи и поэзия, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзияBLOOD BROTHERSThe deadliest, most organized threat ever to homeland security is situated in America's own backyard. A violent, militant arm …
BLOOD BROTHERSThe deadliest, most organized threat ever to homeland security is situated in America's own backyard. A violent, militant arm …
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, книги про волшебников, сказкаWhen California's Mojave Desert becomes the training ground for a homegrown militia group with a deadly scheme to «take back» America, Mack …
When California's Mojave Desert becomes the training ground for a homegrown militia group with a deadly scheme to «take back» America, Mack …
Don Pendleton
мелодрамы, женские истории, женские судьбы, в поисках счастья, легкая проза, сентиментальная прозаMilitary-grade guns are finding their way onto American streets, turning neighborhoods into war zones. And, after three officers and two civ…
Military-grade guns are finding their way onto American streets, turning neighborhoods into war zones. And, after three officers and two civ…
Don Pendleton
зарубежное фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, магия, экранизации, эпическое фэнтези, монстры, невероятные приключения, волшебные миры, NetflixFrank Carella is just doing his job when he makes a horrifying discovery–a major contractor has knowingly supplied substandard armor to the …
Frank Carella is just doing his job when he makes a horrifying discovery–a major contractor has knowingly supplied substandard armor to the …
Don Pendleton
космонавтика, словари, справочники, учебная и научная литература, научно-популярная литература, энциклопедии, зарубежная справочная литература, зарубежная образовательная литература, естественные науки, астрономия, космос, фотоальбомы, развитие кругозора, Вселенная, интересные факты, знания и навыки, космос и вселеннаяDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
Don Pendleton
стихи и поэзия, поэтическая библиотека, современная русская поэзия, лирическая поэзия, поэты-песенники, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзияThe President's fail-safe option when America is threatened is an elite group of cybernetics specialists and battle-hardened commandos who o…
The President's fail-safe option when America is threatened is an elite group of cybernetics specialists and battle-hardened commandos who o…
Don Pendleton
научно-популярная литература, интересные факты, занимательная наука, точка зрения, просто о сложном, знания и навыки, биология и химияA CIA asset carrying highly classified information disappears when her plane is shot down over Burma. Two paramilitary rescue teams are sent…
A CIA asset carrying highly classified information disappears when her plane is shot down over Burma. Two paramilitary rescue teams are sent…
Don Pendleton
космическая фантастика, современная русская литература, космос, освоение космосаCorruption in the Indonesian government reaches new heights when a top-level official sanctions a thriving piracy ring in the region. The pr…
Corruption in the Indonesian government reaches new heights when a top-level official sanctions a thriving piracy ring in the region. The pr…
Don Pendleton
современная русская литератураINTO THE HEARTThe bloody terrain of West Africa is the staging ground for a rescue mission with almost impossible odds. Mack Bolan's directi…
INTO THE HEARTThe bloody terrain of West Africa is the staging ground for a rescue mission with almost impossible odds. Mack Bolan's directi…
Don Pendleton
стихи и поэзияMISFORTUNES OF WARNightwind, the military's best-kept secret, is the most lethal anti-missile aircraft in America's arsenal. Its solid-state…
MISFORTUNES OF WARNightwind, the military's best-kept secret, is the most lethal anti-missile aircraft in America's arsenal. Its solid-state…
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, современные любовные романы, зарубежные любовные романы, проза жизни, превратности судьбы, судьба человека, преодоление проблем, сентиментальные романы?America's elite defense unit works under the radar and outside the law to stop terror before it hits America's streets. But with each new c…
?America's elite defense unit works under the radar and outside the law to stop terror before it hits America's streets. But with each new c…
Don Pendleton
детективы, современные детективы, судебный процесс, расследование преступлений, мошенничество, в поисках истины, юридические детективыBLACK HORIZONThe most dangerous enemies are the unseen, and Mack Bolan's instincts are kicking in, alerting him to a horrific conspiracy so …
BLACK HORIZONThe most dangerous enemies are the unseen, and Mack Bolan's instincts are kicking in, alerting him to a horrific conspiracy so …
Don Pendleton
ужасы / мистика, космическая фантастика, юмористическая фантастика, мистика, роботы, инопланетяне, будущее планеты, сверхъестественные способностиSTONY MANAmerica's elite black ops team Stony Man Farm is dedicated to protecting the innocent. Acting on orders of the President, these sol…
STONY MANAmerica's elite black ops team Stony Man Farm is dedicated to protecting the innocent. Acting on orders of the President, these sol…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, общая психология, социальная психология, практика психологии, практическая психологияDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …