Книги автора Don Pendleton
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, короткие любовные романы, зарубежные приключения, КубаFURY SPIRALThe prolonged conflict between the Irish Republican Army and the Protestant Nationals is escalating beyond Ireland's borders. Now…
FURY SPIRALThe prolonged conflict between the Irish Republican Army and the Protestant Nationals is escalating beyond Ireland's borders. Now…
Don Pendleton
учебная литература, изучение языков, испанский язык, лексический материал, текстовый материал, изучение иностранных языков, учебно-методические материалы, знания и навыки, адаптированный испанский, книги для чтения на испанском языкеJAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
JAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, драконы, любовные интриги, смертельная опасность, магические миры, потеря памяти, романтическое фэнтезиA series of high-profile shootings in Virginia exposes a deadly scavenger hunt with numerous factions competing for the prize. An ex-CIA cry…
A series of high-profile shootings in Virginia exposes a deadly scavenger hunt with numerous factions competing for the prize. An ex-CIA cry…
Don Pendleton
детективы, научная фантастика, триллеры, современная русская литература, современные детективыSHADOW CHASEA high-ranking Chinese official has arranged to defect to the United States and reveal war crimes his country has perpetrated th…
SHADOW CHASEA high-ranking Chinese official has arranged to defect to the United States and reveal war crimes his country has perpetrated th…
Don Pendleton
современная русская литература, болезни сердца, проза жизни, психологические травмы, современная прозаA ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the A…
A ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the A…
Don Pendleton
астрология, карма, знаки зодиака, астрологический прогноз, советы астрологаBAD BLOODA gun battle between rival gangs terrorizes shoppers at a Miami mall, but Mack Bolan knows that cleaning up the mess in Florida is …
BAD BLOODA gun battle between rival gangs terrorizes shoppers at a Miami mall, but Mack Bolan knows that cleaning up the mess in Florida is …
Don Pendleton
публицистическая литература, религия и духовная литература, христианство, публицистика, рецензии, Facebook, социальные сети, общение в Интернете, современная культура, сетевые дневники, христианская этикаA group of American medics and dozens of refugees are held captive after a Janjaweed war band takes control of their camp in Darfur. With th…
A group of American medics and dozens of refugees are held captive after a Janjaweed war band takes control of their camp in Darfur. With th…
Don Pendleton
детская проза, детская литератураMafia MassacreFour deputy U.S. marshals are slaughtered along with the witness they're guarding, a former Mafia member set to testify in New…
Mafia MassacreFour deputy U.S. marshals are slaughtered along with the witness they're guarding, a former Mafia member set to testify in New…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, зарубежное фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, магические миры, эпическое фэнтези, магическое фэнтези, борьба за власть, приключенческое фэнтези, young adult, романтическое фэнтези, мифологическое фэнтезиCRITICAL STRIKEThe President has personally pulled Mack Bolan in on this one–a national security crisis involving the most advanced piece of…
CRITICAL STRIKEThe President has personally pulled Mack Bolan in on this one–a national security crisis involving the most advanced piece of…
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, фэнтези, эротика и секс, остросюжетные любовные романы, любовное фэнтези, эротические рассказы и истории, любовные испытания, сексуальность, чувственность, роман-приключение, романтическая любовьAVENUE OF ATTACKThe disappearance of a tourist in Amsterdam is attributed to a rise in kidnappings of Westerners by terrorists. But those in…
AVENUE OF ATTACKThe disappearance of a tourist in Amsterdam is attributed to a rise in kidnappings of Westerners by terrorists. But those in…
Don Pendleton
триллеры, зарубежные детективы, современные детективы, серийные убийцы, тайны прошлого, психологические детективы, психологические триллеры, загадочная гибель, маньяки, корейские детективыOn the verge of creating a breakthrough peace initiative in the Middle East, Dr. Sharif Mahoud is on the run, hunted by purveyors of terror …
On the verge of creating a breakthrough peace initiative in the Middle East, Dr. Sharif Mahoud is on the run, hunted by purveyors of terror …
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, попаданцы, любовное фэнтези, магические способности, магические миры, любовные приключения, приключенческое фэнтези, романтическое фэнтезиA plot orchestrated to destabilize the Western world has its roots in a mysterious business conglomerate with ties to Chinese conspirators. …
A plot orchestrated to destabilize the Western world has its roots in a mysterious business conglomerate with ties to Chinese conspirators. …
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, короткие любовные романы, любовная магия, любовная прозаBORDER RUNWhen a Mexican national captures the murder of an innocent couple on video, Mack Bolan is tasked with protecting the young man and…
BORDER RUNWhen a Mexican national captures the murder of an innocent couple on video, Mack Bolan is tasked with protecting the young man and…
Don Pendleton
стихи и поэзия, литература 19 века, лирическая поэзия, русский романс, классическая поэзия, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзия, поэтические переводыDispatched on a high-priority search-and-rescue mission, Mack Bolan becomes a moving target in the cold heart of Siberia. He's on a motorcyc…
Dispatched on a high-priority search-and-rescue mission, Mack Bolan becomes a moving target in the cold heart of Siberia. He's on a motorcyc…
Don Pendleton
биографии и мемуары, документальная литература, Великая Отечественная война, журналистика, средства массовой информации, деятели культуры и искусства, советская эпоха, портрет эпохи, иллюстрированное издание, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезно, популярно об историиDANCING WITH THE DEVILAlpha Deep Six. Wet work specialists so covert, they were thought dead. Now this paramilitary group of black ops assas…
DANCING WITH THE DEVILAlpha Deep Six. Wet work specialists so covert, they were thought dead. Now this paramilitary group of black ops assas…
Don Pendleton
русская классика, литература 19 века, русская поэзия, великие поэты, лирическая поэзия, стихи с картинками, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзияDeath floods the streets of Florida as rival gangs kill for blood rights to the distribution of a new synthetic drug, Crocodil. The Russian …
Death floods the streets of Florida as rival gangs kill for blood rights to the distribution of a new synthetic drug, Crocodil. The Russian …
Don Pendleton
классическая проза, литература 19 века, авторский сборник, русская литература, великие русские писателиWarrior StateWhen Emilio Brujillo, governor of Mexico's Guerro state, finds himself under siege by the Juarez cartel, he turns to the U.S. f…
Warrior StateWhen Emilio Brujillo, governor of Mexico's Guerro state, finds himself under siege by the Juarez cartel, he turns to the U.S. f…
Don Pendleton
социальная фантастика, зарубежная фантастика, антиутопия, философская фантастика, психологическая фантастика, семейные тайны, иные миры, young adult, темные тайныNARCO BREAKDOWNThe drug syndicate running the heroin pipeline from the Golden Crescent of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan crosses a line when…
NARCO BREAKDOWNThe drug syndicate running the heroin pipeline from the Golden Crescent of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan crosses a line when…
Don Pendleton
научная фантастика, современная русская литератураHOMEGROWN TERRORSix US Army Rangers pledge allegiance to an Islamic terror group and send their manifesto straight to Washington. Their dead…
HOMEGROWN TERRORSix US Army Rangers pledge allegiance to an Islamic terror group and send their manifesto straight to Washington. Their dead…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, общая психология, социальная психология, практика психологии, практическая психологияDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …