Seismic Surge (Don Pendleton)

Seismic Surge (Don Pendleton)
Автор: Don Pendleton
Жанр: приключениязарубежные приключениякниги о войнесовременная зарубежная литературакниги о приключенияхсерьезное чтениеоб истории серьезно
Язык: Английский
Размер: 385662 Кб
ISBN: 9781472084422
Полная версия:
Описание книги:
A plot orchestrated to destabilize the Western world has its roots in a mysterious business conglomerate with ties to Chinese conspirators. And the established battleground is a volcanic island off the coast of Spain.There, an army of multinational terrorists bound by hate and violence is about to trigger a tsunami that will wash hell across two continents. While Stony Man's cybercrew runs real-time command and control, Phoenix Force and Able Team launch a multipronged ground assault on the corporation behind the planned tidal wave and its ruthless backers.