Книги автора Don Pendleton
Don Pendleton
сказки, литературные сказкиWith a mandate to combat terror, the ultra-covert action team called Stony Man works outside official channels. Elite field commandos operat…
With a mandate to combat terror, the ultra-covert action team called Stony Man works outside official channels. Elite field commandos operat…
Don Pendleton
научная фантастика, социальная фантастика, постапокалипсис, миры будущего, психологическая фантастика, выживание человечестваAn extremist group is launching a full-scale attack to bring death to America's streets. The plan is allout destruction–in malls, schools, s…
An extremist group is launching a full-scale attack to bring death to America's streets. The plan is allout destruction–in malls, schools, s…
Don Pendleton
публицистическая литература, учебная и научная литература, документальная литература, военное дело / спецслужбы, военное дело, гражданская война, биографии военных деятелей, Красная Армия, политические репрессии, серьезное чтение, знания и навыки, об истории серьезноNO MAN'S LANDA missing U.S. nuclear scientist resurfaces as a member of a guerrilla women's rights organization in Pakistan, raising all kin…
NO MAN'S LANDA missing U.S. nuclear scientist resurfaces as a member of a guerrilla women's rights organization in Pakistan, raising all kin…
Don Pendleton
современная русская литература, события, рассказыDeep inside Mexican cartel country, a dirty bomb is making its way north across the U.S. border.The location and eventual destination remain…
Deep inside Mexican cartel country, a dirty bomb is making its way north across the U.S. border.The location and eventual destination remain…
Don Pendleton
ужасы, мистика, young adultJAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
JAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
Don Pendleton
сказки, детские приключения, детские стихи, сказки в стихах, русские сказкиDEATH SPIRALA ten-year-old mass execution in Bosnia has suddenly resurfaced to haunt the perpetrators. Members of an association of business…
DEATH SPIRALA ten-year-old mass execution in Bosnia has suddenly resurfaced to haunt the perpetrators. Members of an association of business…
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, боевая фантастика, попаданцы, альтернативная реальность, смертельная опасность, иные мирыDORMANT DEATHFormed in the wake of World War I, a renegade secret society has never lost sight of its goal to eradicate the «lesser races» a…
DORMANT DEATHFormed in the wake of World War I, a renegade secret society has never lost sight of its goal to eradicate the «lesser races» a…
Don Pendleton
подготовка к школе, детская познавательная и развивающая литература, развитие ребенка, игровое обучение, дошкольное обучение, занятия с детьмиThe discovery of deadly biological poisons and mass slaughter at an archaeological dig in Egypt puts a previously hidden enemy in Bolan's cr…
The discovery of deadly biological poisons and mass slaughter at an archaeological dig in Egypt puts a previously hidden enemy in Bolan's cr…
Don Pendleton
приключения, современная русская литература, книги о приключенияхA jungle ambush leaves several Indonesian security forces dead, setting off a political firestorm in the volatile region. When a disgraced f…
A jungle ambush leaves several Indonesian security forces dead, setting off a political firestorm in the volatile region. When a disgraced f…
Don Pendleton
малый и средний бизнес, газеты, политология, книги по экономикеBLOWBACKMack Bolan's mission takes him to Bogot , Colombia, where an American corporation has been practicing bad business for nearly two de…
BLOWBACKMack Bolan's mission takes him to Bogot , Colombia, where an American corporation has been practicing bad business for nearly two de…
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, боевая фантастика, космическая фантастика, попаданцы, параллельные миры, демоны, космические приключения, борьба за выживание, сверхспособности, опасные приключенияBlood ResolveAmerica is under attack from within. Using violence and destruction to throw the population into a panic, a group known as The …
Blood ResolveAmerica is under attack from within. Using violence and destruction to throw the population into a panic, a group known as The …
Don Pendleton
ужасы / мистика, ужасы, мистика, сборник рассказов, потустороннее, страх, мистическая проза, хоррорA covert airdrop lands Mack Bolan inside the brutal northern Pakistan border territory. From deep within a terrorist cell an informant has l…
A covert airdrop lands Mack Bolan inside the brutal northern Pakistan border territory. From deep within a terrorist cell an informant has l…
Don Pendleton
саморазвитие / личностный рост, психология личности, истории из жизни, женское счастье, как стать успешным, как обрести счастье, секс и отношения, любовь и отношенияOn the streets of a democratic Russia, espionage, civil war and Mafiya control dominate a new kind of battlefield. Bolan's mission: locate, …
On the streets of a democratic Russia, espionage, civil war and Mafiya control dominate a new kind of battlefield. Bolan's mission: locate, …
Don Pendleton
приключения, детективы, современная русская литература, современные детективы, книги о приключенияхFor a group of fundamentalist extremists, stealing a shipment of weapons-grade plutonium from Pakistan was almost too easy. Now they have ev…
For a group of fundamentalist extremists, stealing a shipment of weapons-grade plutonium from Pakistan was almost too easy. Now they have ev…
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, боевая фантастика, космическая фантастика, социальная фантастика, спецслужбы, авантюрные приключения, становление героя, остросюжетная фантастикаDEADLY BLOWBACKTwo high-ranking American customs officials are murdered at a luxury Mexican resort, and the rare artifact they were investig…
DEADLY BLOWBACKTwo high-ranking American customs officials are murdered at a luxury Mexican resort, and the rare artifact they were investig…
Don Pendleton
школьные учебники, учебная и научная литература, учебники 2 класс, рабочие тетради / прописи, математика 2 класс, начальная школа, обучение счету, задания по математике, знания и навыкиBold new threats put America's elite counterterrorist unit Stony Man on the front lines of a war in which fanatics pursue twisted ideology a…
Bold new threats put America's elite counterterrorist unit Stony Man on the front lines of a war in which fanatics pursue twisted ideology a…
Don Pendleton
историческая фантастика, социальная фантастика, историческое фэнтези, российская фантастика, авантюрная фантастика, фантастический боевик, странная фантастика / weird fictionMASTERMIND OF TERRORFor more than a century the world's most famous serial killer case has remained unsolved. Now, on the streets of London,…
MASTERMIND OF TERRORFor more than a century the world's most famous serial killer case has remained unsolved. Now, on the streets of London,…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, боевое фэнтези, магические миры, опасные приключения, борьба со зломHidden deep within the U.S. government, one special operations group is America's best chance to combat strategic terror.Covert, uncensored …
Hidden deep within the U.S. government, one special operations group is America's best chance to combat strategic terror.Covert, uncensored …
Don Pendleton
периодические издания, газеты, общественно-политическая жизньAs long as the forces of terror and corruption strike hard across the globe, the operatives of Stony Man will stand their ground. The brilli…
As long as the forces of terror and corruption strike hard across the globe, the operatives of Stony Man will stand their ground. The brilli…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, общая психология, социальная психология, практика психологии, практическая психологияDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …