Книги автора Don Pendleton
Don Pendleton
приключения, современная русская литература, книги о приключенияхBe Just or Be DeadWhen a paid assassin starts killing innocent people, it's time to take him out. But while eliminating one killer, Mack Bol…
Be Just or Be DeadWhen a paid assassin starts killing innocent people, it's time to take him out. But while eliminating one killer, Mack Bol…
Don Pendleton
клиническая психология, психиатрия, о психологии популярно, клиническая медицина, развитие психики, состояния и явления психики, здоровье, психотерапия, популярно о медицинеMack Bolan is on a covert mission in Afghanistan when the body of an American soldier goes missing following an ambush. Bolan is determined …
Mack Bolan is on a covert mission in Afghanistan when the body of an American soldier goes missing following an ambush. Bolan is determined …
Don Pendleton
публицистическая литература, русская классика, публицистика, ЛитРес: чтецStony Man is the last line of defence in a new age of terror. The covert ops teams that make up the clandestine antiterrorist group are the …
Stony Man is the last line of defence in a new age of terror. The covert ops teams that make up the clandestine antiterrorist group are the …
Don Pendleton
эротика и секс, эротические романы, эротическая литература, эротические рассказы и истории, эротика, секс, врачебный роман, БДСМ (BDSM), врачебные историиHoliday travel turns deadly after a group of Middle Eastern freedom fighters escapes from Camp X-Ray and declares the U.S. their number one …
Holiday travel turns deadly after a group of Middle Eastern freedom fighters escapes from Camp X-Ray and declares the U.S. their number one …
Don Pendleton
приключения, современная русская литература, книги о приключенияхAn undercover Seattle cop is in hot water after discovering that a U.S. senator and a Russian mob boss are in business together. But with hi…
An undercover Seattle cop is in hot water after discovering that a U.S. senator and a Russian mob boss are in business together. But with hi…
Don Pendleton
любовные романы, современные любовные романы, короткие любовные романы, книги о любви, любовные испытания, романтические истории, противостояние, ЛитРес: чтец, молодежные романыWhen a U.S. Marshal goes missing in New Orleans, Mack Bolan sets out on a search-and-rescue mission and is thrown into an intricate web of c…
When a U.S. Marshal goes missing in New Orleans, Mack Bolan sets out on a search-and-rescue mission and is thrown into an intricate web of c…
Don Pendleton
публицистическая литература, публицистика, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезно, популярно об историиCorruption in the Indonesian government reaches new heights when a top-level official sanctions a thriving piracy ring in the region. The pr…
Corruption in the Indonesian government reaches new heights when a top-level official sanctions a thriving piracy ring in the region. The pr…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, превратности судьбы, сила любви, ЛитРес: чтец, романтическое фэнтезиCLASSIFIED ANNIHILATIONAcross the globe, undercover U.S. military missions are compromised when double agents begin identifying and killing …
CLASSIFIED ANNIHILATIONAcross the globe, undercover U.S. military missions are compromised when double agents begin identifying and killing …
Don Pendleton
CLASSIFIED ANNIHILATIONAcross the globe, undercover U.S. military missions are compromised when double agents begin identifying and killing …
CLASSIFIED ANNIHILATIONAcross the globe, undercover U.S. military missions are compromised when double agents begin identifying and killing …
Don Pendleton
школьные учебники, учебная и научная литература, школьные методические пособия, ЕГЭ по информатике и ИКТ, экзамен по информатике, задания по информатике, учебники по информатике, информатика, знания и навыкиThe Stony Man team of special operators stands ready to go into ultra-covert action whenever the President needs a specific brand of below-t…
The Stony Man team of special operators stands ready to go into ultra-covert action whenever the President needs a specific brand of below-t…
Don Pendleton
публицистическая литература, биографии и мемуары, документальная литература, русская классика, литература 20 века, публицистика, автобиографическая проза, записки путешественников, политические деятели, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезноA bloodbath aboard a celebrity-packed yacht leaves the daughter of a high-ranking politician dead. Going undercover as a DEA official, Mack …
A bloodbath aboard a celebrity-packed yacht leaves the daughter of a high-ranking politician dead. Going undercover as a DEA official, Mack …
Don Pendleton
боевики, остросюжетная литература, боевая фантастика, героическая фантастика, смертельная опасность, становление героя, борьба за выживание, жестокость, LitRPG / ЛитРПГ, иные мирыHIDE AND SEEKTerrorists have hidden a massive bomb in Detroit, but the White House and local police have no idea when and where it's going t…
HIDE AND SEEKTerrorists have hidden a massive bomb in Detroit, but the White House and local police have no idea when and where it's going t…
Don Pendleton
HIDE AND SEEKTerrorists have hidden a massive bomb in Detroit, but the White House and local police have no idea when and where it's going t…
HIDE AND SEEKTerrorists have hidden a massive bomb in Detroit, but the White House and local police have no idea when and where it's going t…
Don Pendleton
газеты, политология, общая историяThe search for a missing virologist leads Mack Bolan to a cult with a horrific agenda. An order of monks has emerged as a new force of unpre…
The search for a missing virologist leads Mack Bolan to a cult with a horrific agenda. An order of monks has emerged as a new force of unpre…
Don Pendleton
религия и духовная литература, эзотерика / оккультизм, саморазвитие / личностный рост, духовная литератураNational security missions requiring stealth, speed and direct action bring Stony Man into play. With a mandate to get the job done, this se…
National security missions requiring stealth, speed and direct action bring Stony Man into play. With a mandate to get the job done, this se…
Don Pendleton
зарубежная классика, литература 20 века, изучение языков, немецкий язык, лексический материал, текстовый материал, авторские методики, немецкая классика, метод комментированного чтения, адаптированный немецкий, знания и навыки, книги для чтения на немецком языкеWhenever duty calls, America's most elite black ops and cyber tech group is ready to deploy. Stony Man Farm acts under orders from the Presi…
Whenever duty calls, America's most elite black ops and cyber tech group is ready to deploy. Stony Man Farm acts under orders from the Presi…
Don Pendleton
маркетинг, PR, реклама, экономика, гуманитарные и общественные науки, маркетинговые исследования и анализ, экономическое развитиеJAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
JAWS OF DEATHIndia is a country whose history is written in blood, and its legacy is cities teeming with human misery and vultures profiting…
Don Pendleton
научно-популярная литература, детская познавательная и развивающая литература, головоломки, фокусы, научные опыты для детей, эрудиция, занимательная наука, иллюстрированное издание, знания и навыкиA raid on Korean gang activity in California takes a dangerous turn into a world crisis, when Mack Bolan uncovers intelligence involving Nor…
A raid on Korean gang activity in California takes a dangerous turn into a world crisis, when Mack Bolan uncovers intelligence involving Nor…
Don Pendleton
фэнтези, современная русская литература, русское фэнтези, русский фольклор, сказки-притчи, сказки для взрослых, этническое фэнтезиThe disappearance of an American journalist in Dubai raises red flags in Washington's covert sectors. The man was a deep cover CIA agent tra…
The disappearance of an American journalist in Dubai raises red flags in Washington's covert sectors. The man was a deep cover CIA agent tra…
Don Pendleton
книги по психологии, общая психология, социальная психология, практика психологии, практическая психологияDAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …
DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well …