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anneallusadj unintelligent

annedwyddadj unhappy, miserable

annedwyddwchnm unhappiness

annedd (anheddau) nf dwelling

anneddfoladj lawless

annefnyddioladj useless; immaterial

annel (anelau) nfm trap; purpose, aim

annelwigadj shapeless, unformed; vague

anner (aneirod, -i, -au) nf heifer

annerbynioladj unacceptable

annerchvb to salute, to greet, to address ▶ nm (anerchion) salutation, greeting

annewisoladj ineligible, undesirable, unwelcome

annhebygadj unlike, dissimilar

annhebygoladj unlikely, improbable

annhebygolrwyddnm improbability

annhebygrwyddnm unlikeness, unlikelihood

annhegadj unfair

annhegwchnm unfairness

annheilwngadj unworthy

annheilyngdodnm unworthiness

annherfynoladj endless; infinitive, infinite

annhirionadj cruel

annhosturioladj pitiless, ruthless

annhueddnf disinclination

annhueddoladj disinclined, indisposed

annibenadj untidy, slovenly

annibendodnm untidiness

annibyniaethnf independence

annibynnoladj independent

Annibynnwr (-wyr) nm Independent

annichellgaradj guileless, simple

annichon, annichonadwyadj impossible

anniddanadj comfortless, miserable

anniddigadj peevish, irritable, fretful

anniddigrwyddnm peevishness

anniddosadj leaky, comfortless

annifeirioladj innumerable, countless

anniflanedigadj unfading, imperishable

annifyradj miserable, wretched

annifyrrwchnm misery

anniffoddadwyadj unquenchable

annigoneddnm insufficiency

annigonoladj insufficient, inadequate

annigonolrwyddnm inadequacy

annileadwyadj indelible, ineffaceable

annilysadj unauthentic, spurious, insincere

annillynadj inelegant, clumsy

annioddefoladj unbearable, intolerable

anniogeladj unsafe, insecure

anniolchgaradj unthankful, ungrateful

anniolchgarwchnm ingratitude

annirnadwyadj incomprehensible

annisgrifiadwyadj indescribable

annisgwyliadwyadj unexpected

anniwairadj unchaste, incontinent, lewd

anniwalladj insatiable

anniweirdebnm unchastity, incontinence

anniwylliedigadj uncultured

annoethadj unwise, imprudent

annoethinebnm unwisdom, folly

annogvb to incite, to urge; to exhort

annormaladj abnormal

annosvb to incite, to set (a dog) on

annosbarthusadj unruly, disorderly

annuw, annuwiad (annuwiaid) nm atheist

annuwiaethnf atheism

annuwioladj ungodly, godless

annuwioldebnm ungodliness

annwn, annwfnnm the underworld; hell

annwyd (anwydau, -on) nm cold

annwyladj dear, beloved

annyledusadj undue, wrongful

annymunoladj unpleasant, disagreeable

annynoladj inhuman, cruel

annysgedigadj unlearned

anobaithnm despair

anobeithiovb to despair

anobeithioladj hopeless

anochel, anocheladwyadj unavoidable, inevitable

anoddadj hard, difficult

anoddefgaradj impatient, intolerant

anogaeth (-au) nf exhortation

anolrheinadwyadj untraceable

anolygusadj unsightly

anonestadj dishonest

anonestrwyddnm dishonesty

anorchfygoladj irresistible; unconquerable

anorecsigadj anorexic

anorfodadj insuperable; unavoidable

anorffenadj endless, unending

anorffenedigadj incomplete, unfinished

anorthrechadj invincible

anrasoladj graceless

anrhaith (-rheithiau) nf prey, spoil, booty

anrheg (-ion) nf present, gift

anrheguvb to present, to give

anrheithiovb to prey, to spoil, to plunder

anrheithiwr (-wyr) nm spoiler, pillager

anrhydedd (-au) nm honour

anrhydedduvb to honour