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arweinyddiaethnf leadership

arwerthiant (-iannau) nm auction

arwerthuvb to sell by auction

arwerthwr (-wyr) nm auctioneer

arwisgiadnm investiture

arwisgovb to enrobe, to array, to invest

arwr (-wyr) nm hero

arwraiddadj heroic, epic

arwres (-au) nf heroine

arwrgerdd (-i) nf epic poem

arwriaethnf heroism

arwroladj heroic, gallant

arwybodnm awareness

arwydd (-ion) nmf sign, signal; ensign; arwydd ffordd road sign

arwyddair (-eiriau) nm motto

arwyddbostnm signpost

arwyddlun (-iau) nm emblem, symbol

arwyddlunioladj emblematic, symbolic

arwyddnod (-au) nm mark, token

arwyddovb to sign; to signify

arwyddocâdnm signification, significance

arwyddocaoladj significant

arwyddocáuvb to signify, to denote

arwyl (-ion) nf funeral, funeral rites

arwylovb to mourn over the dead

arwynebeddnm surface, superficies

arwyneboladj superficial

arwyrainnmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol

arwystlnm mortgage

arwystlovb to pledge, to mortgage

arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph

asb (-iaid) nf asp

asbrinm animation, vivacity, spirits

asednm asset

aseiniad (-au) nm assignment

asen1 (-nau) nf rib

asen2 (-nod) nf she-ass

asesiadnm:asesiad parhaus continuous assessment

asesuvb to assess; asesu parhaus continuous assessment

asethnf stake, spar, lath

asgell (esgyll) nf wing, fin; asgell fraith chaffinch

asgellogadj winged

asgellwr (-wyr) nm wing, outside-forward

asglod, asglodionnpl chips

asgrenf bosom, heart

asgwrn (esgyrn) nm bone

Asianf Asia

Asiad (Asiaid) nm Asian

asiad (-au) nm joint, weld

Asiaiddadj Asian

asiant (-au) nm agent

asiantaethnf agency

asidnm acid

asidigadj acidic

asiedyddnm joiner

asiovb to join, to weld; to solder; to cement

astell (astyllod, estyll) nf plank, shelf

astrolegnf astrology

astrusadj abstruse, difficult

astudadj attentive

astudiaeth (-au) nf study; astudiaethau cyfrifiadurol computer studies

astudiovb to study

astudrwyddnm attentiveness

aswyadj left

asyn (-nod) nm he-ass

asynnaiddadj asinine

atprep to, towards; for; at; by

atafaeliadnm confiscation, distraint

atafaeluvb to confiscate

atalvb to stop, to hinder, to withhold ▶ nm (-ion) hindrance, impediment; atal dweud stammering

ataleb (-au) nf injunction

atalfa (-feydd) nf check; stoppage

ataliad (-au) nm stoppage

atalioladj preventive

atalnod (-au) nf stop, point

atalnodivb to point, to punctuate

atblygoladj reflexive

atebvb to answer, to reply ▶ nm (-ion) answer

ateboladj answerable, responsible

ateg (-ion) nf prop, stay, support

ategiad (-au) nm affirmation

ategoladj confirming; auxiliary

ateguvb to support

atgasadj odious, hateful

atgaseddnm hatred

atgasrwyddnm odiousness, hatefulness

atgenhedliadnm regeneration

atgenhedluvb to regenerate

atgno (-oeau, -oeon) nm remorse

atgof (-ion) nm remembrance, reminiscence

atgofiovb to recollect, to remember, to remind

atgofusadj reminiscent

atgoffavb to recall, to remind

atgyfnerthionnpl reinforcements

atgyfnerthuvb to reinforce

atgyfodivb to rise, to raise again

atgyfodiadnm resurrection

atgynhyrchuvb to reproduce

atgyweiriad (-au) nm repair

atgyweiriovb to repair, to mend