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bolgi (-gwn) nm gourmand, glutton

bolheulovb to bask in the sun

boliovb to belly, to gorge

boliogadj big-bellied, corpulent

bolochnm pain, anxiety, destruction

bolrwthadj gluttonous, greedy

bolrwymadj costive, constipated

bolsothach, bolysothachnm hotchpotch; jargon

bolwstnfm gripes, colic

bollt (-au, -ydd, byllt) nf bolt

bom (-iau) nmf bomb

bomiovb to bomb

bomiwr (-wyr) nm bomber; bomiwr hunanleiddiol suicide bomber

bôn (bonau, bonion) nm bottom; stump; yn y bôn basically

boncath (-od) nm buzzard

bonclust (-iau) nm box on the ear

boncyff (-ion) nm stump, trunk, stock

bondigrybwylladv forsooth ▶ adj hardly mentionable

bondonm eaves

boneddnm gentility, nobility

boneddigaiddadj noble; gentlemanly

boneddigeiddrwyddnm gentlemanliness

boneddiges (-au) nf lady

bonesignf lady; Miss

bonet (-i) nf bonnet

bonheddigadj noble, gentle, gentlemanly

bonheddwr (-wyr) nm gentleman

bonllef (-au) nf shout

bonllwmadj bare-bottomed; bare-backed

Bonnnf Bonn

bonyn (bonion) nm stump

bord (-ydd, -au) nf table, board

bordhwyliovb to windsurf

bore (-au) nm morning ▶ adj early

boreddyddnm day-break, morning

borefwydnm breakfast

boreoladj morning

borsnf hernia

bosnf palm of the hand, fist

Bosnianf Bosnia

bost (-iau) nm boast, brag

bostiovb to boast, to brag

botas, en (-asau) nf boot

botwm (-ymau) nm button

botymogadj buttoned

botymuvb to button

both (-au) nf nave of wheel; boss

bowliovb to bowl

bracadj free, frank, talkative

bracsovb to wade, to paddle

bracty (-tai) nm malt-house, brewery

brad (-au) nm treason; plot

bradfwriaduvb to plot, to conspire

bradlofrudd (-ion) nm assassin

bradlofruddiaeth (-au) nf assassination

bradlofruddiovb to assassinate

bradwr (-wyr) nm traitor

bradwriaeth (-au) nf treason, treachery

bradwrusadj traitorous, treacherous

bradychuvb to betray

braenadj rotten, corrupt

braenar (-au) nm fallow

braenaruvb to fallow, to pioneer

braenuvb to rot, to putrify

brafadj fine

bragnm malt

bragadnf army, battle; offspring

bragaldianvb to jabber, to gabble, to prate

bragiovb to brag, to boast

bragiwr (-wyr) nm bragger, boaster

braguvb to malt, to brew

bragwairnm moorland hay, coarse grass

bragwr (-wyr) nm maltster, brewer

braich (breichiau) nf arm; branch, handle; headland

braiddadv rather, somewhat

braint (breintiau) nf privilege

braisgadj gross, thick, large; pregnant

braithadj f ofbrith

brân (brain) nf crow, rook, raven

bras (breision) adj fat; coarse; rich; luxuriant

brasáuvb to grow fat or gross

brasbwythovb to baste, to tack

brasgamuvb to stride

Brasilnf Brazil

braslun (-iau) nm sketch, outline

braslun bywydnm curriculum vitae

brasluniovb to sketch, to outline

brasnadduvb to rough-hew

brasternm fat

brasterogadj fat, greasy

brat (-iau) nm rag, clout; pinafore

bratiaithnf debased language

bratiogadj ragged, tattered

brath (-au) nm stab, wound; sting; bite

brathogadj that bites; biting

brathuvb to stab, to wound; to sting; to bite

brauadj brittle, frail, fragile; kindly; prompt

braw (-iau) nm terror, dread, fright

brawd1 (brodyr) nm brother; friar; brawd yng nghyfraith brother-in-law

brawd2 (brodiau) nf judgment