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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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atgyweiriwr (-wyr) nm repairer, mender

atig (-au) nmf attic

Atlantaiddadj Atlantic

Atlantigadj Atlantic

atodivb to add, to append, to affix

atodiad (-au) nm addition, appendix

atodlen (-ni) nf supplement; schedule

atodoladj supplementary

atolwg, atolyguvb to pray, to beseech

atom (-au) nfm atom

atomfa (-feydd) nf nuclear power station

atomigadj atomic

atsain (-seiniau) nf echo

atseiniovb to resound, to echo

atwf (atyfion) nm second growth

atyniad (-au) nm attraction

atyniadoladj attractive

atynnuvb to attract

Athennf Athens

athletaunpl athletics

athrawes (-au) nf teacher, governess

athrawiaeth (-au) nf doctrine

athrawiaetholadj doctrinal

athristadj very sad, pensive, sorrowful

athro (athrawon) nm teacher, master

athrod (-ion) nm slander, libel

athrodwr (-wyr) nm slanderer, libeller

athrofa (-feydd) nf college, academy, institute

athrofaoladj academic

athroniaethnf philosophy

athronydd (-ion, -wyr) nm philosopher

athronyddoladj philosophical

athronydduvb to philosophize

athrylith (-oedd) nf genius

athrylithgaradj of genius, talented

athrywynnm mediation, intervention ▶ vb to mediate, to arbitrate

aurnm gold

awchnm edge; ardour, zest; relish, appetite

awchlymadj sharp, keen, acute

awchlymuvb to sharpen, to whet

awchusadj sharp, keen; eager; greedy

awdl (-au, odlau) nf ode

awdur (-on, -iaid) nm author

awdurdod (-au) nmf authority

awdurdodedigadj authorised

awdurdodivb to authorize

awdurdodoladj authoritative

awdures (-au) nf authoress

awduriaethnf authorship

awel (-on) nf breeze, wind

awelogadj breezy, windy

awen1 (-au) nf muse

awen2 (-au) nf rein

awenydd (-ion) nm poet

awenyddiaethnf poetry, poesy

awenyddoladj poetical

awenydduvb to poetize

awgrym (-au, -iadau) nm hint, suggestion

awgrymiadoladj suggestive

awgrymogadj suggestive

awgrymuvb to hint, to suggest

awr (oriau) nf hour; oriau hamdden spare time, leisure; oriau hyblyg flexitime; oriau ychwanegol overtime

Awstnm August

Awstralianf Australia

Awstrianf Austria

awtistigadj autistic

awydd (-au) nm desire, eagerness

awyddfrydnm vehement desire, zeal

awydduvb to desire

awyddusadj desirous, eager, zealous

awyrnf air, sky

awyrdrom (-au) nf aerodrome

awyren (-nau, -ni) nf balloon, aeroplane

awyrendy (-dai) nm hangar

awyrgylch (-au, -oedd) nmf atmosphere

awyriadnm ventilation

awyrlong (-au) nf airship

awyruvb to air, to ventilate

b (#)

baban (-od) adj baby

babanaiddadj babyish

babandodnm babyhood, infancy

babinm baby

bacas (bacs(i)au) nf footless stocking; hair on horse’s fetlocks

baconm tobacco

bacwnnm bacon

bach1 (-au) nm hook; bachau petryal square brackets

bach2adj little, small

bachell (-au, -ion) nf nook, corner; snare

bachgen (bechgyn) nm boy

bachgendodnm boyhood

bachgennaiddadj boyish

bachgennyn (bechgynnos) nm little boy

bachigyn (bachigion) nm little bit, diminutive

bachogadj hooked

bachuvb to hook, to grapple

bachwr (-wyr) nm hooker (in rugby)

bad (-au) nm boat; bad achub lifeboat

badwr (-wyr) nm boatman

badd (-au), baddon (-au) nm bath