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anrhydeddusadj honourable

anrhydeddwr (-wyr) nm honourer

ansadadj unsteady, unstable

ansadrwyddnm instability

ansafadwyadj unstable; fickle

ansathredigadj untrodden, unfrequented

ansawdd (-soddau) nfm quality, state

ansefydlogadj unsettled, unstable; fickle

ansefydlogivb to unsettle

ansicradj uncertain, doubtful

ansicrwyddnm uncertainty, doubt

ansoddair (-eiriau) nm adjective

ansoddeirioladj adjectival

ansyberadj untidy, slovenly

Antarctignf; yr Antarctig the Antarctic

anterliwt (-iau) nfm interlude

anterthnm meridian, zenith, prime

antur (-iau) nfm attempt, venture; adventure; enterprise; ar antur at random

anturiaeth (-au) nf adventure, enterprise

anturiaethusadj adventurous, enterprising

anturiaethwr (-wyr) nm adventurer

anturiovb to venture, to adventure

anturusadj adventurous

anthem (-au) nf anthem

anudon (-au) nm false oath, perjury

anudoniaethnf perjury

anudonwr (-wyr) nm perjurer

anufuddadj disobedient

anufudd-dodnm disobedience

anufuddhauvb to disobey

anundebnm disunion

anunionadj crooked; unjust

anuniondebnm injustice, iniquity

anurddovb to spoil, to mar, to disfigure

anwadaladj unstable, fickle, changeable

anwadaluvb to waver, to vacillate

anwadalwchnm fickleness

anwaradj wild, barbarous, savage

anwaraiddadj uncivilized, barbarous

anwarddyn (-wariaid) nm barbarian, savage

anwareidd-dranm barbarity

anwastadadj uneven, unstable, fickle

anwe (-oedd) nf woof

anweddnm vapour, steam

anweddaiddadj unseemly, indecent

anweddusadj improper, indecent

anweledigadj unseen, invisible

anwesnm indulgence; caress

anwesogadj pampered, affectionate

anwesuvb to fondle, to caress, to pamper, to indulge

anwiradj untrue, lying, false; wicked

anwiredd (-au) nm untruth; iniquity

anwiredduvb to falsify

anwireddusadj untruthful, false, lying

anwr (-wyr) nm wretch, coward

anwybodnm ignorance

anwybodaethnf ignorance

anwybodusadj ignorant

anwybydduvb to ignore

anwydogadj cold, chilly; having a cold

anwydwstnf influenza

anwyldebnm belovedness, dearness

anwyliaidnpl beloved ones, favourites

anwylovb to cherish, to fondle, to caress

anwylyd (-liaid) nm beloved

anwylynnm favourite

anwythiadnm induction

anwythovb to induce

anwytholadj inductive

anymarferoladj impractical, impracticable

anymddiriedvb to mistrust, to distrust

anymwybodoladj unconscious

anymwybyddiaethnf unconsciousness

anynadadj peevish, petulant; brawling

anysgrifenedigadj unwritten

anysgrythuroladj unscriptural

anystwythadj stiff, rigid

anystwythovb to stiffen

anystyriaethnf heedlessness, rashness

anystyrioladj heedless, reckless, rash

anystywallt, anystywelladj unmanageable

apeliovb to appeal

apostol (-ion) nm apostle

apostolaidd, apostoligadj apostolic

apostoliaethnf apostleship

apwyntiad (-au) nm appointment

apwyntiovb to appoint

arprep on, upon, over; ar gau closed

ârnm ploughed land, tilth; ground

Arab (-iaid) nm Arab

arabadj facetious, merry, pleasant

Arabaiddadj Arab

arabeddnm facetiousness, wit

Arabegnf Arabic

arabusadj witty

aradr (erydr) nm plough

arafadj slow, soft, gentle, still

arafuvb to slow; to quiet; to moderate

arafwchnm slowness; moderation

arailvb to guard, to care for, to foster ▶ adj attending, careful