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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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amneidiovb to beckon, to nod

amnest (-au) nm amnesty

amod (-au) nmf condition

amodivb to covenant, to stipulate

amodoladj conditional

amp (-au) nm amp

amrant (-au, -rannau) nm eyelid

amrantiadnm wink, twinkling, second

amrediadnm range

amreinioladj not privileged

amrwdadj uncooked, raw, crude

amryddawnadj versatile

amryfaladj sundry, manifold

amryfusadj erroneous, inadvertent

amryfusedd (-au) nm error, oversight

amryliwadj variegated; multicoloured

amrywadj several, sundry, various

amrywiad (-au) nm variant

amrywiaethnm variety, diversity

amrywiovb to vary, to differ

amrywioladj sundry

amser (-oedd, -au) nmf time; amser sbâr spare time

amseriad (-au) nm timing, dating, date

amserlen (-ni) nf time-table

amseroladj timely; temporal

amseruvb to time, to date

amserydd (-ion) nm chronologist

amseryddiaethnf chronology

amseryddoladj chronological

amwisg (-oedd) nf covering, shroud

amwisgovb to enwrap, to shroud

amwysadj ambiguous

amwyseddnm ambiguity

amynconj, prep unless, except, but

amyneddnm patience

amyneddgaradj patient

an-prefix un-, in-, de-, dis-

anabladj disabled

anableddnm disability

anadadj:yn anad above all, more than

anadferadwyadj irreparable

anadl (-au, -on) nfm breath

anadliadnm breath, breathing

anadluvb to breathe

anadlydd (-ion) nm inhaler

anadnabyddusadj unknown

anaddasadj unfit, unsuitable

anaddasuvb to unfit, to disqualify

anaeddfed, anaddfedadj unripe, immature

anaeddfedrwyddnm unripeness, immaturity

anaeleadj awful, direful; incurable

anaesthetigadj anaesthetic

anaf (-au) nm blemish, defect; wound

anafuvb to blemish, to maim, to hurt

anafusadj maimed, disabled

anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander

anallunm inability

analluogadj unable

analluogivb to disable

anamladj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom

anamlwgadj obscure, inconspicuous

anamseroladj untimely, mistimed

anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap

anarchiaethnfm anarchy

anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist

anarferoladj unusual, extraordinary

anarfogadj unarmed

ancrnmf anchorite, anchoress

ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy

anchwiliadwyadj unsearchable

andrasnm curse; devil, deuce

andwyovb to spoil, to ruin, to undo

andwyoladj harmful, ruinous

anedifeirioladj impenitent

aneffeithioladj ineffectual

anegluradj indistinct; illegible

aneirifadj innumerable

aneluvb to bend, to aim

anenwogadj unrenowned, ignoble, mean

anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address

anesboniadwyadj inexplicable

anesgusodoladj inexcusable

anesmwythadj uneasy, restless

anesmwythder, anesmwythdranm uneasiness, unrest

anesmwythovb to be or make uneasy

anesmwythydnm uneasiness, disquiet

anewyllysgaradj unwilling

anfadadj wicked, nefarious

anfadrwyddnm wickedness, villainy

anfadwaithnm villainy; crime

anfadwr (-wyr) nm villain, scoundrel

anfaddeugaradj unforgiving

anfaddeuoladj unpardonable

anfantais (-eision) nf disadvantage

anfanteisioladj disadvantageous

anfarwoladj undying, immortal

anfarwoldebnm immortality

anfedrusadj unskilful

anfedrusrwyddnm unskilfulness

anfeidroladj infinite