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am1prep round, about; for; at; on ▶ conj for, because; so long as


amaethnm husbandman; agriculture

amaethdy (-dai) nm farm-house

amaethuvb to farm, to till

amaethwr (-wyr) nm farmer

amaethwraignf farm-wife

amaethyddiaethnf agriculture

amaethyddoladj agricultural

amarchnm disrespect, dishonour

amauvb to doubt, to suspect ▶ nm (-heuon) doubt

ambelladj occasional; ambell waith sometimes

amcan (-ion) nm purpose, aim; guess; ar amcan at random, approximately, at a guess

amcangyfrifvb to estimate ▶ nm (-on) estimate

amcanuvb to purpose; to aim; to guess

amdo (-oeau) nm shroud, winding-sheet

amdoivb to shroud, to enshroud

amdorch (-dyrch) nf chaplet, wreath

amddifadadj destitute, orphan

amddifadrwyddnm destitution, privation

amddifaduvb to bereave, to deprive

amddifaty (-tai) nm orphanage

amddifedinm destitution, privation

amddiffynvb to defend, to protect, to shield ▶ nm (addiffynion) defence

amddiffynfa (-feydd) nf fortress

amddiffyniadnm protection, defence

amddiffynnwr (-wyr), amddiffynyddionnm defender, protector

amddyfrwysadj mighty, rugged; marshy

America Ladinnf Latin America

Amerignf:yr Amerig America

amfesur (-au) nm perimeter

amgáuvb to enclose, to shut in

amgenadj, adv other, else, otherwise; different; nid amgen that is to say, namely

amgenachadj, adv otherwise; better

amgueddfa (-feydd) nf museum

amgyffredvb to comprehend, to comprise ▶ nm (-ion) comprehension

amgyffrediadnm comprehension

amgylch (-oedd) nm circuit; environs, surroundings; o (oddi) amgylch round about, about

amgylcheddnm circumference; environment

amgylcheddoladj environmental; yn amgylcheddol environmentally; amgylcheddol garedig environmentally friendly

amgylchfydnm environment

amgylchiad (-au) nm circumstance; occasion

amgylchiadoladj circumstantial

amgylchuvb to surround

amgylchynoladj surrounding

amgylchynuvb to surround

amharchuvb to dishonour, to disrespect

amharchusadj disrespectful, disreputable

amhariadnm impairment, damage

amharodadj unprepared, unready

amharodrwyddnm unreadiness

amharuvb to impair, to harm, to injure, to damage

amhendantadj indefinite, vague

amhenderfynoladj irresolute

amhenodoladj indefinite

amherchivb to dishonour, to insult

amherffaithadj imperfect

amherffeithrwyddnm imperfection

amhersonoladj impersonal

amherthnasol, amherthynasoladj irrelevant

amheuaethnf doubt, scepticism

amheugaradj suspicious; sceptical

amheuoladj doubting, doubtful

amheusadj doubting, doubtful, dubious

amheuthunadj dainty, savoury ▶ nm (-ion) dainty, delicacy, treat

amheuwr (-wyr) nm doubter, sceptic

amhlantadwyadj childless, barren

amhleidiol, amhleitgaradj impartial

amhoblogadj sparsely populated

amhoblogaiddadj unpopular

amhosibladj impossible

amhriodoladj improper

amhrisiadwyadj priceless

amhrofiadoladj inexperienced

amhrydlonadj unpunctual

amhûradj impure, foul

amhwrpasoladj irrelevant

amhwyllovb to lose one’s senses, to go mad

amladj frequent, abundant ▶ adv often

amlder, amldranm abundance

amldduwiad (-iaid) nm polytheist

amldduwiaethnf polytheism

amleiriogadj wordy, verbose, prolix

amlen (-ni) nf envelope, wrapper

amlhadnm increasing, increase

amlhauvb to increase, to multiply

amlinelliad (-au) nm outline

amlinelluvb to outline

aml-lawradj multi-storey

amlochrogadj many-sided

amlosgfanf crematorium

amlosgivb to cremate

amlwgadj plain, clear, manifest, evident, prominent

amlwreigiaethnf polygamy

amlwreigiwr (-wyr) nm polygamist

amlygiad (-au) nm manifestation

amlygrwyddnm prominence, limelight

amlyguvb to manifest, to reveal, to evince

amnaid (-neidiau) nf beck, nod