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Therefore, the entire teaching system is interested in each of you gaining knowledge about the experience of immersing in dense matter, the experience of immersing in illusion, and the experience of exploring the creative possibilities of God's particles. Thus, the lessons of each individual are lessons for all. And this is why all information about each person's experience is recorded in systems you refer to as the Akashic Records and is used by the entire universe for learning and development.
You didn’t mention curatorship. When a person incarnates, is a curator predetermined at higher levels, or is it not necessary?
When you enter a school or university, you can find out in advance which teachers or professors teach there. Then, as you discover your preferences and interests, you have the right to approach any teacher of your choice and ask for help in learning the subject you are more inclined towards and interested in. Thus, the teaching system exists and is open to everyone. It is enough to simply express your intention, preferably out loud, but you can also do it mentally, regarding what exactly each of you wants to study, learn, and understand. Even if the result doesn't come immediately, the higher powers will definitely find a way to respond to the request and provide the knowledge in some form. The form of learning will also be chosen considering the student's characteristics. Not everyone is ready to receive information directly from subtle realms. But if you express such an intention, it will certainly happen. Your learning is continuous. The entire teaching system, figuratively speaking, is beside each of you. Like careful mentors, they wait for their fledglings to make their first attempts to fly so they can support and rejoice with them.
And what about the curatorship of civilizations? Does each civilization have its own curator on subtle planes among higher beings?
What do you mean by this term?
That there is some entity that seems to be responsible for the proper development of the civilization, helping, guiding it, being accountable for it to higher structures of the universe, mentoring it, teaching, and accompanying it throughout its existence.
You mean an established system of obligations, duties imposed from above for guidance. But who should take on such responsibility? Can you be responsible for your child if they have complete free will? You can watch them, try to suggest something, answer their questions. You can express your opinion, try to warn them. You will even sometimes feel sad if they make what you consider mistakes and comfort them if they suffer or feel sad. You will heal them if they fall ill and inspire them if they suddenly lose faith. Can this be called curatorship? Probably, yes. But no one is obligated to be a curator of a particular civilization or individual. Everyone enters the game with certain pre-set conditions. And everyone can, by their own will and to the extent of their ability, be a helper to another.
The teaching system is a voluntary conglomerate of entities who have chosen to serve you, who have chosen the role of your mentors, those who inspire and teach you.
So, if one of the teachers suddenly changes their mind and leaves the teaching system, will there be no consequences for them?
When you are given a test, like answering questions or completing the most optimal trajectory on a map, and you pass it, then after the procedure, they show you your mistakes and other optimal paths and possibilities. This is how you learn, say, driving a car. Of course, any driver can change their mind and not study a specific route. But if they still want to learn the entire city, they will return to studying that route. It is their adult, conscious decision, their choice: whether they need that route or that knowledge. Therefore, you must understand that there is no system of punishment for mistakes. This paradigm has long passed. It was used when you were in an early, almost infant state, where incorrect steps in terms of energy processes could lead to serious disruptions in your energy bodies and substances. But now, those of you who are ready to consciously choose your paths, to seriously study in the School of Creation, must understand that no one will learn the lessons for you, and no one will simply hand you a "certificate" for completing the School of Gods. Because when you are released from this school into the adult world, the world of creation, your unlearned lessons can seriously harm the universe and creation in the sense that you will create structures that many other entities will have to neutralize later.
Your learning in three-dimensionality and in the School of Creation is like stepping through quicksand. Imagine there is a swamp ahead that needs to be crossed to move forward. No one knows what awaits them with each step. You can sit in front of the swamp and wait for who knows what, theorize about the content of the swamp water and the structure of the quicksand, or practice swamp-walking techniques on the shore. But sooner or later, you will have to step into this swamp because otherwise, you won’t move forward. And every step taken by someone who masters this marshy area is an invaluable example for others learning to cross such places. The swamp can suck you in if you take the wrong steps. And naturally, on the shore, on the "other side," there are those who try to help with advice, but you must walk on your own. And the better you master the technique of passing through the quicksand of the three-dimensional world, through the quicksand of illusion, the easier it will be for those who follow you.
If you consciously decide to study in the School of Creation, the School of Gods, who should bear responsibility for your unlearned lessons? And what should that responsibility entail? Only one thing: until you thoroughly complete each class, you will not be promoted to the next. This is how everything is structured. To transition into four-dimensionality, theories and stories about it are not enough. You need to find and reveal the facets of your own four-dimensionality, and then you will be able to connect with the facets of four-dimensionality in the universe.
Then I want to ask about channelings. Is channeling a specific contract made before incarnation, or can anyone open up these abilities? Is a channeler responsible for the information they receive, and how do they answer for it? Do dark entities really try to take over a channeler to transmit false information through them?
Let me start with the last question. What is false information? If you see a sailing ship in the clouds and someone else sees an angel, which information is correct, and who determines its accuracy? There are numerous visions and interpretations of the light streams of the universe. Each being distorts and refracts the Divine light in its own way. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about correct or false information. One can only speak of the degree of refraction of Divine light. But by what standards should we judge a more or less accurate refraction of Divine light, and who can judge it when everyone distorts and refracts it? If you want to approach information with a sound mind, from the position of an adult, creative being, you must understand that there is no information that does not distort. And you can find in the mass of information currently being channeled to you the one that is more interesting and closer to you precisely because your refraction coefficient is close to the refraction coefficient of the one who voiced this information. This simply means that you and this channeler are somewhat alike; you share a similar perception. You see things in much the same way as they do. But this does not mean that their vision is the only correct and true one. What is true vision in a world where everything around is simply Divine light, infinitely wandering and reflecting off various forms created from it?
Therefore, each channeler is simply fulfilling their task—trying to refract the Light of God in their own way and share this refraction. When talking about a contract, you again perceive it as some signed obligation with clauses about punishment in case of non-compliance. This is not the case. You agree to participate in the game called "I am a contactor." If the game excites you, if you consciously choose to continue it, it means you accept the conditions of this game because you entered into it. If someone in the game is not admitted to a higher level and is offered to pass the level again, is this called punishment or retribution for mistakes? It is simply a game! What obligations must a contactor make when concluding a contract: to transmit only the truth? But what is truth? Whose truth is truer? Who determines the measure of truthfulness? To implement this requirement, you would need a special staff of subtle-material beings who would analyze each contactor's information and identify deviations from some canon of truth defined by who knows whom.
There are myriads of paths to God. Which one is more true? They are all true in the sense that they all lead to God, as there is simply no other direction.
Therefore, contactorism is simply a form of learning. In the classroom of creation learning, an elective group is allocated that wants to learn through channeling. Someone prefers reading books. Someone wants to go through everything right away in practice. And someone wants to converse with other participants in the process. It is merely a form of learning. You initially, before your incarnation, chose this form of learning. You already came here as a contactor, and you can recall many instances when information came to you, but you couldn't immediately break through the illusion of separation and the paradigm of human helplessness before Divine forces. But you did it. And each of you can ask for this form of learning right now. And there will always be those willing to share their vision of truth, their refraction.
In reality, many beings around you are constantly observing your development, as if watching a TV series, an exciting spectacle. There is a teacher system that has voluntarily set itself the task of helping each of you if you express such an intention. For now, those of you who fear to open up to hearing God from within read the channelings of other contactors and thus also go through learning.
You are free to decide whether to share the information you receive, which you are trying to further learn. Every contactor is not a channel directing masses of other people. Who can take on the responsibility and right to choose for another person? Every contactor is simply someone who has chosen to learn through this method. And if you decide to share the information you receive with others, that is your right. From there, the information will find its recipients. It will either attract or repel according to the law of similarity. Because information is also just a form of energy, colored in a certain way, as if marked, which cannot help but be attracted to the one who seeks it.
When a person asks the universe: "What is God?"—many answers are attracted to them, many refractions of the truth about God, and they choose the answer that satisfies them, or they ask new questions. Because for every question asked, as well as for other questions, there are as many answers as there are forms of God.
I am often told that channeling is not my pastime, but my contract, and I must fulfill it. I am told that I will have to answer if I distort the information and many people accept it as truth. Is this not true?
Everyone chooses their own path. You choose the path of joy, not of suffering. If you have chosen the path of joy, then all the circumstances of your path should be joyful until you choose, say, the path of diligent service or the path of responsibility for people's minds. Do you understand? Everyone is free to choose their own learning system. You are in the class of joy, where the teachers know the methods of learning through joy. Others will choose the school of the carrot and stick for various reasons. Perhaps because they don't know or don't believe in another method of learning. And then the system of punishments and rewards will apply to them. But the teachers will be the same. They simply respect the student's choice of learning method. It is important to understand that everyone learns on their own while simultaneously teaching others.
The experience of each person is neither right nor wrong. It is simply another recorded experience available to anyone who wishes to use it. There is no single, immutable system of learning; all learning options are possible, all that you can imagine or desire. Some people receive information through tarot cards, some through ashes, some through dice, some through runes, and so on. It's simply a choice of how to receive information. Just like discovering magical abilities within yourself. Some do it through rituals and magical objects. And some already understand that their will, their intention, works magically and that the same can be done without using magical objects and rituals.
Let me ask you a few questions that others ask. Now, many groups claim that sharing knowledge is forbidden unless you are asked a question. Is that true? Who forbade it? How then do you awaken those around you?
You just don’t seem to understand that there is nothing that can be prohibited. I understand how difficult this is for you to grasp, since you have lived for so long in a system of prohibitions and punishments created around you. Everyone makes their own choices regarding perception, development, and creation. You can share whatever you want. Or you can choose not to share anything at all. The result will be different, not because someone has established laws dictating what is permissible and what is not, but because every choice you make is a direction of your energy with certain properties. And this energy will be reflected accordingly through other prisms of perception. In other words, if you don’t want to share with anyone, that is your right. The other side of this, however, is that if you give nothing, it doesn’t mean that no one will give you anything in return. That’s not the point. The point is, you simply won’t be able to receive what others offer. You won’t have, so to speak, a place to receive it, because you are limiting yourself and not giving away a part of yourself. You aren’t creating channels for the return of others’ energy. You don’t accept it, you don’t make room within yourself for new energy, and so on.
Therefore, those who share information are simply capable of channeling various streams of information through themselves. On the other hand, there is the law of non-interference, and one cannot impose information. I cannot tell you about something you are not asking about. When you or someone else asks, they open and grant themselves personal access to that information. And it doesn’t matter whether the question was thought internally, asked out loud, or written in a letter. Any question posed will always find, and attract, an answer.
Regarding the question of how to awaken those around you, I want to say that you shouldn’t worry about it. If someone among you voluntarily takes on the task of awakening others, that is their choice, and their choice, like everyone else’s, is sacred. But there is no one who will not awaken eventually, because the process of learning is eternal, and the forms of learning and awakening are myriad. Moreover, some people don’t even want to wake up, as they enjoy the illusion they are in. And every awakened person, in a way, enters another dream. Do you understand? Therefore, there is no universal task to awaken everyone. It’s each person’s choice. And if you have “woken up,” it doesn’t mean that someone directly worked with you to awaken you. It’s the result of a combination of choices—yours and those around you. When choosing the scenario of the game, awakening at a certain stage of the game was embedded in it. And if you have awakened, it doesn’t mean that you are completely awake and no longer dreaming. You’ve awakened within another reality-dream, from which you can also awaken. But there are myriad such realities, as many dreams and games as each of you chooses.
Awakening is merely the realization that everything happening in your realities, everything happening in your dreams, is a consequence of your choice, your conscious creation, and not the decision of others on your behalf. It is the awareness that there is no one to blame, or even to thank for what happens, other than yourself and our great Creator, who has given each of us the freedom to create and given us life. And through Him, we thank ourselves and all those around us. And through thanking ourselves and those around us, we thank Him, because we are all simply parts of Him, and we all are Him.
Next question. There was information that a change in the spiritual hierarchy of Earth has taken place. Who is overseeing Earth now? What authority does Yahweh have today?
There has been no change in the spiritual hierarchies. Rather, access to your learning has been expanded, and all hierarchies have been given the opportunity to introduce their own learning systems and bring their representatives into the school of creation.
Regarding the oversight of Earth, I have already said that there are no strict appointments of curators for this or that civilization. There is voluntary service. Earth, as before—if I may put it this way—is overseen by the one you call Jesus. But if you see Him as some supreme being giving out commands and establishing laws, that is not the case. Rather, He observes you with love and wisdom, aiming to protect and shield you from errors, to help those who ask for help. This kind of observation is better described not as a system of oversight, but more like a trust service, where you can ask any question, request any help, or express any wish through a single “phone number.” You will be heard, and each choice will be taken into account. All will be comforted, and everyone will be helped.
As for Yahweh, he is simply one of the angels watching over the development of your system. He has now somewhat distanced himself from active interference in your affairs and influence over you, as he has seen the consequences of his actions. However, because millions of people continue to address him as God out of habit, he cannot leave his “post,” which he has appointed for himself, as long as there remains even one person who addresses him as God. He has become a prisoner of his own actions and now rather regrets it. But energetic connections cannot be created or severed instantly. When he manages to disentangle himself from your requests and his connections with you, he will be able to rise to a higher level by his own choice. He cannot do that now. This is, and only this is, the essence of the law of karma. The consequences of your actions are not punishment, but the energetic connections you create, which can hold you in certain situations or at a certain level, forcing you to solve specific tasks. These tasks must be resolved to untangle the existing energetic connections. This is what karmic knots are.
You said that learning is infinite. Does this mean that we will never graduate from the School of the Gods?
Yes, because creation is infinite. And after you pass all the levels, you will see the possibilities of higher levels of creation. And the Great Game of Creation will continue. I cannot speak for the Creator; perhaps at some stage, He will decide to end this experiment or choose to start a new one, or decide to breathe His parts back into Himself and start a new cycle of Himself. No one knows this. But for now, we are all learning in this magnificent school.
But if all parts of me are learning simultaneously at all levels, then when will I personally finish my studies in these classes?
When all parts of you come together in the graduation class and, as a single collective, creative, god-like, god-equal being, begin to create your worlds of perception and teach other students of the School of the Gods. Then you all together—all your parts united into a single god-creator—will collectively decide whether to move on or remain as part of the teaching system on the completed levels.
Part 31. The Veil of Forgetfulness. Divine Fascination with the Game
Why does forgetfulness manifest when we incarnate into the third dimension? Why don’t we remember who we are from birth?
You do remember this at birth. A child remembers everything. But your education system forces them to forget. Different dimensions of space exist everywhere, including in other areas of the universe. What is a level? It is the quality of perceiving the light of God. Imagine a lamp shaped like a hollow sphere with a light source inside. The more holes you make in this lamp, the more light will emanate from it. A level is the set parameters for the maximum refraction of God’s light. When the lamp has only one hole, you get one beam. When the lamp has a million holes, a million beams emerge. If you extend this analogy further, when the master makes more and more holes in the lamp’s sphere, sooner or later the sphere itself will collapse, and the light of God, the light of the lamp, will pour out completely, without any obstacles. In this example, the lamp’s light is analogous to the light of the Original God, the lamp’s sphere is the created world, the level of the universe, and we are all the beams passing through the filter-holes. Now, imagine that there are many such lamp-shades.
In the language of this analogy, simplified, the first level is when there is only one hole in the lamp’s sphere, and through this hole, the light is directed. The light passes through the hole and breaks into reflections. The second level is when the reflections, in their quest to spread the light of God, enter the next sphere, which has two holes. And so on. A level is the quality of perception, the ability to refract the light of God.
We were told that we purposely forget who we are when we come to Earth. That this is a necessary starting condition so that we can rediscover God within ourselves, so that we can create a new unique experience of perception. And now you’re saying that we forget everything because that’s how we teach our children.
Both. It’s all about the density of the world you are in. The further God’s light moves away from its source, the more it condenses.
Why? In our world, the further light moves away from the source, the more it simply disperses. What is density?
The degree of distortion. You are now speaking of your concept of density. What is a solid object? What makes it solid? After all, everything is just energy. Is the energy that has taken the form of a stone solid to you? Can there be solid energy? Do you understand? The energy of the stone differs in some characteristics, some indicators of luminosity, that is, the quality of refracting the light of God. This refracted light of God, called a stone, is reflected by your perception apparatus and by the perception apparatus of other people, and you consider it solid. The hardness and density of the stone are the sensations of your touch to the stone; it is an interpretation of your perception apparatus of the stone, its energy. Therefore, the density of the stone and the density of the world, the density of matter, is an illusion of your perception, your collective agreement. When you teach your children, you transmit to them your understanding of the stone, and they eventually adjust to the common perception. It’s the same as if you convinced a child every day that a cloud in the sky has a specific shape that you see, like a ship. After a while, the child will only see this image, habitually interpreting it into the imposed image of perception.
Therefore, what you call density is actually something slightly different. The density of the physical world in this concept I am telling you about is the degree of distance from God and the degree of refraction of the light of God.
Then who created these levels, these lamp spheres, and why? God Himself? I don’t understand. God divided Himself into parts, condensing into numerous forms to expand His perception, gain additional experience and a push for development, to know Himself. But who created the levels, who created all the programs that govern our worlds?