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Elena Sidelnkova


When reading a channeling, remember—no external information can be 100% accurate. Listen to yourself first and foremost. All the information you need is already within each of us.



It seems to me that this book began with crochet. The pattern required six stitches in each loop, and I methodically counted: six, six, six… Numbers govern the universe, as someone great once said. And then one day, while I was waiting in line at the tire shop, the name "Lucifer" suddenly echoed in my mind. By that time, the gift of channeling, or telepathic communication with the Higher Forces of the Cosmos, had already awakened in me, so I understood that He, Lucifer, wanted to tell me something. I wasn’t afraid, even though He is considered the originator of Darkness. I simply asked, "What do you want?" and began, as usual, to write down the answers. That's how the "Conversations with Lucifer" came to be, which now encompass more than a thousand pages of text.

Now, when I reread these conversations, I’m astonished: Did I really write this? Because I realize I could never have invented such a coherent and perfect system for describing the laws of the Universe, which He conveyed to me over four years. It was always unobtrusive, only at my request, and only in response to my questions. It seemed as though He was tired of being alone, deeply missing his great Father-Creator, and was glad that someone was finally willing to listen to him. Every page of the text is filled with this longing, and strangely enough, with love for God.

The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is built on love. Like the prodigal son in the famous parable, who ventured far from his father’s house and longs to return, but cannot because he has been divided into parts, and his return depends on the desire of each part to come back.

At first, of course, I tried to test Him, to catch Him in a lie. I asked many questions, which my mind eagerly sought out or were sent to me by others, and I also accused Him of all the sins of humanity. But He patiently and calmly answered every seemingly tricky question and consistently explained to me the laws of the Universe. After a while, I began to feel Him as, you could say, a friend and a pleasant conversationalist, someone with whom it was always interesting to talk. I published all these conversations online.

He told me that He has two sides: dark and light. He addresses each person with the side that corresponds to that person. He cannot reject the Darkness because He himself is the originator of the division of the world into two poles. But He will never approach me with His dark side unless I myself wish it.

Of course, there were those who wrote that I had been ensnared by dark forces, that I needed to repent and go to a monastery, that I didn’t understand what I was doing. And when I asked them, "Well, show me at least one paragraph of the text that would be an expression of Darkness," they replied, "You don’t understand. He’s deliberately luring you in, so that under a pile of generally correct information, He can sneak in disinformation!" But there were also many letters of gratitude. People read and became fascinated along with me. And these texts, as they wrote, began to change their consciousness, reshape it, and open up new knowledge.

It would probably be foolish now to count how many questions I asked, probably over a thousand. But as a result of the answers, a picture formed in my mind of a perfect, harmonious, self-regulating system of the Universe, where everything is finely tuned and everything has its explanation. All our troubles and problems stem from the fact that we simply don’t know the fundamental laws of how this system works. In fact, many of these laws were conveyed to us in various sacred texts by avatars who descended to Earth. But humanity only tried to follow them without understanding the reasons for the necessity of these laws.

He taught me two important things about understanding the world:

Do not think like a human, try to think like a god, and then you will understand God's designs.

View all processes not from the perspective of morality (after all, the criteria of human morality change from era to era) but as an energetic process, for the entire world is simply the movement of God's energy.

Lucifer said that all archangels embody different qualities of God, and He embodies a quality that humans call curiosity. In this, we turned out to be alike. I became so captivated by these conversations that it was like reading a fascinating book that you cannot put down. I hope you will also find it impossible to put down, as I did. In any case, I became quite popular on the internet thanks to these Conversations.

Now, I marvel at how precisely everything was planned by the Higher Powers. First, there were the "Conversations with Lucifer." And it was precisely the scandalousness of this name that drew the attention of many people, who then became interested in the worldview He described. And then, when they ended, my new channelings from the Absolute, Christ, Buddha, and many others appeared. And if in His story Lucifer spoke of how He separated from God the Father in the experiment of duality, then later the Absolute explained that all separation is illusory, and we are all actually one Divine being, pretending to be divided into parts to observe itself from the outside in a literal sense.

Of course, one could call all this madness. But when you read this book, you will see how everything is logically and clearly described. And what does it matter who I am talking to? Perhaps I am conversing with my higher self and answering all these thousands of questions myself. What matters is what is contained in these answers. What matters is that after reading this book, you will not be the same; it will change you because information is also energy. And you will understand, as I did, why everything happens in the world as it does, which prohibitions are valid, and which are contrived. Because everything will be explained solely from the perspective of the movement of Divine energy.

Many readers of my channelings have asked me, "How do you come up with such clever questions? The question had just occurred to me, and you had already asked it!" And Lucifer explained to me that these are not only and not so much my questions. Since everything exists simultaneously in the quantum world, when I write, others are already reading it at the same time. And in this interaction, a single quantum field of all the readers is formed, from which the questions in my head arise. Channeling happens so quickly that I don’t even have time to think about the questions. And many of the questions were sent to me by the readers themselves. So, you could say, we wrote this book together.

To make it easier for you to follow, I highlight my questions in italics. Many people ask if there will be a continuation of these conversations? I don't know, as I have long since learned to trust the plans of the Higher Powers. But I can reconnect with Him at any moment and continue if we both desire it. So, send in your questions. But first, read the entire book, and perhaps your questions will disappear, as mine did. Now, a significant part of my time is devoted to channelings on personal questions from people, which I have also compiled into books in the "Karmic Lessons" series. Moreover, I now have other amazing interlocutors: Buddha, the Mother of the World, Saint Germain, and many others. I publish all my materials on the internet because my teachers have tasked me with sharing this information. But it’s more convenient to read them compiled in book form, to read and reread, as there are vast layers of information in it that will gradually surface in your consciousness even after reading. So say all who have read it.

I must tell you that this book is for those who approach their understanding analytically, through the mind, as I do. And perhaps for those who are used to understanding everything intuitively in the spirit of Eastern traditions, all this will seem like excessive verbosity. But I belong to the European race, whose path to understanding goes through the mind. By the way, each human race is created to walk different paths of understanding. But I won’t get ahead of myself. You will learn about this and much more from the book. About how everything was created, why, for what purpose, and how humanity was created. Who we really are. What experiment the gods are conducting on Earth. And many more questions that I’m sure you have in your mind.

So, I wish you a fascinating journey into the amazing world of the mysteries and laws of the Universe!

With love to you,

Elena Sidelnkova

Part 28. The Body of God. Invocations of Beings from Subtle Realms

Let’s talk about karma. According to your perspective, it doesn’t exist; instead, there’s simply a choice of game or path. But we have many books stating that if a person commits dark deeds during their life, they end up in various layers of the universe after death, where they suffer and are tormented. Is this not true?

They suffer and are tormented if they expect it in their afterlife.

So, does this mean that Ivan the Terrible, Maluta Skuratov, Hitler, and other people notorious for their cruelty don’t face any consequences for their actions in the afterlife?

What do you mean by consequences? What should these consequences be? Who can set the price for actions, and who determines it?

I think there are certain laws by which an entity that has accumulated low vibrations during its physical incarnation ends up in the layer corresponding to those vibrations.

Yes, but why should it suffer in that layer if these vibrations match its level?

Alright, let me ask differently. I’m still reading The Rose of the World by Daniil Andreev. It says that there is an ongoing war between the light and dark hierarchies in the universe, and that each has its own levels where entities with corresponding vibrations reside. Each hierarchy fights for every soul, with the dark forces trying to infiltrate people to capture their souls and pull them into their layers. The author names these beings, describes their appearance, the rules of these layers, and gives examples with specific human personalities. Is this all incorrect?

You are free to read whatever you want, but in a certain sense, many books are harmful to you because your imagination begins to operate in line with the scenes described there. Of course, light and dark hierarchies exist. It’s natural because everything is similar; like attracts like and forms structures of collective creation. Just as groups of people’s intentions and aspirations form what you call an egregor, there are egregorial structures on the subtle plane as well, which unite more powerful beings of the subtle realms. All of this exists. But always remember that all of this is simply the flow, the transformation, and transmutation of Divine energy. Therefore, the appearance of these layers is merely an interpretation of specific knowledge, a refracting of perception, a working of imagination. If you recall, in Dante’s work, all of this looked a bit different.

Alright, about the appearance. But both Andreev and Dante describe certain levels where the beings who end up there suffer, and through this suffering, they atone for their sins.

All of this is the result of the suffering paradigm deeply embedded in your brains.

Are you saying that no one suffers there?

I’m saying that what happens there is exactly what a person expects from their afterlife. Ivan the Terrible ended up exactly where he expected to, and his insane fears led him to the layer where they materialized. Hell is a personal concept. Hitler, on the other hand, believed he was doing a good deed, and his afterlife was not as terrible, although many fears dominated him.

Let’s approach this differently. According to the same book, during a person’s life, dark forces try to infiltrate their consciousness, take control of them, and all their dark deeds are committed under the possession of these forces.

But if they commit these deeds under possession, then they are not guilty. They acted unconsciously. What is there to punish them for?

For succumbing to temptation and allowing themselves to be taken over.

According to this version, a person is just a puppet in the hands of other forces.

Is that not the case?

One can live like a twig in the current of a river. And this is often what you are encouraged to do—endless submission, accepting everything that God has prepared for you. A twig can get caught in a whirlpool, end up in rotten stagnant waters, and it doesn’t control where it ends up. In reality, it’s not like that. You are responsible for what happens not only inside you but also around you, whether it occurs in the physical world or in your afterlife and further journey. Everything described in various books is a personal experience of refracting the truth that you are free to choose your reality.

Why are we then encouraged to do this?

To make you obedient and submissive, to do as you’re told. You ask if all those layers where souls suffer exist? They do. But they don’t exist initially as a given, as an objective reality independent of anyone, but as the result of collective creations. The images formed by the current religious system have shaped these layers. And those of you who believe in this continue to feed them with your energy and prolong their existence. This is why such books are harmful unless this is your conscious choice. An atheist who doesn’t believe in any afterlife and commits various “dark” deeds, from your point of view, won’t end up in any suffering layers of the universe if they don’t believe in them.

But in many books, there are widespread concepts that a soul in its afterlife goes through a path of evolution and purification, ascending from lower layers to higher ones, and only in this way can it unite with God. Is this also not true?

There are countless paths to God, both ascending and descending. I remind you of the book you like to quote: through hell faster, through heaven more beautifully. We are all parts of God. Therefore, all our roads lead only to Him; we all wander within Him, and we are all Him. Do you determine how exactly the particles of your body will travel within you, in which directions your blood will flow, through descending streams, or ascending ones? We are all cells of God’s body.

But the cells of my body are subject to certain laws of development.

We are all subject to certain laws of development, only on a more global scale than we can comprehend. God has some of His own goals, His own directions of development, which we cannot fathom, just as your cells cannot comprehend your plans, just as a brain cell cannot understand your thoughts. But every cell in your body works according to a set program. Only previously, these programs were unconsciously implanted in you. And now you have the knowledge that you can control these processes.

So, it can be said that even my cells can gain knowledge of how to be free.

Why do you think they lack such knowledge? You are a part of God and cannot step outside of God, nor can you imagine what it means to be outside of God since you are now within God. The same goes for the cells of your body. But you know that the cells of your body periodically leave your body in the form of various excretions. These cells enter the external environment in relation to your body and continue their further development. But everything is similar. You are now learning to consciously function within the body of God. But will the time come when some of you will leave the body of God into a world external to God's body and continue your development there?

Like waste? Because my body excretes waste.

It is waste for your body, but for other entities, it might be something else. Always return to the energy-information model. The body's waste carries information about the body. And this information doesn't disappear but interacts with the external environment. The waste you call fertilizers carries a part of the energy-information into the soil, into the external world, and it continues its development. And the fact that this waste has rather unpleasant smells actually depends only on you, on your diet, and most importantly, on your thoughts, on the state of your perception, and, accordingly, on the state of your energy output. The waste products of bees are nectar and honey, and this is an example of proper interaction, proper energy output, when the product of life is suitable for all other forms and possesses a wonderful smell and taste.

But while you exist within the body of God (we all exist within it), our development and perception directly affect the state of God's body, the well-being of all its cells. And in this sense, we are all a single organism of perception, and in this sense, it is said to you that we are all one.

But still, let's return to possession. Is it true that various subtle entities penetrate a person's body and control it, or is it impossible? We are told that in the body of every person, there are many astral attachments and parasites that feed on them.

A tree has many inhabitants. There are fungi on its branches, insects in its leaves, beetles that live in its bark, and birds that sit on it and eat its fruits. The system of interaction is such that no one can be alone; everything constantly interacts, and your interaction is existence. How can a tree live? If it feeds on the juices of the earth, it interacts with the earth. If it feeds on sunlight, it interacts with the Sun. There is no point of existence where there is no interaction, for that would not be life. Life is constant interaction. Therefore, the tree not only feeds but also gives part of itself so that others can feed. And if it generates enough energy for other energy consumers, it grows healthy and strong. If not, it perishes in its physical form to begin anew the process of survival and reproduction. As you remember, this is the task of the second plant level.

A human is the next step in evolution, the highest degree of development in the animal kingdom, where the entity becomes even more separated and individualized. And if among animals there are still packs, a human can live independently, detached from their kin. But they also constantly exist in symbiosis with the surrounding space. Therefore, around them, just like around a tree, there are many beings who need their energy for their life activities. You could say that they feed on this energy. But they also pass on their energy further along the chains of interaction because they too constantly interact with something and someone. And it depends only on the person how strong and resilient they can be in this symbiosis. Will they be able to generate enough energy not only for their own life activities but also to pass on the surplus energy for the development of other beings? You perceive these beings as parasites, but they are simply part of the system. Simply other forms of God entering into interaction with you. You cannot remain alone without the presence of these beings. But you have the power to manage and control these processes.

But there are many techniques and stories from people about how they freed themselves from astral parasites.

They freed themselves, but there are others, more powerful ones. They believe they are now free from this. However, their liberation is partial. You can leave a swamp where there are insects that are unpleasant for you and become inaccessible to them. But you are not capable of destroying all the insects that exist in your world and interact with you, nor can you break this interaction. And what about the bacteria that are in the air, in the water, and in food? And there are many such bacteria in the astral plane as well.

So, is there no point in getting rid of the astral entities that consume your energy?

You define the meaning. If you need additional energy for magical actions, to amplify the potential of your creation, but you haven't yet learned to generate this energy in significant quantities, then there is a point in cutting off others from feeding on your energy. Many of your practices are aimed at freeing up the magical forces of a person. But I can say that potentially, you can, like a strong tree, grow and develop upwards while simultaneously nourishing and supporting many beings of various planes, thus entering into interaction, giving life, and sharing what you have.

But still, possession is more than just energy feeding. Is there a situation where someone enters a person and commits actions for them, controlling them like a puppet?

Yes, all of this exists. But if you imagine a person as a puppet that any forces can take over, that's not the case. Nothing happens without your consent, whether voluntary or involuntary.

There is also a widespread theory that a person is simply the sensory organs of certain divine beings who, through the human body, can experience the perception of a physical body. And when a person sleeps, they seem to disconnect, like an avatar in our well-known movie.

This also exists, but not on a mass scale and only with the participants' consent. You know many stories and tales about demons possessing people. But this is a rather complex energy process, and it is impossible without the consent of the one being connected. So, if you think that without your consent you are used exclusively as sensory organs, and you only think that you live on your own, that's also not the case. Those people who allowed themselves to be possessed by involuntary entities gave their consent. Often, this consent was not clearly understood and was achieved in a somewhat deceptive manner or obtained in the form of fears with a request for protection, but the law of free will is inviolable. If any of you allow yourself to be drawn into such games, thinking it is without your consent, it is simply an unconscious process. For the laws of energy interaction are the same for everyone.

Are you talking about demons? What about angels? Can they possess a person? Why don't we know of such examples?

You do know such examples. For instance, John Chrysostom, John the Baptist, and Jesus. And many of your saints.

But that's not possession. That's a soul already incarnated and developing as a human. That is the choice of that soul.

No human soul could undertake such serious missions without additional invocations of angelic beings and their support.

So, is there really a war for human souls between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, or are you simply collaborating in the creation of the universe?

Everything exists, and everything is real. There is war. There is also a truce. There is rivalry, and there is cooperation. There is no absolute clarity. Among the forces of darkness and the forces of light, there are different entities that interact in various ways, some of which are ready for cooperation. The only dividing factor is the chosen path of development, the choice of energy for interaction. Of course, each hierarchy welcomes new members and rejoices in them, because in this way, the number of development options, directions, and opportunities, as well as strength and power, increases. There are also individual battles. And competitions. All of this exists.

Will there ever be a time when you unite and create worlds together, rather than fighting each other and dragging humanity into it?

I know that such a time will come. But much will also depend on you. Because if you consciously choose your path, there will be no reason to fight over you. Only to patiently teach you your divine missions.

If we are now in the School of the Gods, why is our development so slow, why does this very transition, as I understand it—a transition to another grade—still not occur?
