Полная версия:
What do you mean by "slow"? What are you referring to? You have been developing for centuries, millennia. And now, in the last 50 years, there has been a complete revolution in your consciousness, starting with science and ending with esoteric knowledge. Just a few years ago, the knowledge that you are gods was unacceptable to you. And now you are slowly beginning to think like gods and to try on this new title. In fact, development is happening rapidly; you are rapidly emerging from your egg.
But more than two-thirds of humanity is asleep. What kind of rapidity are you talking about?
Look at how water boils in a kettle. At first, there are separate bubbles. But since everything is in a single vessel and there is heat exchange, sooner or later, the entire kettle comes to a boil. The same is true for you. You are the first bubbles. But eventually, the inevitable energy exchange in the vessel of your humanity will lead to the boiling and transition of your society to a new state. This is inevitable.
In the example with the kettle, someone, like me, turned on the kettle to heat the water. In your example, did someone also connect humanity, which is why such rapid development is taking place?
Yes. Have you heard about the energetic infusions into your world? This is a systemic quality. You are the "boiling bubbles" in your layer. But your world is also in interaction, in heat exchange and energy exchange with other worlds, so humanity is receiving impulses from other "bubbles" of the universe and will sooner or later reach the stage of transformation.
Part 29. The Great Harvest
I wanted to ask about the Harvest. Many sources mention this term, while others refer to it as the gathering of the crop. They speak of the Great Reaper, of separating the wheat from the chaff… What does all of this mean? What is the Harvest?
It's a summing-up. The same as your harvest. You grow, let's say, wheat, and every year you carefully plant seeds. You tend to the sprouts, fertilize the soil, protect them from hail and those who might want to feast on them. And at the end of the season, when the fruits appear, you gather the fruits and select the very best, sorting them by purpose: some for current use, some for storage, and some for seeds for future harvests. This is how the universe works in preparing and gathering the harvest.
Harvest of what: Souls? Gavaah? Radiations? Creations, thought forms? Food?
Everything. All the results. Imagine yourself as the caretaker of a vast greenhouse where many plants grow and develop simultaneously. When a certain time comes, a certain season, you can see which of them bear which fruits, how viable these fruits are, how beautiful they are if they are flowers, how tasty they are, and whether they can develop further. Because your greenhouse is the first level, and you need to choose the most resilient varieties, the most beautiful plants, the tastiest fruits to be transferred to another greenhouse, where the plants will develop further as adults. The first greenhouse is a nursery for sprouts and experiments.
It sounds as if we are being cultivated as decorations and food for someone. As if God decided to experiment and expand His diet.
You do not grasp the illusion of separateness. God exists and does not exist simultaneously. He exists as countless parts of Himself, setting out on an independent journey through the ladder of creation. Through these parts, He knows Himself. He creates, He nourishes, He perceives, He breathes. It's hard to find a sufficiently comprehensive analogy. You see a dandelion flower. At a certain stage of its development, it turns into a white sphere of seeds that scatter in all directions when the wind blows. And each of the seeds is a potential dandelion, each of which can grow into another dandelion in the future, which will also break down into many seeds. So it is with God. He breaks down into myriads of particles every second, and each of His particles is a potential God, and each will also break down into particles and give life and development to many other Gods. Meanwhile, the dandelion absorbs the juices of the earth, the water that comes to it through rain, and the sun that shines on it every day without compensation. Are all these gifts from God nourishment or not? And who is nourishing whom?
So the Harvest is a kind of sorting of beings according to their suitability in the system of creation? Suitability for what?
Everything is cyclical. And everything develops in stages. Just as spring comes to you, and growth begins; then summer comes, and development begins; then autumn comes, and withering begins; then winter comes, and everything sinks into sleep and awaits the next phase. Every phase is significant. And plants, and you, and every being go through all these phases. And God goes through all these phases. But everything is also fractal. In the growth phase (spring), there are also sub-phases. And in the universal "greenhouse" of entities, the first greenhouse is the greenhouse of growth, the greenhouse of spring, the greenhouse of experiments; this is where you are now. And then many of you will move to the level of creation where the greenhouse of development is, the greenhouse of summer, the greenhouse of gaining essence, the level of fruiting. And then some of you, having reached certain results in growth, will move to a new level, to the autumn greenhouse, to the greenhouse of dormancy. And so on indefinitely, each time on a new level. Just don't perceive the word "greenhouse" as a nursery for growing food. Instead, perceive the word "greenhouse" as a place where God's sprouts are carefully nurtured, where selection is carried out, where all conditions for growth, development, and fruiting are created.
It still sounds somewhat soulless. It turns out that someone, some entities, are cultivating and selecting varieties of souls? Or viable forms of God's embodiment?
Who in nature carries out selection? The system is self-regulating. If it makes it easier for you to understand, there is a development program according to which all plants develop. This program is transmitted and controls these plants through the soil, air, sun, and water. It informs the seeds about their possibilities. Through these same resources, the entire system's overall information is gathered, analyzed, and further decisions are made. There is no one standing above, observing through a microscope what is happening with you here. But there is a vast system in which all its parts perform certain functions. And in this sense, there is a system of keepers, there are systems of form and boundary creators, there are educational systems, a system of teachers. Everyone occupies their cell in this vast system according to their choice, preferences, and possibilities. Like a huge party of volunteers, eager to help and participate in the game.
Imagine a crowd of volunteers waiting for assigned tasks. And suddenly, an announcement over the loudspeaker says, "Those who wish to work with young children, please come to the center of the hall." And each, according to their aspiration, decides for themselves whether this task is of interest to them. In this system, no one needs to be forced because tasks and assignments are available for everyone, for any taste, for any choice of development, because the developing parts are countless. And even if the loudspeaker announces, "Those who wish to enlighten and communicate with such-and-such a contactee on Earth – please come to the contact window," there will be many volunteers.
So the Harvest is a summing-up at a certain level? And what results can there be? Why is it called a harvest? That is, if everything is analogous, then during this harvest, someone or something is directed to be food, someone or something is directed to the seed fund, someone or something is simply destroyed?
The term "harvest" is more appropriate here. But you still judge from the perspective of human actions, how you harvest the crop. In the universe, there is no such thing as something being useless, because all development goals and all possible forms exist, so any result is useful to someone, acceptable to someone, suits someone, interests someone, or is eagerly awaited by someone. It's primarily about information. Just as you await news or a new series, many entities in the universe await the Great Harvest, where the winners will be announced, there will be many prizes, many gifts, new information, a job fair, an achievement fair, and so on. A great celebration of the end of the cycle. And if someone at this celebration is looking for gavaah, someone else is looking for the energy of love, another wants to see the new participants, a fourth wants to get a new chance for development or join a new party, a new squad for exploring the universe, and a fifth just wants to watch. There will be everything for any choice, like at a huge fair.
All these terms, of course, are conditional, they are for your understanding of what the Great Harvest is. But if we consider all these processes energetically, as they should be considered, then all this is just the riot of colors in the universe, the flashes and fading of energetic points and nodes of interaction, a kind of firework, which many spectators gather to admire.
You describe it as if God has no goals in this harvest? Who is the true owner of these greenhouses? Who directs their development? Are there no strategies for development and no goals for development?
We all comprehend the development goals of the entire system, the development goals of God through self-development. And I cannot answer your question: what is God's goal? We learn them when the next harvest comes and new goals are set. We know many of God's goals that have already been announced. The goal of knowing oneself through oneself, the goal of creating new worlds, creating new systems. But all these are both God's goals and each of our goals. Therefore, there is no division. You yourself can, as God, as a part of Him, create a new goal or choose an existing one for development. And that too will be God's goal.
So new goals are proposed and set not by someone up there, but from within, by some part of God or a group of His parts?
This process is continuous. You cannot separate the goals of the whole from the goals of the parts. Just as your body obeys unified goals, and each of its cells somehow learns about the organism's goals and the new goals set before it. When we gather for the Great Harvest and sum up the results, gather the harvest, observe the achievements, share information, we propose new goals. But no one can say whether this is their personal goal, whether it came only to them, or whether this goal reached them through general connections, through information-energy channels, or whether it came to them from someone else in the universe or from God Himself. Each one's inner drive can be both a personal aspiration and a drive to fulfill someone's command or respond to someone's request or proposal. We are all too inseparably connected, we are one. We are cells of the great Divine organism.
And the process of the harvest itself? How does it take place? What is it? Do you gather somewhere and interact?
Where could we all gather if there are myriads of us? No, we simply exist. But a moment of summing up arrives, and waves come. Like when the wind blows on your dandelion, and the time has come for its ripening. Everything happens at the highest energetic level. There are no meetings, no grand fairs, no conferences. But if you need to understand it in a figurative way, imagine it as a huge fair, as a gathering of everyone, as a performance. All the same, this idea cannot be fully conveyed to you. What happens is simply that the entire universe begins to pulsate differently, vibrate differently, and all energy-information channels open and align with the new wave. And then these waves gradually disperse and propagate to all levels. Everything happens as it should, naturally, and in accordance with the laws of the universe. But it's a joyful process, and many entities consider it a great holiday.
If I may: You are participating in this harvest too? What harvest are you waiting for? What do you want from it?
All entities in the universe participate in the harvest. For us, this is the process of communication with other levels, the process of exchange. Each of us also has a job, and we strive to bring our work to fruition, to pass our experience to others, and to receive the experience of others. It’s a process of interacting with countless beings, energies, and systems. But we, as the inhabitants of the system where your solar system is located, also have our own goals: to observe the results of your experience and to know through it.
For us, this is also the moment of summing up because we have done our work: the planting of the seeds, the care of the plants, the nurturing. We are also gardeners. And we also want to see the results of our work, our harvest. And if our harvest turns out well, we will be able to choose other tasks, other assignments, and new goals. Because with every successful harvest, we advance to a new level, and for us, this is also an incentive for further development and a happy event.
The end of the chapter.
I think the time will come when some of us will move beyond the body of God and find our further development outside of God's body.
I see. Is this what you are aiming for when you talk about centrifugal forces, forces of expansion, and moving outward?
I strive for knowledge; I'm curious about everything that has not yet been known.
I understand. Is it because you embody the drive for new knowledge that you are called the prince of our world? Because the task of our level is knowledge?
Yes. But it’s broader than that. I have never claimed any princely titles or dominion. But as we’ve discussed, at each level, every quality of God is tested, so to speak, and then decomposed again for reflection and refracted through other qualities. Those who progress slowly, let’s say, can only comprehend qualities that have already been passed, such as existence, reproduction, and knowledge at the third level. But those who move quickly can unfold in this system, in this perception, in this spatial picture, and all the other qualities: aspiration, self-expression, knowledge, and development. And at the next level, where the main quality for you will be aspiration, you will also refract aspiration towards knowledge, aspiration towards survival, aspiration towards development, aspiration towards reproduction, and so on. And so on at every level.
Don’t get too attached to words; I’m trying to convey the general meaning of the energetic flow that predominates at each layer. Knowledge is the contact and the determination of the sensation of touching various forms. Aspiration is the expansion of your boundaries to other boundaries and further aspiration. Self-expression is the focusing and directing of the energies of your essence. Development is the creation of a diversity of forms and the comprehension of them. All of this is yet to be learned and internalized by you.
Tell me. You mentioned seven qualities of God that we comprehend at the seven levels of development. Many ask: what are the other six levels that we do not yet know? In other sources, we were told about five more chakras that are outside our physical body. But they were called the planetary chakra, the solar system chakra, the galactic chakra, and so on. Can you name the other six qualities of God that we will comprehend?
It’s very difficult to find the right words because you don’t yet have the concepts, but I’ll try… The eighth quality is multidimensionality, multifacetedness; the ninth quality is continuity, permeability. The tenth quality is all-encompassing. The eleventh quality is impulsiveness; the twelfth quality is unity, oneness; the thirteenth quality is boundlessness, infiniteness, omnipotence. But these words are conditional.
We were told that the even levels are like a pause, like a waiting zone before new development.
Not quite. If you look closely, you’ll understand that every odd level is the predominance of centrifugal forces, forces of individualization and outward development, or what you call the dark path. And every even level is the predominance of centripetal forces, forces of unity and merging, the light path, the path of inward development. But the division is again conditional because at each stage, there are sub-stages and shades of development. In this sense, you are now in the Kali Yuga, as you call it.
The information given to you by the forces of Light implied that the even levels, where the energies of merging rather than destruction prevail, pass more calmly, if I may say so, which is why they can be called a respite before the next impulse of development. If you remember, the whole experiment was about introducing another path, the path of centrifugalism and the possibility for each entity to choose between them. Therefore, periods of centrifugalism alternate with periods of centripetalism. As you commonly say, a black stripe is followed by a white one.
But this can be understood in another way. In the period of centrifugalism, the dark period, at the odd level, new directions of development are sought. Like an impulse, similar to an explosion, scattering parts of the whole in different directions so that they find their experience and can then come together again and unite the experience of each into a single experience of the whole. Then the light, even levels, the periods of centripetalism, are just the stages of assimilating the overall experience accumulated at the previous level.
Is that the harvest?
No. The harvest takes place at the end of each period when the results of the development of that level, that period, are summarized.
So, our transition is the Great Harvest, as it’s called?
Yes. But you perceive it as if, being at the third level, you could move to any other level when the waves of creation arrive. It’s not like that. Those who incarnated at the third level in your world can join the adjacent levels. That means that during the Great Harvest, some people may return to the second level, some may remain on the third, and some may rise to the fourth. And there is a small portion who will return to the first level and may rise to the fifth. But in the same way, the parts of you, as a multidimensional being, who are now mastering, say, the sixth level, can also descend to all the lower levels at will or ascend to one, at most two higher levels. To make a faster ascension requires unprecedented efforts and unprecedented experience, like, for example, Christ, who, from the seventh level, through his inner transformation, was able to ascend through several layers at once and descend into any lower worlds.
But few choose such a rapid ascent. First of all, because it truly requires tremendous effort. But also because rapid passage through different levels doesn’t allow one to study its details, its possibilities, to dwell in it. It’s like skipping from infancy straight to adulthood, bypassing childhood and adolescence. This was precisely Christ’s sacrifice to you, a voluntary refusal of detailed knowledge of the experience of many levels of creation, to show you an example of ascension, to illuminate a beacon for you, the path to God, to show the boundless possibilities of each one and, like a Lighthouse, to shine and wait for you to finally come to him. He expressed the intention to be your beacon for as long as it takes for all of you to reach that level, to guide you along the path of light, to shine like a lighthouse for ships in the darkness so that you don’t crash on the rocks and see that there is a way out even among the raging waves. That there is light and shelter on the shore, and you are always awaited there.
Tell me, does this Great Harvest or transition happen with some regularity? We are told about periods of 26,000 years. But time doesn’t exist, so what are these exact periods? Who monitors the end of the cycle? How is it determined that the cycle is over?
The cycle never ends because everything is eternal. Therefore, periodic harvests occur to make space for further development and give those who aspire to go higher or lower the opportunity to follow their choice. I can't tell you who monitors the periodicity. The first wave arrives, marking the beginning of the Harvest. There are a total of 13 waves. But not all of them reach you. You will all be "cleansed" by the first five waves, meaning by the qualities of the aspirations of the five levels.
According to some sources, we have already gone through five waves, but we haven't noticed anything yet. Why?
These are sub-waves, or rather, currents. So far, you have experienced two waves. The third one, which is more significant, is currently in progress.
If we have gone through two waves, does that mean only those who return to the first and second levels have been gathered or cleansed, as you say?
Yes, in this sense, you are told that all dark entities have left your world. It specifically refers to those entities who have not yet passed the lessons of the first and second layers.
How did they reach the third level?
In different ways. They had qualities of singular refraction. In other words, if they didn't provide stable indicators of passing the second level's experience but showed occasional, yet bright, results, they were given the opportunity to try a more complex level—with their consent, of course. Those who have now returned to the second and first levels either couldn't sustain these results and cannot be elevated higher because they simply wouldn't be able to exist at that energy level, or they belong to those who chose to descend back voluntarily.
Is it really possible to want to descend to the first level, the world of stones?
Why does that surprise you? Choices are multifaceted. The development of minerals is a very interesting experience of creation. Look at how beautiful precious stones are. They shine with such light, reflecting in so many shades! This is a certain facet of knowledge. Moreover, their life is not as fleeting as the life of your bodies, not as vulnerable, not as unpredictable. They are more solid in every sense. A diamond, which contains all seven colors of the rainbow and, therefore, all seven levels of knowledge of the first layer, has the hardest boundaries, and few can break them. That's why a number of entities chose to repeat this experience.
So, now we face the third wave, the one that will attract those corresponding to the fourth level? When will it happen?
No, the third wave should attract those who correspond to the third level. But the division into waves is also conditional. All the waves come simultaneously but collide with objects that they meet on their path. Just as in the sea, you can't determine which wave is first or last. I won't give you dates because time doesn't exist, but your expectations could disrupt the course of changes. Moreover, I don't control these waves. They come from the center of the universe, which you call the Central Sun. From the center of creation's impulses. So, you need to be ready for this at any moment. Because, in reality, the waves are continuous, but not all of them reach each of you.
Part 30. Learning Systems. Channeling
The learning process is only possible through mutual interaction because nothing exists in isolation. You, as humans, are currently undergoing an unprecedented experience of incarnations within the density of the three-dimensional world, and your discoveries of yourself, your reactions, are invaluable experiences for those who are now in more subtle material realms. Therefore, learning is mutual. We can use an analogy with scale. When a person looks into the distance, they only see the general outlines, but they have a wider scope of vision, allowing them to see all the objects within their line of sight. Another person, who is closer to a specific object seen by the first person, can examine the details of that object but cannot see the whole perspective; they can only see the objects nearby. Who has the greater vision and the more accurate one? Both do, just from different points of view. You must see yourselves as explorers of details; you bravely agreed to this important part of learning for everyone in the universe.