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Hungarian Phrase Book
Hungarian Phrase Book
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Hungarian Phrase Book

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Hungarian Phrase Book
Ashok Kumawat

Unlock the enchanting world of Hungarian culture and language with the «Hungarian Phrase Book.» This comprehensive guide is your passport to authentic communication while exploring Hungary. Covering everything from polite greetings to cultural customs, it equips you with essential phrases to connect with locals, delve into the country’s history, and celebrate its vibrant traditions. Immerse yourself in Hungary with confidence, all in one indispensable companion.

Hungarian Phrase Book

Ashok Kumawat

© Ashok Kumawat, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-7206-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


The information provided in this Hungarian Phrase Book is intended for general reference and educational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content, the author and publisher do not assume any responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of the information contained within this book.

It is important to note that languages, including their phrases and expressions, can evolve over time and may vary in different regions or contexts. Therefore, the phrases and translations provided should be used as a general guide and may not always reflect the exact or current usage in all situations.

Readers are advised to exercise their own judgment and discretion when using the phrases and to seek further clarification or professional assistance as needed. The author and publisher disclaim any responsibility for any misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or miscommunications that may occur as a result of using the information in this book.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the reader to use the phrases and expressions in a respectful and appropriate manner, considering the cultural and social context in which they are applied.

Basic Greetings and Introductions

In this chapter, we will cover the essential phrases and expressions you need to confidently greet and introduce yourself in Hungarian. Whether you are traveling to Hungary for leisure or business, knowing how to exchange pleasantries and make introductions will help you establish rapport and create a positive first impression.


When meeting someone for the first time or addressing acquaintances, it’s customary to greet them politely. Here are some common greetings in Hungarian:

«Szia!» (Hello!)

«Jó reggelt!» (Good morning!)

«Jó napot!» (Good day!)

«Jó estét!» (Good evening!)

«Viszlát!» (Goodbye!)


When introducing yourself, it’s helpful to share your name and express your pleasure in meeting the other person. Use these phrases to introduce yourself in Hungarian:

«Üdvözlöm, a nevem [Your Name].» (Hello, my name is [Your Name].)

«Örülök, hogy megismerhetlek.» (Nice to meet you.)

Formal and Informal Introductions:

Hungarian, like many other languages, has different levels of formality in greetings and introductions. Here are examples of both formal and informal introductions:


«Engedje meg, hogy bemutassam magam. [Your Name] vagyok.» (Allow me to introduce myself. I am [Your Name].)

«Nagyon örülök, hogy találkozhatok Önnel.» (I am delighted to meet you.)


«Hadd mutatkozzam be. [Your Name] vagyok.» (Let me introduce myself. I am [Your Name].)

«Nagyon örülök, hogy megismerhetlek.» (I am very glad to meet you.)

Polite Expressions:

Hungarian culture places importance on politeness and showing respect. These phrases will help you convey politeness and appreciation during greetings:

«Kérem» (Please)

«Köszönöm» (Thank you)

«Nagyon szépen köszönöm» (Thank you very much)

«Igen, kérem» (Yes, please)

«Nem, köszönöm» (No, thank you)

Asking How Someone Is:

Showing interest in someone’s well-being is a common courtesy. Use these phrases to inquire about someone’s well-being in Hungarian:

«Hogy van?» (How are you?)

«Minden rendben van?» (Is everything alright?)

«Remélem, jól van.» (I hope you are well.)

Responding to Greetings:

When someone greets you or asks how you are, it’s polite to respond. Here are some typical responses in Hungarian:

«Köszönöm, jól vagyok.» (Thank you, I am fine.)

«Köszönöm, minden rendben van.» (Thank you, everything is alright.)

«Köszönöm, jól vagyok. És maga?» (Thank you, I am well. And you?)

Parting Phrases:

When it’s time to say goodbye, these phrases will help you bid farewell in Hungarian:

«Viszlát!» (Goodbye!)

«Szép napot!» (Have a nice day!)

«Kellemes estét!» (Have a pleasant evening!)

Asking for Directions

In this chapter, we will explore the essential phrases and expressions you need to confidently ask for directions in Hungarian. Whether you are exploring the streets of Budapest or navigating through other cities in Hungary, knowing how to seek guidance will help you find your way with ease.

Basic Phrases:

When asking for directions, it’s important to be polite and courteous. Here are some useful phrases to initiate the conversation:

«Bocsánat, de eltévedtem.» (Excuse me, but I’m lost.)

«Meg tudna segíteni nekem?» (Could you help me?)

«Hová van…?» (Where is…?)

«Merre találom…?» (Where can I find…?)

Asking for a Specific Place:

If you are looking for a particular location, it’s helpful to be specific. Use these phrases to ask for a specific place or address:

«Hová van a [place name]?» (Where is [place name]?)

«Hol találom a [place name]?» (Where can I find [place name]?)

«Kérlek, mutasd meg az útvonalat a [place name] -ig.» (Please show me the way to [place name].)

«Tudnád megmutatni, merre van a [place name]?» (Could you show me where [place name] is?)

Seeking General Directions:

When you need general directions to a certain area or landmark, these phrases will come in handy:

«Hová van a belváros?» (Where is the city center?)

«Hol találom a legközelebbi metrómegállót?» (Where can I find the nearest subway station?)

«Merre van a legközelebbi buszmegálló?» (Which way is the nearest bus stop?)

«Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre?» (How do I get to the airport?)

Clarifying Directions:

Sometimes, you might need further clarification or repetition of directions. Use these phrases to seek clarification:

«Elnézést, nem értettem. Megismételné, kérem?» (Sorry, I didn’t understand. Could you repeat, please?)

«Tudnád pontosítani az útirányt?» (Could you clarify the directions?)

«Kérlek, mutasd meg a térképen.» (Please show me on the map.)

Giving Landmarks as References:

If you are having trouble understanding or communicating specific street names, landmarks can serve as useful references. Use these phrases to ask for directions based on landmarks:

«Van valami jellegzetes a közelben, amit könnyebb lenne azonosítani?» (Is there something distinctive nearby that would be easier to identify?)

«Van valami híres épület, amit el tudok használni útmutatóként?» (Is there a famous building I can use as a guide?)

Expressing Gratitude:

Always remember to express your gratitude after receiving directions. Use these phrases to show your appreciation:

«Nagyon köszönöm a segítséget.» (Thank you very much for your help.)

«Igazán kedves voltál.» (You’ve been very kind.)

Remember, when asking for directions, it’s important to have a map or the name of your destination written down, as it can aid communication and make it easier for locals to assist you. Additionally, being patient and polite throughout the conversation will ensure a more pleasant experience for both parties involved.

Practice these phrases, and you’ll be ready to confidently navigate the streets of Hungary and explore its beautiful cities!

Ordering Food and Drinks

In this chapter, we will delve into the essential phrases and expressions you need to confidently order food and drinks in Hungarian. Hungary is renowned for its rich culinary heritage, and knowing how to navigate menus and communicate your preferences will enhance your dining experience.

Getting Seated:

When entering a restaurant or cafe, it’s customary to wait to be seated. Here are some phrases to use when requesting a table:

«Asztalt szeretnék kérni.» (I would like a table, please.)

«Van szabad asztal?» (Is there a free table?)

«Kérem, foglaljak helyet?» (May I take a seat?)

Menu Assistance:

If you need help understanding the menu or have questions about the dishes, don’t hesitate to ask the server. Use these phrases to seek assistance:

«Van angol/nyelvű menü?» (Do you have an English/menu in another language?)