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Hungarian Phrase Book
Hungarian Phrase Book
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Hungarian Phrase Book

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«Ellopták a táskámat/pénzemet.» (My bag/money was stolen.)

«Valaki ellopta a mobiltelefonomat.» (Someone stole my mobile phone.)

«Hol találom a rendőrséget?» (Where can I find the police station?)

Providing Personal Information:

In emergency situations, you may need to provide personal information. Use these phrases to convey necessary details:

«A nevem [name].» (My name is [name].)

«Az otthoni címem [address].» (My home address is [address].)

«Az útlevelem itt van.» (Here is my passport.)

Remember, during emergency situations, it’s important to stay calm and speak clearly. If you have access to a local or a phrase book, it can be helpful to carry it with you in case of emergencies.

Please note that while learning these phrases is valuable, it is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the local emergency contact numbers, such as those for the police, ambulance, and fire department, as they may differ from country to country.

By being prepared with these essential phrases, you can navigate emergency situations with greater confidence and seek the necessary assistance when needed.

Time and Date

In this chapter, we will delve into the topic of time and date in Hungarian. Being able to communicate and understand time-related information is essential for scheduling appointments, catching transportation, and organizing your daily activities. Let’s explore the phrases and expressions related to time and date in Hungarian.

Asking for the Time:

When you need to know the time, use the following phrases:

«Mennyi az idő?» (What time is it?)

«Hány óra van?» (What hour is it?)

«Mikor van most?» (What time is it now?)

«Mikor indul a vonatom/repteri járatom?» (When does my train/airport service depart?)

«Mennyi az óra?» (What’s the time?)

Telling the Time:

To tell the time in Hungarian, you typically use the 24-hour clock system. Here’s how to express different hours:

«Egy óra» (One o’clock)

«Kettő óra» (Two o’clock)

«Három óra» (Three o’clock)

«Tizenkettő óra» (Twelve o’clock)

«Tizenöt óra» (Fifteen o’clock, meaning 3 p.m.)

«Húsz óra» (Twenty o’clock, meaning 8 p.m.)

To express minutes, you use the word «perc» (minute) followed by the number:

«Három óra tizenöt perc» (Three fifteen)

«Nyolc óra negyvenöt perc» (Eight forty-five)

Days of the Week:

Here are the days of the week in Hungarian:

«hétfő» (Monday)

«kedd» (Tuesday)

«szerda» (Wednesday)

«csütörtök» (Thursday)

«péntek» (Friday)

«szombat» (Saturday)

«vasárnap» (Sunday)

Months of the Year:

Learn the names of the months in Hungarian:

«január» (January)

«február» (February)

«március» (March)

«április» (April)

«május» (May)

«június» (June)

«július» (July)

«augusztus» (August)

«szeptember» (September)

«október» (October)

«november» (November)

«december» (December)

Talking about Dates:

To discuss specific dates, use the following structure:

«Year + Month + Day»

For example: «2023. január 15.» (January 15th, 2023)

Expressing Time Duration:

When discussing time duration, use these phrases:

«Egy óra» (One hour)

«Két nap» (Two days)

«Három hét» (Three weeks)

«Négy hónap» (Four months)

«Öt év» (Five years)

«Pár perc» (A few minutes)

«Néhány másodperc» (A few seconds)

Time-related Expressions:

Here are some additional time-related expressions that may come in handy:

«Reggel» (Morning)

«Délelőtt» (Late morning)

«Dél» (Noon)

«Délután» (Afternoon)

«Este» (Evening)

«Éjfél» (Midnight)

«Hajnali» (Early morning)

«Esti» (Nighttime)

Remember, when referring to specific dates and times, it is important to use the appropriate word order and include the necessary prepositions, such as «kor» (at), «óra» (o’clock), or «perccel» (minutes past).

By mastering the phrases and expressions related to time and date in Hungarian, you will be able to schedule appointments, catch transportation, and organize your activities more effectively during your time in Hungary.

Weather and Seasons

In this chapter, we will explore the vocabulary and phrases related to weather and seasons in Hungarian. Understanding the weather conditions and being able to discuss them will help you plan your activities and pack accordingly. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Hungarian weather expressions.

Weather Conditions:

Here are some common weather conditions and expressions to describe them:

«Napfényes» (Sunny)

«Felhős» (Cloudy)

«Esős» (Rainy)

«Szeles» (Windy)

«Hideg» (Cold)

«Meleg» (Warm)

«Havazás» (Snowing)

«Harmat» (Dew)

«Ködös» (Foggy)

«Zivatar» (Storm)

«Jégverés» (Hailstorm)


To discuss temperature, use the following phrases:

«Mennyi a hőmérséklet?» (What is the temperature?)

«Hány fok van?» (How many degrees is it?)

«Meleg van» (It is warm)

«Hideg van» (It is cold)