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Hungarian Phrase Book
Hungarian Phrase Book
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Hungarian Phrase Book

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70: «hetven»

80: «nyolcvan»

90: «kilencven»

100: «száz»

Counting Higher Numbers:

To express higher numbers, you combine the numbers together. Here’s an example:

145: «száznegyvenöt» (one hundred forty-five)

Asking and Answering about Quantity:

When asking about quantities, you can use these phrases:

«Hány darab?» (How many pieces?)

«Mennyi?» (How much?)

«Van még valami?» (Is there anything else?)

«Elég lesz ez?» (Is this enough?)

When responding to quantity-related questions, you can use the following phrases:

«Egy darab» (One piece)

«Kettő» (Two)

«Négy» (Four)

«Ötven» (Fifty)

«Sok» (Many)

«Elég» (Enough)

Understanding Prices and Currency:

Understanding numbers is crucial when dealing with prices and currency. Here are some phrases related to prices:

«Mennyibe kerül?» (How much does it cost?)

«Ez háromezeregyszáz forint.» (This is 3,400 forints.)

«Olcsó» (Cheap)

«Drága» (Expensive)

«Kedvezmény» (Discount)

Dates and Time:

Numbers are also used when talking about dates and time. Here are some examples:

«Január 15.» (January 15th)

«Dél» (Noon)

«Este hatkor» (At six in the evening)

Practice these numbers and counting phrases to confidently communicate quantities, understand prices, and navigate date and time-related conversations. Counting in Hungarian will open doors to a better understanding of the language and facilitate your interactions with locals.

Transportation and Travel

In this chapter, we will explore the essential phrases and expressions you need to navigate transportation and travel in Hungary. Whether you’re exploring Budapest’s public transportation system or taking a trip to the countryside, knowing how to communicate your needs and understand transportation-related information will enhance your travel experience.

Public Transportation:

Hungary has a well-developed public transportation system, especially in major cities like Budapest. Use these phrases to navigate public transportation:

«Merre találom a metrót/buszmegállót?» (Where can I find the metro/bus stop?)

«Mennyibe kerül a jegy?» (How much does the ticket cost?)

«Egy menetjegyet szeretnék vásárolni.» (I would like to buy a single ticket.)

«Hol kell átszállnom?» (Where do I need to transfer?)

«Meddig tart eljutni a [hely neve] ig?» (How long does it take to get to [place name]?)

«Mikor indul a következő járat?» (When does the next service depart?)


Taxis are readily available in Hungary, particularly in urban areas. Use these phrases when taking a taxi:

«Taxi!» (Taxi!)

«Kérem, vigyen a [hely neve] ra.» (Please take me to [place name].)

«Mennyibe kerülne oda eljutni?» (How much would it cost to get there?)

«Van taxaméter?» (Do you have a taximeter?)

«Kérlek, állj meg itt.» (Please stop here.)

Train Travel:

Trains are a popular mode of transportation for exploring Hungary, especially when traveling to different cities. Use these phrases when using the train:

«Hol van a vasútállomás?» (Where is the train station?)

«Mikor indul a vonat a [hely neve] ba?» (When does the train depart for [place name]?)

«Szeretnék egy retúrjegyet vásárolni.» (I would like to buy a round-trip ticket.)

«Van Wi-Fi a vonaton?» (Is there Wi-Fi on the train?)

«Hol találom a poggyászmegőrzőt?» (Where can I find the luggage storage?)

Air Travel:

If you’re traveling to Hungary by air or taking domestic flights, these phrases will come in handy:

«Hol találom a reptér információs pultját?» (Where can I find the airport information desk?)

«Hány órakor indul a repülőm?» (What time does my flight depart?)

«Hol van a beszállókapu?» (Where is the boarding gate?)

«Mennyi a csomagom súlya lehet?» (What is the weight limit for my luggage?)

«Szeretnék egy ülést a szárny mellett.» (I would like a seat by the wing.)

Asking for Directions:

When traveling in Hungary, it’s common to ask for directions. Use these phrases to seek guidance:

«Merre találom a [hely neve] t?» (Where can I find [place name]?)

«Hogyan jutok el a [hely neve] ba?» (How do I get to [place name]?)

«Milyen tömegközlekedést tudsz ajánlani?» (What public transportation do you recommend?)

«Elnézést, de eltévedtem.» (Excuse me, but I’m lost.)

«Megköszönöm a segítséget!» (Thank you for your help!)

Remember to be prepared with a map or use navigation apps on your phone to assist you in finding your way around. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to have local currency available for purchasing tickets or paying for transportation services.

By familiarizing yourself with these transportation-related phrases, you’ll be well-equipped to explore Hungary and navigate its transportation systems with ease. Have a wonderful journey and enjoy your travel experiences in the country!

Emergency Situations

In this chapter, we will cover the essential phrases and expressions you need to handle emergency situations in Hungary. While we hope that you never encounter such situations during your travels, it’s important to be prepared and equipped with the necessary language skills to seek help and communicate effectively in case of emergencies.

Seeking Help:

In case of an emergency, knowing how to ask for help is crucial. Use these phrases to seek assistance:

«Segítség!» (Help!)

«Sürgősen orvosi segítségre van szükségem.» (I need urgent medical assistance.)

«Hívjon mentőt!» (Call an ambulance!)

«Szóljon a rendőrségnek!» (Inform the police!)

Reporting an Incident:

If you witness or experience an incident that requires police intervention, use these phrases to report the situation:

«Egy bűncselekményt láttam.» (I witnessed a crime.)

«Rablótámadás történt.» (There was a robbery.)

«Kérlek, jöjjön ide egy rendőrt!» (Please come here, I need a police officer.)

Medical Emergencies:

In case of a medical emergency, it’s important to describe your condition accurately. Use these phrases to communicate your medical needs:

«Rosszul vagyok.» (I feel unwell.)

«Sérülést szenvedtem.» (I have suffered an injury.)

«Nagyon fáj valami.» (Something hurts a lot.)

«Van valaki, aki beszél angolul?» (Is there someone who speaks English?)

«Van valamilyen kórház a közelben?» (Is there a hospital nearby?)

Fire and Evacuation:

If you encounter a fire or need to evacuate a building, use these phrases to inform others and seek assistance:

«Tűz van!» (There is a fire!)

«Kérlek, hívj tűzoltókat!» (Please call the fire department!)

«Segítség! El kell hagynunk az épületet!» (Help! We need to evacuate the building!)

Loss or Theft:

If you experience loss or theft, it’s important to report the incident to the authorities. Use these phrases to seek help: