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Hungarian Phrase Book
Hungarian Phrase Book
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Hungarian Phrase Book

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«Húsz fok» (Twenty degrees)

«Harmincöt fok» (Thirty-five degrees)


Learn the names of the seasons in Hungarian:

«tavasz» (spring)

«nyár» (summer)

«ősz» (autumn/fall)

«tél» (winter)

Talking about the Weather:

Here are some useful phrases to discuss the weather:

«Milyen idő van ma?» (What’s the weather like today?)

«Szép idő van» (The weather is nice)

«Rossz idő van» (The weather is bad)

«Hűvös van» (It is cool)

«Párás az idő» (It is humid)

«Esik az eső» (It is raining)

«Süt a nap» (The sun is shining)

«Havas az idő» (It is snowy)

«Erős szél fúj» (The wind is strong)

«A levegő friss» (The air is fresh)

Clothing and Accessories:

When discussing the weather, it is also helpful to know the related vocabulary for clothing and accessories:

«Nadrág» (Trousers/pants)

«Kabát» (Coat)

«Sapka» (Hat)

«Kesztyű» (Gloves)

«Cipő» (Shoes)

«Napernyő» (Umbrella)

«Napszemüveg» (Sunglasses)

Weather Forecast:

To understand the weather forecast, here are some phrases you may come across:

«Holnap esős idő várható» (Rainy weather is expected tomorrow)

«Csütörtökön napsütésre számíthatunk» (We can expect sunshine on Thursday)

«Hétvégén hideg lesz» (It will be cold over the weekend)

«Az előrejelzés szerint viharos szél várható» (According to the forecast, there will be strong winds)

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