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A comprehensive look at financial statement fraud from the experts who actually investigated them This collection of revealing case studies sheds clear insights into the dark corne...
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An invaluable tool equipping healthcare professionals, auditors, and investigators to detect every kind of healthcare fraud According to private and public estimates, billions of d...
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Discover the power of the CFO's role in delivering shareholder value During the past decade, the CFO role has expanded dramatically in its breadth, complexity, and criticality. Fil...
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Praise for the First Edition of Quantitative Business Valuation A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals «Jay Abrams' book is close to the equivalent of several graduate d...
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Under IFRS, U.S. GAAP, and the SEC rules and regulations, business enterprises must recognise measure and disclose information regarding equity items on the face of the statement o...
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Discover expert tips for taking charge of your finances Want to spend less time doing bookkeeping and more time on your business? This book shows you how to bill customers, process...
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The latest and most important information for best practices in the inventory function Inventory Best Practices, Second Edition offers the latest and most important information on...
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The easy way to master the art of auditing Want to be an auditor and need to hone your investigating skills? Look no further. This friendly guide gives you an easy-to-understand ex...
(текущая оценка книги: 5.0 из 5) [2 оценок]
The perfect guide to help you understand XBRL-from the «father of XBRL» What is XBRL and how can it help you streamline your business reporting? This plain-English guide from the «...
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Get to grips with Sage One in simple steps. Sage One For Dummies explains every aspect of setting up and navigating Sage One, the newest accounting solution for small businesses an...
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