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A complete set of tools for applying entrepreneurial strategies and techniques to your nonprofit As a follow-up to their book Enterprising Nonprofits, the authors of Strategic Tool...
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Designed to lead financial managers from initial compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, through ongoing maintenance and monitoring, Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance helps readers...
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Enterprise Dashboards: Design and Best Practices for IT is a one-stop resource of methodology and best practices for this dynamic and relevant information platform, packed with cha...
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Praise for Executive Roadmap to Fraud Prevention and Internal Control «Our nation is faced with dual alarming trends of record highs in white-collar crime and seemingly record lows...
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The clearest, easiest-to-use guide to understanding GAAS 2006 on the market-fully updated! This latest resource to understanding GAAS addresses the toughest part of an accountant's...
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A behind-the-scenes look at the underlying roles of each player in a mergers and acquisitions transaction Mergers and Acquisitions Dealmaker explores the roles of the buyers and se...
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Written by a long-standing practitioner in the field, this timely and critical work is your best source for understanding all the complex issues and requirements associated with co...
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The survival of the fastest Information technology is now essential to business evolution. Companies that invest in IT as a future resource will live to see the future. The rest wo...
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Expert guidance on managing credit risk in bond portfolios Managing Credit Risk in Corporate Bond Portfolios shows readers how to measure and manage the risks of a corporate bond p...
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Praise for Service-Oriented Architecture «This book provides a superb overview of the SOA topic. Marks and Bell provide practical guidance across the entire SOA life cycle-from bus...
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10 января 1883 года родился граф Алексей Николаевич Толстой, русский писатель. "Пётр I", "Аэлита", "Гиперболоид инженера Гарина" (ум. 1945г.).
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