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A practical framework for effectively managing performance in today's complex, competitive and risky global markets The Third Edition provides a complete framework for building bes...
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Discover how to detect fraud, biases, or errors in your data using Access or Excel With over 300 images, Forensic Analytics reviews and shows how twenty substantive and rigorous te...
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An expert's insider secrets to how successful CEOs and directors shape, lead, and oversee their organizations to achieve corporate goals Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance...
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The handy problem-solver with helpful information for today's busy bookkeepers Bookkeeping Essentials: How to Succeed as a Bookkeeper is the handy problem-solver that gives today's...
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Step-by-step guidance for board members and executives on preventing and detecting accounting fraud In the wake of highly publicized allegations of accounting irregularities and fr...
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A one-of-a-kind resource walking you through one complete fraud investigation, from the original tip to conviction in court Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation is an engrossing read a...
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A fully updated, step-by-step guide for implementing COSO's Enterprise Risk Management COSO Enterprise Risk Management, Second Edition clearly enables organizations of all types an...
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Do you struggle with keeping your books? Do you dread facing your finances? Do you constantly fear that the tax man will come knocking? Learn Bookkeeping in 7 Days is your step-by-...
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A new book to help senior executives and boards get smart about risk management The ability of businesses to survive and thrive often requires unconventional thinking and calculate...
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Now in a Second Edition, this practical book helps corporate executives and managers how to set up a comprehensive and effective fraud prevention program in any organization. Compl...
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