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A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of governmental accounting—made easy! Governmental Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips you with the tools you need to run the financial...
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You may not believe that there’s a fun and easy way to comply with Sarbanes –Oxley, but once you have Sarbanes-Oxley For Dummies, Second Edition in front of you, you’re sure to cha...
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Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thin...
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If you're preparing for The American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers' (AIPB) bookkeeping certification test, you need an easy- to-follow test-preparation guide that gets you...
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The newly updated fast-reference problem solver The Vest Pocket CPA-the convenient, comprehensive reference professionals have relied on for nearly fifteen years-is now updated in...
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Praise for Essentials of Corporate Governance «Mr. Anand's book is a practical study of the complicated issues surrounding the world of corporate governance. He includes excellent...
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What is the importance of Sections 302 and 404? «Implementing» SOX using COSO and COBIT SOX's impact on foreign companies andnonprofits Achieving cost-effective sustainable complia...
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Balance the books – without all the headaches! Trying to get certified and become an accountant? Own a small business but need a little help balancing your books? Don't worry! This...
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Not everyone is cut out to be a professional accountant, but those who want to move up the corporate ladder know that they need to master the essentials of accounting. Understandin...
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A concise introduction to financial risk management strategies, policies, and techniques This ideal guide for business professionals focuses on strategic and management issues asso...
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