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Avoiding Audit Pitfalls offers real case studies covering a comprehensive range of challenges and mistakes that any accountant can make during the course of their career. Focusing...
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The International Financial Reporting Standards are quite different from other sets of accounting standards, and are fundamentally different from US-GAAP, in that they are based on...
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Praise for Enterprise Risk Management and COSO: A Guide for Directors, Executives, and Practitioners «Enterprise Risk Management and COSO is a comprehensive reference book that pre...
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Proven guidance for fraud detection and prevention in a practical workbook format An excellent primer for developing and implementing an anti-fraud program, Anti-Fraud Risk and Con...
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Praise for Fourth Edition of Cost of Capital Workbook and Technical Supplement "Pratt and Grabowski went the extra mile to supplement their magnum opus by providing this Workbook a...
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Praise for the Fourth Edition of Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting «Tommie and Aaron Singleton have made important updates to a book I personally rely very heavily upon: Fraud...
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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guidebook shows readers how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has grown to critical importance to any U.S. company that does busines...
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A professional guide to developing training for fraud risk and detection This book provides a simple but effective method of developing a fraud risk awareness strategy that focuses...
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The Second Edition of The Essential Guide to Internal Auditing is a condensed version of the Handbook of Internal Auditing, Third Edition. It shows internal auditors and students i...
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Praise for Accounting Best Practices Sixth Edition «For a comprehensive, yet easy-to-read guide to fixing those all-too-common shortcomings in your accounting department, look no f...
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