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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов

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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
Радмила Шарифьянова

«Английский для айтишников» – это практическое пособие для технических специалистов, которые хотят улучшить свои знания английского языка. Книга представляет собой набор материалов, нацеленных на расширение словарного запаса и развитие коммуникативных навыков, необходимых для эффективной коммуникации в рамках IT-индустрии. Книга включает в себя различные форматы заданий, такие как упражнения на закрепление лексики, чтение и анализ текстов, а также диалоги для тренировки устной речи.

Английский для айтишников

Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов

Радмила Шарифьянова

© Радмила Шарифьянова, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-1534-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Introduction to the Role of an IT Professional

Information Technology (IT) professionals are responsible for managing and maintaining computer systems, networks, and software. They play a crucial role in ensuring that organizations can use technology effectively to achieve their goals.

There are many different job titles within the field of IT. Some common roles include network administrator, who is responsible for managing an organization’s computer network; database administrator, who manages databases that store important company information; system analyst, who evaluates an organization’s technological needs and recommends solutions; and software developer, who designs and creates software programs.

Hardware and software are two key components of computer systems. Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer, such as the central processing unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Software, on the other hand, refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer system, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop.

A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a set of predefined security rules. Firewalls are important for cybersecurity because they help to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Troubleshooting is the process of identifying and resolving problems in a computer system or software application. A typical troubleshooting process involves identifying the symptoms of a problem, isolating the cause of the problem, and implementing a solution to fix the issue.

Customer support is an essential part of the work of IT professionals. It helps to ensure that users have a positive experience with technology and are able to use it effectively. Good customer support can also help to build trust and loyalty among customers.


Information Technology (IT) – информационные технологии

Network – сеть

Database – база данных

Hardware – аппаратное обеспечение

Software – программное обеспечение

Operating System (OS) – операционная система

Firewall – брандмауэр

Cybersecurity – кибербезопасность

Troubleshooting – устранение неполадок

Customer support – поддержка клиентов


– What is the role of an IT professional and what are some common job titles in this field?

– Define «hardware» and «software» and give an example of each.

– What is a firewall and why is it important for cybersecurity?

– Explain what troubleshooting is and give an example of a troubleshooting process.

– Why is customer support important for IT professionals?

Sample answers:

– An IT professional is responsible for managing and maintaining computer systems, networks, and software. Some common job titles in this field include network administrator, database administrator, system analyst, and software developer.

– Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, such as the central processing unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Software refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer system, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop.

– A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a set of predefined security rules. It is important for cybersecurity because it helps to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

– Troubleshooting is the process of identifying and resolving problems in a computer system or software application. An example of a troubleshooting process would be to identify the symptoms of a problem, isolate the cause of the problem, and implement a solution to fix the issue.

– Customer support is important for IT professionals because it helps to ensure that users have a positive experience with technology and are able to use it effectively. Good customer support can also help to build trust and loyalty among customers.

Demystifying Computer Parts: A Comprehensive Guide for IT Specialists

If you’re an IT specialist, understanding computer parts is essential. With this guide, we’ll help you demystify the various components of a computer and what their functions are.

Central Processing Unit (CPU): This is the brain of the computer, responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations.

Random Access Memory (RAM): This is the computer’s short-term memory, storing data that is currently being used by the CPU.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD): This is the computer’s long-term memory, storing data even when the power is off.

Solid State Drive (SSD): Similar to an HDD, but uses flash storage instead of spinning disks, resulting in faster read/write times.

Motherboard: This is the main circuit board that connects all the other components of the computer together.

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): This is responsible for processing and displaying graphics and images.

Power Supply Unit (PSU): This supplies power to all the components of the computer.

Cooling System: This keeps the computer from overheating by dissipating heat generated from the CPU and GPU.


1. Demystify – Explain or clarify something that is difficult to understand (Объяснить что-то сложное)

2. Components – Individual parts that make up a larger system (Компоненты)

3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – The brain of the computer (Центральный процессор)

4. Random Access Memory (RAM) – The computer’s short-term memory (Оперативная память)

5. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) – The computer’s long-term memory (Жесткий диск)

6. Solid State Drive (SSD) – A type of hard drive that uses flash storage (Твердотельный диск)

7. Motherboard – The main circuit board that connects all other components of the computer (Материнская плата)

8. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) – Responsible for processing and displaying graphics and images (Графический процессор)

9. Power Supply Unit (PSU) – Supplies power to all components of the computer (Блок питания)

10. Cooling System – Keeps the computer from overheating by dissipating heat generated from the CPU and GPU (Система охлаждения)


1. Match the following definitions with the correct computer part:

a) The brain of the computer

b) Individual parts that make up a larger system

c) The computer’s short-term memory

d) The computer’s long-term memory

e) A type of hard drive that uses flash storage

i) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

ii) Components

iii) Random Access Memory (RAM)

iv) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

v) Solid State Drive (SSD)


a) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

b) Components

c) Random Access Memory (RAM)

d) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

e) Solid State Drive (SSD)

2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word:

«Without proper _____, a computer can overheat and damage its components.»

Answer: Cooling System

3. Write a short paragraph explaining the difference between an HDD and SSD.

Answer: While both HDDs and SSDs are used as hard drives for storing data, they differ in how they store and retrieve information. An HDD uses spinning disks to read and write data, while an SSD uses flash memory. Since an SSD has no moving parts, it can access data much faster than an HDD, resulting in quicker boot-up times and file transfers. However, SSDs are typically more expensive than HDDs.

Exploring the Latest Advancements in Hardware

Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, and peripherals. With advancements in technology, hardware has become faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before.

One example of cutting-edge hardware is solid-state drives (SSDs). These storage devices use flash memory instead of spinning disks to store data, resulting in faster read and write speeds and increased durability. Another innovation is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance hardware performance. AI algorithms can optimize CPU usage, predict system failures, and improve energy efficiency.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has also led to new hardware developments. Devices such as smart thermostats, security cameras, and door locks are now equipped with sensors and connectivity options that enable them to communicate with other devices and systems.

As technology continues to evolve, hardware will play an increasingly crucial role in enabling new applications and services. IT professionals must stay up-to-date with these advancements to ensure they are using the most efficient and effective hardware for their organizations.


Advancements – продвижения

Components – компоненты

Central processing unit (CPU) – центральный процессор

Memory – память

Storage devices – устройства хранения

Peripherals – периферийные устройства

Cutting-edge – передовой

Solid-state drives (SSDs) – твердотельные накопители

Flash memory – флэш-память

Read and write speeds – скорость чтения и записи

Durability – прочность

Artificial intelligence (AI) – искусственный интеллект