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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов

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Firewalls: Firewalls protect networks by monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic and blocking potentially harmful packets. They also prevent unauthorized access to the network.

Understanding these network hardware components is essential for IT specialists who work with computer networks.


Network – Сеть

Hardware – Аппаратное обеспечение

Network Interface Card (NIC) – Сетевая карта

Switches – Коммутаторы

MAC addresses – MAC-адреса

Routers – Маршрутизаторы

Firewalls – Брандмауэры

Communication – Связь

Data sharing – Обмен данными

Translation – Перевод

Transmitted – Передаваемый

Incoming – Входящий

Outgoing – Исходящий

Potentially harmful – Потенциально вредоносный

Unauthorized access – Несанкционированный доступ


– What is the role of a switch in a computer network?

– Translate the following sentence into Russian: «Firewalls protect networks by monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic.»

– Define MAC addresses.

Sample answers:

– The role of a switch in a computer network is to connect multiple devices and allow them to communicate with each other using MAC addresses.

– «Брандмауэры защищают сети, контролируя входящий и исходящий трафик.»

– MAC addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network devices for communication purposes.

The Importance of Upgrading Hardware for Efficient Performance

In the world of technology, hardware upgrades are just as important as software updates. While software updates improve functionality and security, hardware upgrades enhance performance, speed, and overall efficiency. IT specialists should prioritize hardware upgrades to ensure that their systems can keep up with the ever-evolving technological landscape.

One example of a necessary hardware upgrade is upgrading RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM is responsible for temporarily storing data that your computer uses to carry out tasks. If your computer has insufficient RAM, it will struggle to handle multiple applications and may become slow and unresponsive. Upgrading RAM can significantly improve your computer’s performance and speed.

Another crucial hardware upgrade is replacing an old hard drive with a solid-state drive (SSD). SSDs offer faster read and write speeds, which result in faster boot times, faster file transfers, and improved overall system performance. Additionally, SSDs are more durable and less prone to physical damage than traditional hard drives.

IT specialists should also consider upgrading their graphics cards if they work with graphics-intensive applications such as video editing or gaming. A high-end graphics card can significantly improve the speed and quality of rendering, resulting in smoother video playback and faster processing times.

In summary, hardware upgrades are essential for optimal performance and efficiency in the constantly evolving technological landscape. Upgrading RAM, switching to an SSD, and upgrading graphics cards are just some examples of how IT specialists can ensure that their systems can keep up with the demands of modern technology.


hardware upgrades – обновление оборудования

software updates – обновления программного обеспечения

functionality – функциональность

security – безопасность

enhance – улучшать

performance – производительность

speed – скорость

efficiency – эффективность

prioritize – давать приоритет

evolving – развивающийся

landscape – ландшафт

RAM (Random Access Memory) – оперативная память

temporarily – временно

data – данные

insufficient – недостаточный

struggle – бороться

handle – обрабатывать

applications – приложения

unresponsive – неотзывчивый

significantly – значительно

solid-state drive (SSD) – твердотельный накопитель

read and write speeds – скорости чтения и записи

boot times – время загрузки

file transfers – передача файлов

durable – прочный

prone – склонный

physical damage – физический ущерб

graphics cards – графические карты

graphics-intensive – графически интенсивные

video editing – видеомонтаж

gaming – игры

high-end – высококачественный

smoother – более плавный

playback – воспроизведение

processing times – время обработки


– What are some examples of hardware upgrades that can enhance system performance?

– Why is upgrading RAM important?

– What are the benefits of using an SSD instead of a traditional hard drive?

– Who should consider upgrading their graphics card? Why?

– What are some advantages of a high-end graphics card?

Sample answers:

– Some examples of hardware upgrades that can enhance system performance are upgrading RAM, replacing an old hard drive with an SSD, and upgrading graphics cards.

– Upgrading RAM is important because it allows your computer to handle multiple applications without becoming slow or unresponsive.

– Using an SSD instead of a traditional hard drive offers faster read and write speeds, resulting in faster boot times, faster file transfers, and improved overall system performance. Additionally, SSDs are more durable and less prone to physical damage.

– IT specialists who work with graphics-intensive applications such as video editing or gaming should consider upgrading their graphics card. A high-end graphics card can significantly improve the speed and quality of rendering, resulting in smoother video playback and faster processing times.

– Some advantages of a high-end graphics card include faster rendering, smoother video playback, and faster processing times. Additionally, high-end graphics cards can handle more complex graphics-intensive applications, making them ideal for professionals who work with graphic design, video editing, or gaming.

The Benefits of Building Custom PCs

As an IT specialist, building a custom PC can have many advantages over buying a pre-built system. While it may seem daunting to select the components and assemble them yourself, the benefits of a custom-built PC far outweigh the initial effort and cost.

One advantage of building a custom PC is that you can choose components based on your specific needs and budget. This allows you to get the most bang for your buck and optimize performance based on the tasks you’ll be performing. Additionally, custom-built PCs tend to have better build quality and are made with high-quality components, resulting in better reliability and durability.

Another advantage of building a custom PC is that it allows for greater customization and upgradability. Rather than being stuck with pre-built system limitations, you can upgrade individual components as needed without having to replace the entire system. This means that your custom-built PC can evolve with your changing needs and technological advancements.

Building a custom PC also gives you the opportunity to learn more about hardware components and how they work together. This knowledge can be useful for troubleshooting and fixing issues that may arise down the road. Plus, it’s a fun and rewarding experience to see your creation come to life!

In summary, building a custom PC is a great option for IT specialists looking to optimize their system’s performance, reliability, and upgradability. By selecting specific components based on your needs and budget, you can create a customized system that evolves alongside your changing technological needs.


custom PC – настраиваемый компьютер

advantages – преимущества

pre-built system – готовая система

select – выбирать

components – компоненты

specific needs – конкретные потребности

budget – бюджет

bang for your buck – соотношение цена-качество

optimize – оптимизировать

performance – производительность

tasks – задачи

build quality – качество сборки

high-quality components – высококачественные компоненты