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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов
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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов

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CPU usage – использование процессора

Predict – прогнозировать

System failures – сбои в работе системы

Energy efficiency – энергоэффективность

Internet of Things (IoT) – интернет вещей

Sensors – датчики

Connectivity options – возможности подключения

Security cameras – камеры безопасности

Door locks – замки дверей

Communicate – общаться


1. What is the definition of hardware?

Answer: Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, and peripherals.

2. How do solid-state drives (SSDs) differ from traditional hard disk drives?

Answer: SSDs use flash memory instead of spinning disks to store data, resulting in faster read and write speeds and increased durability.

3. How can artificial intelligence (AI) enhance hardware performance?

Answer: AI algorithms can optimize CPU usage, predict system failures, and improve energy efficiency.

4. What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Answer: The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to devices such as smart thermostats, security cameras, and door locks that are equipped with sensors and connectivity options that enable them to communicate with other devices and systems.

5. Why is it important for IT professionals to stay up-to-date with hardware advancements?

Answer: As technology continues to evolve, hardware will play an increasingly crucial role in enabling new applications and services. IT professionals must stay up-to-date with these advancements to ensure they are using the most efficient and effective hardware for their organizations.

Understanding Computer Motherboards

The motherboard is one of the most important components of a computer system, as it connects and controls all other hardware components. It is essentially the «heart» of the computer.

There are several key features to consider when selecting a motherboard. First is the form factor, which refers to the physical size and layout of the board. Common form factors include ATX, Micro-ATX, and Mini-ITX.

Another important consideration is the socket type, which determines what kind of CPU can be installed on the motherboard. The most common CPU sockets are Intel’s LGA and AMD’s PGA.

The chipset is another important component of the motherboard, as it determines what features the board will have, such as the number of USB ports and the maximum amount of RAM that can be installed.

The motherboard also has expansion slots for additional hardware components, such as graphics cards and sound cards. These slots come in different sizes and speeds, such as PCI Express x16 or PCI Express 3.0.

It’s important to note that not all motherboards are compatible with all hardware components. For example, a motherboard with an Intel LGA socket cannot support an AMD processor.


Motherboard – материнская плата

Hardware components – компоненты аппаратного обеспечения

Connects – соединяет

Controls – управляет

Form factor – форм-фактор

Physical size – физический размер

Layout – расположение

ATX – форм-фактор АТХ

Micro-ATX – форм-фактор Микро-АТХ

Mini-ITX – форм-фактор Мини-АТХ

Socket type – тип сокета

CPU – центральный процессор

Chipset – чипсет

Features – характеристики

USB ports – порты USB

RAM – оперативная память

Expansion slots – слоты расширения

Graphics cards – графические карты

Sound cards – звуковые карты

Sizes – размеры

Speeds – скорости

Compatible – совместимый


1. What is the function of a motherboard?

Answer: The motherboard connects and controls all other hardware components in a computer system.

2. What is form factor, and why is it an important consideration when selecting a motherboard?

Answer: Form factor refers to the physical size and layout of the motherboard. It is an important consideration because it determines what kind of case the board can fit in and what hardware components can be installed.

3. What is the socket type, and how does it relate to selecting a CPU for a computer system?

Answer: The socket type determines what kind of CPU can be installed on the motherboard. It is important to select a compatible CPU with the correct socket type for the motherboard.

4. What features does the chipset determine on a motherboard?

Answer: The chipset determines what features the motherboard will have, such as the number of USB ports and the maximum amount of RAM that can be installed.

5. What are expansion slots, and what kind of hardware components can be installed in them?

Answer: Expansion slots are slots on the motherboard for installing additional hardware components, such as graphics cards and sound cards. These slots come in different sizes and speeds, such as PCI Express x16 or PCI Express 3.0.

Understanding Computer Hardware Components

Hardware is the physical components that make up a computer system. These components can be categorized into different types such as input, output, storage, and processing devices.

Input devices are used to enter data and commands into the computer. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mice, scanners, and microphones. Output devices, on the other hand, display or produce the results of processing data. Examples of output devices include monitors, printers, and speakers.

Storage devices are used to store data and programs permanently or temporarily. Examples of storage devices include hard disk drives, solid-state drives, flash drives, and memory cards.

Processing devices are responsible for carrying out tasks and operations. The central processing unit (CPU) is the primary processing device in a computer system. It executes instructions and controls the flow of data. Graphics processing units (GPUs) handle graphical processing tasks, while digital signal processors (DSPs) process signals from audio and video devices.


Hardware – Аппаратное обеспечение

Input devices – Входные устройства

Output devices – Выходные устройства

Storage devices – Устройства хранения данных

Processing devices – Процессорные устройства

Central processing unit (CPU) – Центральный процессор

Graphics processing unit (GPU) – Графический процессор

Digital signal processor (DSP) – Цифровой сигнальный процессор

Hard disk drive (HDD) – Жесткий диск

Solid-state drive (SSD) – Твердотельный накопитель

Flash drive – Флеш-накопитель

Memory card – Карта памяти

Keyboard – Клавиатура

Mouse – Мышь

Scanner – Сканер

Microphone – Микрофон

Monitor – Монитор

Printer – Принтер

Speaker – Динамик


– What is the primary processing device in a computer system?

– Give an example of an input device.

– Translate the following sentence into Russian: «The central processing unit executes instructions and controls the flow of data.»

Sample answers:

– The primary processing device in a computer system is the central processing unit (CPU).

– An example of an input device is a keyboard.

– «Центральный процессор выполняет инструкции и контролирует поток данных.»

Understanding Computer Network Hardware

Computer networks are made up of hardware components that enable communication and data sharing between devices. Each component plays a specific role in the network, and understanding the functions of each is essential for IT specialists who work with computer networks.

Network Interface Card (NIC): This hardware component enables devices to connect to a network. It is responsible for translating data from the device into a format that can be transmitted over the network and vice versa.

Switches: These devices connect multiple devices on a network and allow them to communicate with each other. Switches use MAC addresses to identify devices on the network and direct data to the appropriate destination.

Routers: Routers connect different networks together and enable communication between them. They also determine the most efficient path for data to travel between networks.