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The Jarrods: Inheritance
Blake grimaced. “I like to think I’m not quite as cold as the old man.”
There was a moment’s silence as they both remembered their father. Blake refused to feel anything for the passing of a man who had shunned his children’s emotional well-being and so badly let them down. Donald Jarrod’s legacy had been more than the Jarrod Ridge Resort. It had been a legacy that his children keep their emotions on ice, avoiding personal commitment. And while both Guy and Melissa had found true happiness with Avery and Shane, Blake couldn’t see it happening for himself. Not at all. Nor for Gavin or Trevor either. That was just the way it was.
“That reminds me,” Gavin said. “You’re working out of Dad’s old office now you’re CEO, so wouldn’t it be more convenient to be living at the Manor, as well? Why are you staying here at Pine Lodge instead?”
Blake shrugged. “Actually it’s more convenient to be staying here. That way I can keep my hotel operations separate from the resort stuff.” His hand tightened around the coffee mug. “Besides, even though Erica’s moved into Christian’s place, they both spend most of their time at the Manor during the day. I don’t want to encroach on their territory. You know what newly engaged couples are like.”
Gavin shot him a mocking smile. “Since when have you ever taken a backseat to anyone, big brother? Or are you still scared of our new half sister?”
Blake knew Gavin was riling him, getting him back for stringing it out a few minutes ago. “I was never scared of Erica, as you well know.”
“You’re going to have to get over your dislike of her one day, buddy.”
Blake felt an odd jolt. “I don’t dislike her. I just don’t totally trust her.”
Gavin’s eyes narrowed. “She really doesn’t have to prove anything more to us, Blake.” He paused. “But I guess it’s all for the best that you stay here anyway. Your new assistant might not get on with the rest of the family as well as Samantha does.” A speculative look entered his eyes. “Yeah, whoever is coming in as your new PA, it’ll be much easier for them to keep the two businesses separate if you both stay here.”
Blake’s jaw clenched. He refused to even think about Samantha leaving, or someone coming in to replace her. And why was he surprised that word had gotten around the family? Samantha had said she didn’t want anyone to know, but obviously she’d told one person at least. It had to have been Erica. No doubt the two had shared some girl talk yesterday while they’d been shopping together.
“Samantha is not leaving,” he said tightly.
“That’s not what I’m hearing.”
“Shut up, Gav.” He slammed down his half-empty coffee mug. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do.” He strode past his brother and out of the kitchen.
As he entered the living room, he heard a noise outside. He glanced through the picture window. Samantha wasn’t in bed asleep like he’d thought. She was standing on the bottom step of the lodge, dressed in warm clothes and a woolen hat, talking to a man who no doubt was one of the guests at the hotel. She must have gone up to the Manor to eat breakfast, probably with her doctor friend, and this guy must have followed her back like a lost puppy. No, make that a raccoon.
He heard her give a lilting laugh and his mouth flattened. The guy was in his forties and looked sleazy to Blake. And hell, Samantha looked like she was flirting with him. Didn’t she have any sense when it came to men? The sooner he showed her what it was like to make love to him, the better.
“Look at that,” Gavin murmured in his ear. “I think someone else may be working today … on Samantha.”
Blake glared at him, then strode over and pulled open the front door in a rush. If she was going to flirt it would be with him.
“How about us going for a scenic drive?” the man was saying. “Maybe even do lunch in town? I know it’s pretty quiet at this time of year, but we should be able to find somewhere to eat. What do you think?”
“I think I need to speak to my assistant,” Blake cut across her as he stepped out on the porch. They spun to look up at him. “Samantha, I need you to make some calls to Vegas for me.”
She sent him an annoyed look, making it clear she didn’t like the interruption. “Blake, it’s Sunday and most of the offices are closed. It’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”
He had the urge to remind her that last night he could easily have taken her to his bed. She wouldn’t have minded that interruption, he was sure. “Then I need you to help me with something else.”
Her lips tightened. “So I’m not going to get any time off now until I leave?”
“No.” He turned to go inside and waited but realized she wasn’t behind him. “Coming, Samantha?”
Her chin tilted stubbornly. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Blake saw Gavin’s look of amusement as his brother pushed through the doorway then descended the stairs two at a time, calling out a greeting to the pair as he left.
Blake went back inside. He didn’t hear her following. Counting to ten, he waited but he could see her still standing there chatting. At that moment something occurred to him. Wasn’t it strange that she’d been jumpy with him last night, yet she seemed perfectly at ease with Mr. Sleazy down there? And what about last night with the doc? She hadn’t seemed nervous around the guy.
So what did that tell him? That she was flirting with men she considered safe? Which meant she must feel nothing for them, he mused. Nothing at all. The thought filled him with relief.
As for what she was feeling for him … there was definitely something between them. Yeah, she knew they’d be explosive together in bed.
And that begged the question. Just how far was she prepared to go to fight her desire for him? More importantly right now, did she have any idea what she was inviting by leading those other two men on?
Making a decision, Blake pulled on his jacket and boots, grabbed his car keys and strode back out into the chilly air. “I need to go check on something,” he said, going down the stairs, “and I want you to come with me, Samantha.” He bared his teeth at the other man in the semblance of a smile. “Sorry, buddy, but I need my assistant.”
“Blake—” she began.
“This is important.” He cupped her elbow and began leading her toward the side of the lodge to the garage where he kept his black Cadillac SUV.
She glanced over her shoulder and called out to the other man. “I’ll talk to you when I get back, Ralph.”
Blake gave a snort as he clicked the remote to open the garage door.
“What was that for?” Samantha hissed, hurrying to keep up.
“I hope you’re not thinking of dating Ralph. The guy’s old enough to be your father. Hell, he’s even got a name to match.”
She hid her satisfaction. “Perhaps I’m attracted to older men?”
He sent her a knowing look. “Then you’d better not dress like you did last night. He doesn’t look like his old ticker could handle a woman, let alone a sexy one like yourself.”
Her own “ticker” jumped around inside her chest and she tried not to blush. She loved hearing that Blake thought her sexy, though she wasn’t sure why he was looking so confident all of a sudden. Still, this time she wasn’t going to run away from him if he made a move on her. No repeat of last night, she told herself firmly.
They entered the garage, but it was only after she slid onto the passenger seat of the SUV and was putting on her seat belt did she remember something. “Didn’t you say this vehicle had an oil leak?”
Blake smirked at her. “Here’s the thing. I took another look earlier and it wasn’t leaking after all. The problem must have been with someone else’s car.”
“Now there’s a surprise.”
“It was to me, too,” he drawled, starting the engine.
No wonder he looked pleased with himself, she decided. He’d orchestrated the “poor me” routine last night over the oil leak, and now he’d put a stop to her going out with Ralph. Not that Ralph was her type, though he seemed very nice, but he was a man and one she could flirt with for Blake’s benefit.
Once the vehicle had warmed up, she took off her gloves as he reversed out of the garage.
“Where are we going?” she asked, when he started along the narrow road lined with thick trees, and it became clear they were heading for the main entrance to the resort.
“You’ll see.”
For a second she dared hope this might be about spending some time alone together away from everyone else. “Is this really about work?”
“What else?”
Disappointment wound its way through her. They were clearly still employer and employee. Had last night merely been an aberration on his part because of the late night and close proximity? Was this once again about Blake trying to stop her from leaving her job, rather than him actually wanting her?
Back to square one.
Soon Blake was driving past the two stone pillars with the brass Jarrod Ridge Resort sign, and turning the SUV onto the main road but in the other direction of town. At this time on a Sunday morning there wasn’t much traffic and further along he took another turn onto a side road. She wondered where they were going as they drove through stunning natural scenery filled with golden fall colors that would soon disappear under winter-white, but it was no use asking him again. Blake only did what he wanted to do and he would tell her only what he wanted her to know.
Remembering Gavin had visited Pine Lodge this morning, she suspected then where they were going. Farther along, Blake pulled over onto a slot of land that looked out over the Roaring Fork River weaving its way through a lush green picturesque valley between towering snow-dabbled peaks. The Jarrod Ridge resort was nestled like a crown jewel amongst it all.
He stopped the vehicle and cut the engine.
He didn’t speak at first, just stared straight ahead, so she had to ask the obvious. “Why did you bring me here?”
He nodded his dark head at the majestic mountain panorama before them. “I wanted to show you where the new private bungalow will be built.”
“I see.” Her suspicions were correct, but the way he spoke made her heart sink. It was as if he had acknowledged she was leaving now. Like he was showing it to her—while he still could.
“Let’s take a closer look.” He started to get out of the car then glanced back at her, his gaze going to the woolen hat on her head. “Put your gloves on first. There’s no wind but it’s chilly.”
A couple of seconds later they were standing in front of the black SUV, looking at the breathtaking alpine backdrop in front of them.
He pointed to a wooded area near the bottom of the mountain to the right of the resort. “See that over there? That’s our silver mine where we used to play as kids. One of my ancestors started up the mine but it’s been out of use for over a hundred years.”
“How interesting,” she said, meaning it.
“The bungalow will be farther up the mountain but not too close. We don’t want to destroy the historical significance of the mine.”
She’d briefly seen the documents Gavin had given Blake, and heard them discussing it at times, but Gavin was the one running with this project. He was keeping it very much between himself and Blake at this stage, though she knew they were keeping the rest of the Jarrods up to date.
“See that rocky outcropping?” Blake continued. “That’s close to where we’ll build the bungalow. It’s going to be super luxurious with top-of-the-line security. There’ll be iris-recognition scanners plus the usual cameras and motion detectors. Personal safety will be a must, as will our guests’ privacy.”
She could picture it in her mind. “I’m really impressed. It’ll be great.”
He nodded. “It’s just what Jarrod Ridge needs to stand out above the rest,” he said, a proud look about him as he appraised his family’s empire.
An odd tenderness filled her as she glanced up at his familiar profile. There was something so attractive about a man confident with himself. An aura that pulled a woman close and made her want to get under it, to become a part of the man no one else knew.
All at once he turned toward her, his gaze fixing in on her. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked quietly.
She cleared her throat. “I was thinking how much you enjoy a challenge. You’re suited to these mountains.”
He looked pleased. Then, “You could be a part of all this, too, you know.”
Her heart stumbled. Had he brought her here for another reason? “Wh-what do you mean?”
“You love it here. You won’t be happy anywhere else.” He paused. “Think carefully before you walk away from your job, Samantha.”
The job.
She groaned inwardly at her stupidity. Had she really thought this confirmed bachelor had been about to pop the marriage question to his personal assistant? What on earth was the matter with her? Hadn’t she learned her lesson with Carl? The thin air must be making her imagine things that weren’t and could never be. Not that she’d ever consider it anyway.
She took a shuddering breath before speaking. “I have thought about it, Blake.” Very much so. She hadn’t stopped.
He turned to face her. “Stay, Samantha.”
“I … I can’t.” If it had been a plea, she might have considered it. As it was, she knew this was basically still about him being inconvenienced.
She went to turn away. She couldn’t face him fully. The last thing she wanted was him seeing she’d mistakenly assumed he was talking marriage a minute ago. What a fool she was for even thinking it, let alone believing he might be thinking it, too. This wasn’t about anything more than desire, she reminded herself.
His fingers slid around her arm and tugged her back. “Why are you being so obstructive?”
She couldn’t feel the pressure of his fingers through her thick jacket but she knew they were there. “Obstructive to what?”
“To me being concerned for your well-being.”
She ignored the thud of her heart. “Oh, so that’s why you won’t let me finish up my job early?” she scoffed, knowing this was the only way she could handle him. “You’re concerned for me?”
He froze.
Silence surrounded them.
Then, he said quietly, “I am, actually.”
She gasped midbreath. “Why, Blake? Why are you concerned for me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” As he spoke she could feel his eyes almost pulling her toward him.
“Um … Blake …”
He drew her toward him and bent his head. He was kissing her before she knew what was happening, instantly destroying any defenses she may have drawn on, regardless that she wanted him so very much. Like an avalanche rolling down a mountain, she fell—and it was just as devastating.
Then he slid his tongue between her lips and she opened her mouth to him fully. Hearing his husky groan, she wound her arms around his neck and held on to him, trusting him, knowing where he took her she would follow.
Time blurred.
And then, amazingly, he was slowing things down, giving her back herself, letting her regain focus. Finally, he eased back and they stared at each other.
“Oh, my God!” she whispered, awed by the sheer complexity of the kiss that should have been simple and wasn’t. It left her trembling.
He was feeling something equally as powerful. She could see it deep in his eyes. He truly desired her. Her dream of being in his arms was finally becoming a reality.
His cell phone began to ring.
He remained still, not moving, and she knew why. Nothing could take away from the strength of this moment between them. Here in the mountains it was like they were the only two people alive.
Then as quickly as she thought that, he blinked and turned away, breaking the moment. She heard him answer it, but she couldn’t seem to move. She understood why he had turned away. Why he had broken the moment. It had been too much for him. For her. For them both. Without him looking at her, she could take a breath again.
She did.
And then she found she could move. She swiveled to go get into the SUV, needing to sit down for a minute and feel something solid beneath her.
She took a few steps but as she went to reach for the door handle, her feet slipped from under her on a patch of ice and, with a small cry, she felt herself falling backward … backward ….
She frantically made a grab for anything within reach, but there was only the air and she felt her legs going up and her body going down, her back hitting the grass, then her head on something harder. She literally saw stars ….
The next thing she knew Blake was dropping to his knees beside her. “Thank God!” he muttered, when he saw her eyes were open.
“What happened?” she managed to say.
He glanced back to where she’d been walking. “You must have slipped on that ice back there.”
She started to lift her head, then winced at the pain.
“Take it slowly.” He put his hand under her shoulders to help her up. “Is your back sore or anything? Are you hurting anywhere?”
Then he swore. “You’re bleeding.”
“I am?”
His hand came away with some blood on it. “You’ve cut your head.” He helped her to sit up, then he checked the back of her head. “It’s only small but it’s bleeding like the devil and might need a stitch. There’s a lump starting where you hit it, too.” Snatching up her woolen hat that must have come off during the fall, he placed it against the cut. “Hold that on it. It’ll help stem the flow of blood. We need to get you to a doctor.”
“Joel?” she said, without thinking, not meaning anything by it.
His mouth tightened. “Yes.” He waited. “Do you think you can stand up? Are you dizzy or anything?”
“A little, but I’ll be fine.”
He helped her stand, then walked her the few feet to the car. Soon they were heading back to Jarrod Ridge.
“How do you feel now?” he said a few minutes later.
They drove a little farther. “Talk to me, Samantha.”
“I don’t really feel like talking,” she said, calling herself an idiot for slipping. If only she’d looked where she was going, then—
“I want you to stay awake. You may have a slight concussion.”
“Oh.” She realized this was the correct procedure.
“Come on, you can do better than that,” he said, a serious look in his eyes.
“Okay.” She tried to think. “What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know. Anything. What’s your favorite color?”
She didn’t need to think about that. “Yellow.”
His brow rose in surprise. “Yellow? Any particular reason?”
She winced a little as she adjusted the woolen hat against the injury. “Because it’s bright and happy.”
He glanced at her again, noting her wince, his mouth turning grim. “Okay, so what’s your favorite flower?”
Another look of surprise from him. “Why?”
“They’re so beautiful.”
There was a tiny pause. “Like you,” he murmured, and her breath caught, then she moved her head and winced again. “Not long now,” he assured her.
After that Blake drove straight up to the clinic at the spa lodge. The middle-aged nurse immediately took control, putting Samantha in an exam room. She checked her over, mentioning it wasn’t too bad but that she’d need to call the doctor anyway.
“No need to get Joel if he’s busy,” Samantha said, feeling bad for interrupting his Sunday morning.
Blake nodded at the nurse. “Get him.”
The nurse nodded in agreement then looked at her. “The doctor really should see you,” she said, then went and picked up the wall telephone as Samantha glanced at Blake.
He gave a short shake of his head. “He’s paid to do his job, Samantha. Let him.”
Before too long, Joel strode into the exam room, nodding at Blake and giving her a chiding frown. “What have you done to yourself, Sam?”
Samantha didn’t look at Blake, but she sensed he’d noted the shortening of her name. Joel was professional in his examination. She didn’t need stitches but he tidied up the cut and it finally stopped bleeding. Thankfully he hadn’t needed to cut any of her hair in the process.
“I don’t think the lump on your head is anything to be concerned about,” he assured her, “but we still need to keep an eye on it for any signs of concussion.” He considered her. “If you like, I can come to Pine Lodge and check on you a couple of times throughout the day.”
“I’ll take care of her,” Blake said firmly. “I know what signs to look for.”
Joel glanced at Blake, held his gaze a moment, then nodded. “Fine. But I’ll drop by the lodge and check on her this evening. Call me sooner if you have any doubts.”
“I will.”
Samantha looked from one to the other. “Do either of you mind if I have a say in this?”
Blake shot her an impatient look, but it was Joel who spoke. “Sam, this has to be taken very seriously. Your brain’s had a knock, and sometimes things can develop later on. You need to rest up and you need to have someone keep a close eye on you for at least twenty-four hours.”
She swallowed, not sure she liked hearing that, but before she could say anything the clinic door opened and someone called out for help, saying something about a twisted ankle. The nurse and Joel excused themselves to go check.
Blake came to stand in front of her. “I intend to look after you whether you like it or not.”
“It’s my fault you were out there today,” he cut across her, his eyes holding firm regret. “No arguments, Samantha. I owe you this.”
She melted faster than snow under a heat lamp. “All right.”
There was nothing in his eyes that said he remembered their kiss, and right now she was grateful for that. She would have plenty of time to go over it once she was alone.
He picked up her jacket. “Come on, then,” he said gruffly. “Let’s get this on you and get you back home.”
Why did that sound so good to her?
By the time Blake brought her back to Pine Lodge it was almost noon. Not that Samantha was hungry. She wasn’t. She was glad now that he’d decided to stay close today. She wasn’t feeling ill, but she was still a little shaky, so she was appreciative of him cupping her elbow as they walked.
That shakiness increased as they went up the staircase and he told her that tonight she was to sleep in the spare bedroom in his suite—a spare bedroom separated from his bedroom by only a connecting bathroom.
Her stomach dipped as they reached the top stair. “I’m only across the landing there, Blake. It seems silly not to stay in my own room.”
“No. I want you near in case you need me.”
She did need him, but not in the way he meant. He was being nothing more than caring right now, while she was still stunned by the impact of their kiss back on the mountain.
“Fine,” she murmured, not up to arguing anyway. She was a bit of a mess. Her jacket had mud on it, her slacks were still slightly damp in places where she’d fallen on the wet grass, and parts of her brown hair felt like it was matted with blood. Yuk! She must look a wonderful sight.
“I need to change my clothes,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “Actually I might have a shower. My hair feels sticky.”
He shook his head. “Not a good idea. You might faint in there.”
Her heart thudded and she could feel her face heat up as she pictured him coming in to rescue her. She looked away as they walked toward her room. “You’re right,” she said, then could have kicked herself. Any other woman would have used that to her advantage, but no, not her. What was the matter with her? Then she remembered. That’s right, she’d had a bump on the head, she excused herself, wincing.
“Are you in pain?”
“A little.”
He pushed open her bedroom door and led her inside. “Here. Sit on the chair and let me help you take off your jacket.”