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The Jarrods: Inheritance
Blake’s lips twisted. “So you’ll talk about deciphering his handwriting? That’ll be a laugh a minute.”
Her fingers tightened on her clutch purse. He thought he was being clever, did he? She needed to wipe away that smirk. She gave him a sultry look. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of … other things in common.”
The smirk fell off his face. “Dammit, Samantha, you shouldn’t—”
The doorbell buzzed.
Samantha glanced over at the front door a few feet away and saw Joel through the glass panel. She tossed Blake an expressive look before going over to open it.
Joel stepped inside, his eyes sliding down, then up. “Wow! Don’t you look like a million dollars.” He grinned at Blake a few feet away. “I can’t believe this beauty is going out with me.”
“Neither can I,” Blake muttered, then as quickly gave a smooth smile but Samantha heard him. “I mean, she’s usually picky about who she goes out with.”
She blinked. Was that still an insult? Joel had a puzzled look that said he might be thinking the same thing.
She hurriedly forced a smile. “Thanks for the compliment, Joel.” She stood and looked him up and down, too. “For the record, you look like a billion dollars,” she joked, then realized she’d overplayed her hand when Blake sniffed, though she suspected it was more of a snort. She turned her head slightly so Joel couldn’t see her stabbing her boss with her eyes.
Blake ignored her. “So, where are you two dining tonight?”
Samantha was immediately suspicious. “Why do you want to know?”
He smiled. “No reason.”
Joel then mentioned a restaurant in the center of Aspen. “It’s only just opened and I know the owner. It’ll be very hard to get a reservation in another month or so.” He didn’t sound like he was bragging, at least not to Samantha, but she saw a glint in Blake’s eyes that told her he wasn’t in agreement.
She smiled at Joel. “That sounds lovely.”
He looked pleased. “And you, Blake? You’re off to dinner, too, by the look of things.”
Wearing a dark suit, Blake was the one who really did look like a billion dollars, Samantha had to admit, unable to stop herself from wishing she was going out with him instead of Joel, in spite of the fact that Blake was being an overbearing jerk.
“Just a business dinner in town.” Blake looked at his watch. “As a matter of fact, I’d better call a cab. I need to be on my way.”
Joel frowned. “A cab? Don’t you have a car?”
“I noticed it was leaking oil this afternoon so I thought I’d better not use it tonight.”
Samantha sensed Blake was manipulating the situation for his own benefit again. Did he think she was stupid? He was doing this on purpose to try and keep her and Joel apart as much as possible to spoil her night.
She stared at him. “But you only bought the vehicle a few months ago and it’s barely been used. How can a luxury Cadillac SUV have an oil leak already?”
He looked totally guileless. “I agree. It’s the darnedest thing.”
“We could give you a lift, if you like,” Joel said, making Samantha want to rattle him.
“Oh, I’m sure Blake doesn’t want to ride with us.” She was determined not to give her boss any satisfaction. “The resort has a chauffeur service.”
Joel frowned. “No, that’s okay. I don’t mind. We’re going that way anyway.”
She would have sounded mean-spirited to refuse. As Blake well knew, she decided, watching the satisfaction in his eyes. He was Joel’s boss and he knew Joel wouldn’t deny doing a favor for him.
She passed her coat to Joel. “Would you mind helping me on with this, please?”
“Of course.” Joel held it open while she slipped into it, then he helped lift her hair out from under the collar so that it was once again bouncing around her shoulders. It was somewhat intimate and Samantha felt a little awkward at having a man touch her hair, but she soon felt better when she saw the steely look in Blake’s eyes after he noted it, too.
“Thanks,” she said, smiling brightly at her date, then deliberately linked her arm with his. She gave Blake a sweet smile as he put on his black evening coat, letting him know she didn’t care that he wasn’t pleased. Too bad!
“My car’s out front,” Joel said.
They left the lodge, then Samantha slipped onto the front passenger seat before Blake could take it himself. She wouldn’t put it past him to try and make her sit in the back, and she wasn’t about to let him play at being boss while she was on a date. This was her night out. Blake may have been the reason for it, but right now she wasn’t about to give him an inch.
Soon they were driving off into the night.
“This is very good of you, Joel,” Blake said, sounding grateful from the backseat, which didn’t sound right to Samantha’s ears. Blake never sounded grateful like other mere mortals.
“We don’t mind, do we, Sam?” Joel said, shooting her a sideways smile.
“No, of course not. We have to keep the boss happy, don’t we?” She smiled back at Joel, knowing Blake could see her from his diagonal viewpoint behind the driver’s seat.
“By the way, Samantha,” Blake said, placing the slightest emphasis on her name, making her realize that Joel had called her “Sam” again—the name Blake had never called her.
“Yes, Blake?” she said, keeping her tone idle.
There was a tiny pause before he spoke. “Don’t worry about that very important phone call I was waiting for tonight. One of the resort staff will sit in the office and wait for it.”
“Good.” She took her job seriously, but Erica’s suggestion had been a good one, so she wasn’t about to feel guilty about it.
“But I did have to give them your cell phone number, as well. Just in case. I hope you don’t mind. Someone has to take the call if by chance it’s missed at the hotel, and I’ll have to turn my cell phone off so it won’t interrupt the guest speaker tonight.”
She could feel herself stiffen. He was trying to take advantage of her good nature for his own purposes again. This wasn’t about taking the call. He wanted to put a spoke between her and Joel’s budding relationship, freeing up her time for the job.
She turned her head to face him. “Actually I do mind. This is my night off. I don’t want to work tonight.”
He raised an eyebrow, like he was surprised. “I’m sure Joel won’t have a problem with it. He’s a doctor. He’s used to being on call. You understand, don’t you, Joel?”
“Sure I do.” Joel glanced at her and smiled. “Leave your cell phone on, Sam. I don’t mind if you take the call.”
Her mouth tightened but she didn’t reply. Her cell phone was already off and she intended it to stay that way. And Blake knew this had nothing to do with Joel anyway. Blake was just trying to make sure the job was in her face tonight.
Joel must have sensed something amiss because he started talking about general things for the rest of the way. Samantha could feel Blake’s eyes on her from the backseat but she ignored him as she responded to Joel, relieved when the car slid to a halt outside a restaurant.
“Thanks for the ride.” Blake opened the back door then paused briefly. “And don’t worry about how I’ll get home. You two have a good time, okay?”
Samantha bit down on her irritation. His sincerity was so false. He was just trying to get a ride back to the lodge to make sure nothing sexual happened between her and Joel. Ooh, it would do him good to wonder and worry what she and Joel were getting up to later in the evening.
She smiled tightly. “We’ll be very late, so you’d best get the car service. Good night, Blake.”
His lips flattened and he shot her a dark look. “Good night.” He waited a second, but when Joel said good night, he got out of the car and shut the door. The last Samantha saw was him striding into the restaurant.
Then they drove off and she looked ahead, hoping Joel wouldn’t say anything. He didn’t, at least not until they were seated at their table and the waitress had left with their order.
“Excuse me for asking, but don’t you like Blake?” he said.
She smiled to soften her words. “Of course I do, but I’ve worked with Blake a couple of years now. Sometimes he thinks everyone is there purely for his benefit.”
Joel grinned. “As a successful businessman, he’s probably right.”
She laughed. “Yes, that’s true.” Then she forced herself to relax against the back of her chair. “Now let’s talk about something else. I really don’t want to talk about the boss tonight.”
Joel smiled. “I’m more than happy to oblige, Sam. Now tell me …”
They had a pleasant evening after that. As predicted, they talked about her family’s business and her experience in transcribing, though Blake’s earlier derogatory comment about deciphering handwriting spoiled the discussion for her. Did Blake always have to be there at the back of her mind?
Unfortunately by the time the evening was half over, Samantha knew Joel wasn’t for her. He was handsome and he was a nice guy, but they really didn’t have anything else in common, much to her disgust. Not like her and Blake. She grimaced. No, she and Blake had nothing in common either—except the job and an attraction that she hated to think was really only on her side. Shades of Carl came to mind.
She pulled herself back from thoughts of the past. “Sorry, I remembered something I forgot to do,” she fibbed, then she smiled. “But it can wait. Now, what were you saying?” She would have a good time if it killed her.
It nearly did.
Her social life and her work life were the same thing, so she’d never lacked for company at business dinners and parties. But she wasn’t used to being on a date and having to tune in to one person for hours on end. It was very draining.
Unless of course that person was Blake. He never bored her. Every minute of every day he challenged her like no other person on earth. Life with Blake was the adventure she’d always been after. One she soon had to leave, she remembered, her heart constricting. She pushed the thought aside. She would get through this.
“We should do this again, Sam,” Joel said, holding open his car door for her on their return to Pine Lodge.
It was strange, but for some reason an evening of being called “Sam” had started to get on her nerves. It wasn’t Joel’s fault at all, but it was as if the shortened version of her name was an issue between her and Blake and therefore belonged only to them now. And that was rather pathetic.
“I’ve got plans tomorrow night,” Joel said, dragging her from her thoughts. “But I’m free after that. Would you like to go to a movie on Monday night?”
She hesitated, feeling a little bad in using him. She didn’t want to go out with him again, yet if she didn’t continue with her plan to try and make Blake jealous, then Blake would think he’d won. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction now.
She got out of the car, with Joel doing the gentlemanly thing and assisting her. “I’d like that, but let me get back to you tomorrow, if that’s okay.”
“That’s fine.”
All at once she felt his hand move from her elbow to her chin. It was a smooth move and said this guy knew what he was doing, so perhaps using him shouldn’t really cause her concern after all.
“But first …” he murmured.
She didn’t resist even though his kiss wasn’t something she wanted, and not because he wasn’t an attractive man. Despite still being angry with Blake for trying to manipulate the situation earlier this evening, she wanted it to be Blake’s lips—and only Blake’s lips—on hers.
Suddenly scared that she might never want another man to kiss her, she raised her mouth to Joel. Perhaps Blake’s attraction for her was merely in her mind? Perhaps she needed to be kissed by another man just to remind her—
“Don’t let me interrupt,” a male voice muttered.
Samantha jerked back guiltily and Joel stopped, and they watched their employer stride past them and go inside Pine Lodge. He’d been walking from the direction of Jarrod Manor, where he must have gone after dinner.
“That was good timing,” Joel said, over her thudding heart. Unfortunately her heart’s thud wasn’t for her date. It was for another man.
“Now, where were we?” Joel murmured, lowering his head and placing his lips on hers, making her conscious of one thing. She’d have to stretch her neck higher if it was Blake kissing her.
Blake sat on the couch and tried to get the image of Samantha about to kiss another man out of his head. She’d been swaying toward the doctor like she’d needed a shot in the arm. If she didn’t get inside here pretty damn quick he was going looking for her. On the pretext of her safety, of course.
And he was concerned for her safety. That and other things. She was clearly ready to jump into bed with the first man who looked twice at her, and all to get back at him for not letting her walk away from her job. Hell, if he’d agreed to that she would have already gone from his life. His gut twisted at the thought.
The front door opened right then and in she walked. His pulse began to race when he saw she was alone.
Good girl.
She seemed distracted as she headed for the stairs, undoing the buttons of her coat as she walked. Then she saw him sitting on the couch and her eyes flared with pleasure before she seemed to catch herself.
For a moment his breath stalled. She’d never shown any sort of emotion toward him before. They got on well together but it had always been business between them. He should be perturbed, yet he knew he could use it to his advantage.
Then her mouth tightened as she came toward him. “Are you waiting up for me?” she said, her tone less than friendly, making him question if it had been a trick of the light before. He mentally shook his head. No, he knew what he’d seen.
“Can’t a man have a drink before bed?” he drawled, relaxing. She was home now … with him … and that’s all that mattered.
Her top lip curled. “You certainly didn’t have to worry about drinking and driving, did you?”
He pretended ignorance. “No, I didn’t.” He indicated another glass of brandy on the coffee table in front of him. “I poured a nightcap for you. Sit with me.”
An odd look skimmed across her face. “Perhaps I’d prefer to go straight to bed.”
If one of his dates had said that he would have taken it as a come-on. But Samantha was a challenge in a different way. Did she know what she was inviting in that dress? Did she have any idea what she actually did to a man’s libido? All at once he was enjoying what he now suspected to be her sexual naïveté.
“One drink,” he coaxed. “And you can tell me all about your evening.”
She paused, then put down her evening purse and began undoing the rest of her coat buttons. Slowly she began taking it off in an unintentional striptease, exposing the sexy pink material beneath. How had he never before noticed what a stunner she was?
She sank down on the opposite chair and gracefully picked up the glass, indicating the already poured brandy. “You were so sure I wouldn’t take Joel up to my room, were you?”
He hadn’t been, no. “Yes.”
She took a sip then considered him. “You certainly tried hard enough to make it not happen.”
“Did I?” He was feeling rather proud of himself for putting obstacles in her way tonight. It must have worked or she wouldn’t be here now. With him.
“You know you did, and I don’t appreciate it. You’re trying to make sure you get every last bit of work out of me before I leave.”
Is that what she thought? “Maybe I was protecting you?”
She gave a short laugh. “From what? Having a good time?”
He looked over at her kissable lips that had recently been beneath another man’s … and something became even more determined inside him. If she was going to have fun, she was going to have it with him.
He forced a shrug. “I just think you need to look at who you go out with in future.”
Her lips twisted. “Thanks for the tip.”
He’d never known her to be sarcastic, not like she was lately. It was … energizing, he admitted, watching as she eased back in her chair, the soft silk stockings making a swishing sound as she crossed her legs. He’d give anything to reach out and smooth those long legs with his hands. Or perhaps his lips …
Before he could put words to action, he told himself he had to slow it down. He didn’t want to frighten the lady by going too quickly. Time was running out but he had to let her lead. Tonight, anyway. Tomorrow—when she was in a friendlier mood—was another day.
He took a sip of his brandy and let it soothe his throat. “So. Did you have a good time tonight?”
Her eyes darted away briefly. “Yes, I did. Very much.”
She was lying. “I bet.”
She arched one of her elegant eyebrows. “I hope you didn’t put much money on that bet, Blake.”
“I didn’t have to.” He knew women, both in the business world and out of it. She was lying. And he was intensely relieved.
A soft smile curved her lips. “Joel really knows how to treat a woman.”
She was still lying. And he found that fascinating. “Sure he knows how to treat a woman. The guy’s a womanizer.”
“I suppose it’s easy enough to recognize one’s own sort.”
He had to chuckle. She made him laugh. Then he saw a touch of real amusement in her eyes and something connected between them. She quickly looked down at her glass, hiding her eyes for a second.
He started to lean forward. “Samantha …”
Her head snapped up. “For your information, Joel’s a very nice man,” she said, making it clear she was trying to ignore the sudden sexual tension in the room.
It was a wasted effort. “I’m sure he is. Ask any woman in Aspen.”
She sent him a defiant look. “Don’t think I wouldn’t go to bed with him if I wanted to, Blake.”
She was all talk, but his gut still knotted at her words. “Obviously you didn’t want to, or you would be in bed with him this very minute. Am I right?”
“No, you’re wrong. I mean, yes … I mean, mind your own business.” Her lips pressed together. “I’ll sleep with whoever I want when I want.”
“You’re being very contradictory tonight, Samantha. They’d eat you alive in the boardroom with that attitude,” he mocked.
She stiffened. “Listen, Blake, I’ll sleep with any man I want when I’m good and ready. Tonight I just wasn’t ready. And in case you didn’t notice, this isn’t the boardroom.”
No, but he did want to eat her alive right now. He wanted to kiss her and take away the imprint of another man’s lips, his hands itching to slide up over her hot dress and lift that hair off her nape himself, exposing the soft skin beneath to his lips.
Adrenaline pumping through him, he knew it was time to take action. He’d had enough playing games tonight. He wasn’t one to sit on the sidelines for long. He needed to know if her lips were as good as they looked, if her body would curve to his touch, if the skin at her nape was soft and sensitive.
Surging to his feet, he removed the brandy glass from her hand and put it on the table. He heard her intake of breath as he pulled her to her feet, but nothing would stop him now. Already he could feel a mutual shudder pass between them.
“Blake?” she said huskily as he brought her into the circle of his arms, leaving mere inches between them. He’d never been this close to her before. Not close enough to see the rush of desire in her blue eyes. It knocked the breath from his body.
And then a sudden flash of panic swept her face and before he knew it, she had pushed against him and spun away. Scurrying toward the stairs, she left him standing there, his arms never feeling as empty as they did right now.
As hard as it was, he let her go. He could follow her and she would take him as her lover, but he knew all he needed to know for the moment. She wanted him. And he wasn’t giving up. His plans for seduction were still very much alive.
Samantha closed the door behind her and pressed herself back against it, willing her racing heart to slow down so that she could let herself think. She’d gone and panicked just now. Blake had finally reached for her and she’d blown it.
What was wrong with her! Being in Blake’s arms and in his bed was what she wanted most, wasn’t it? So why had she run away like a frightened deer? He must think her green when it came to relationships, which of course she was. One lover in high school, then falling in love in her mid-twenties, did not constitute experience. Not unless that included the pain of rejection, she decided, quickly pushing that thought away.
Then she knew.
Despite the spark of electricity when he’d grabbed her arm last night, this evening she’d managed to convince herself that his meddling was actually about the job and nothing more. But just now the desire in his eyes had thrown her for a loop again. He really did feel passion for her, and when he’d touched her they’d both felt that zip of attraction. It had overwhelmed her, that’s all.
Oh, Lord, what did she do now? Go back downstairs and beg him to make love to her? She couldn’t. She’d reached the limit to her little seductress act tonight. She didn’t have it in her to face him again so soon.
She took a steadying breath. Right, she’d messed this one up tonight, but something positive had come out of this. She now knew that Blake really did want to have sex with her. So if she wanted Blake, and he wanted her, then next time there should be no further problems.
She hoped.
“Blake, did you get a chance to read those documents I gave you?”
Blake was in a good mood as he leaned back against the marble countertop. It was eight on Sunday morning and one of his younger brothers had come by Pine Lodge to discuss an upcoming project, but it was Samantha who was on his mind. Anticipation coursed through him as he remembered how sexy she had looked last night. Soon she would be his.
Reluctantly he dragged his thoughts away from his assistant who was still upstairs sleeping in her room, to look at the man propped against the kitchen doorjamb. He hid a smile as he raised the coffee mug to his mouth. Gavin may look laidback but he knew it was all a facade. Taking on the job of building a new and exclusive high-security bungalow for Jarrod Ridge meant a lot to his brother.
“Yes. I’ve put them in the safe up at the Manor,” he said, deliberately misunderstanding him.
Blake chuckled and put him out of his misery. “And I think you’ve done an admirable job of running with this project.”
Gavin began to smile with relief. “You do?”
“The intensive feasibility studies, as well as the building site and sustainability analysis reports you’ve put together, are impressive. But then, so were the ones you did for my Vegas hotels.”
Gavin’s grin widened. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”
Blake indicated the coffeepot on the bench. “Grab yourself a coffee.”
Gavin straightened away from the door and went to get a mug. “You know,” he said, pouring himself a drink. “I’ve really welcomed this challenge.”
“I can see that.”
Gavin shrugged shoulders made impressive by many hours working with his crew on various construction sites. “It’s nice to be home and together again as a family after so long, but I’m glad I don’t have to pamper people on a daily basis. It really isn’t my style.”
Blake nodded. “You’re a first-rate construction engineer, Gav, but I agree. There’s nothing like doing something you love.”
Gavin smiled, looking pleased. “You said it, brother.”
“Seriously. I’m proud of you.”
“You getting soft in your old age, Blake?” he teased.
“Probably.” Blake was proud of all his brothers and sisters. Well, his half sister, Erica, was another matter.
All at once, Gavin’s smile left him. “You realize Dad would never have said such a thing.”