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The Jarrods: Inheritance
Yet if she couldn’t be truthful after working closely together, then something was definitely wrong. It just went to remind him to never trust anyone. A person thought they had everything, and in an instant it was gone. Hadn’t that been the way since his mother had died from cancer when he was six and his father had withdrawn and blocked everyone out emotionally? It was like both his parents had died at the same time. He’d grown up determined to be totally independent from any emotional entanglements.
Okay, so Donald Jarrod had enough of himself left over to push his five children to be achievers, but at what cost? Four of Donald’s offspring had departed years ago to make their mark in other parts of the country. Guy owned a famous French restaurant in Manhattan and ran another business venture. Gavin was a construction engineer. And Melissa was a licensed masseuse who had run a spa and massage-therapy retreat in L.A. Trevor was the only one who’d stayed in Aspen, but had chosen to have nothing to do with the resort, and instead built up his own successful marketing business.
Hell, Blake hadn’t seen much of his four younger brothers and sister these past ten years. As his fraternal twin, he was closest to Guy, but he’d still kept a close eye on all his siblings. If they’d needed him, he would have been there. Of course his mind was still out on his half sister, Erica, who’d only recently shown up to become part of the family.
Unfortunately now he needed to rely on all of them to make sure the place continued to be a success. It wasn’t a feeling he enjoyed. He didn’t like relying on anyone, but he’d thought he could count on Samantha.
Obviously he couldn’t.
Feeling restless, he looked out over the renowned ski resort that had always been the one place he called home. No matter how much he’d tried to forget it, Jarrod Ridge was in his blood.
He was now the CEO of Jarrod Ridge, for God’s sake. His ancestor, Eli Jarrod, had started up the silver mine during the mining boom of 1879, and built himself one of the biggest houses in Colorado. Then “The Panic” of 1893 had closed many of Aspen’s mines, and Eli had added to his house and made it bigger, turning it into a grand hotel that was now Jarrod Manor. This place had been through a lot, surviving right through to 1946 when the ski resort idea was born. Jarrod Ridge hadn’t looked back since. It was a powerful feeling being in charge of all he surveyed.
And a big responsibility.
And dammit, he wasn’t about to let Samantha walk out on him when he needed her most. Even in a month’s time he would still need her by his side. It was important to the resort to make sure the changeover went as smoothly as possible, and only Samantha could help him do that. She was the best assistant he’d ever had and he wasn’t about to lose her. He would find a way to make her stay, at least until the new bungalow was up and running.
He expelled a breath as he went over to his desk, where he sat down on the leather chair and took the resignation letter out from his jacket pocket. Under the lamplight, he read it, hoping to glean some hint on what was going on inside his assistant’s mind. The letter was as professional as expected. No surprises there.
Frowning, he dropped the letter and picked up the pen, rolling it between his fingers as he tried to think. He didn’t understand. Surprise appeared to be the name of the game with Samantha right now.
All at once the metal in his hand went from cool to warm in a matter of seconds, reminding him of his cool and remote assistant who’d soon warmed up at his touch. His heart took a sudden and extra beat. Would Samantha warm up for him if he touched her again? Remembering the electricity between them when he’d grabbed her arm, a surge of need raced through him. Samantha didn’t seem to know what she wanted, but he did know women. She had wanted him. She had reacted to his touch.
And if that were the case, then perhaps he’d touch her some more and keep her around as long as necessary. He was sure he could persuade her to stay at least another six months. By then they’d both be ready to end the relationship. Sometime in the new year he’d more than likely be over needing her help anyway, and by then he would have someone to replace her, both in the office and the bedroom. No other woman had lasted longer than that. He wouldn’t let them. Having affairs was the best he could offer.
As for Samantha, she was independent. She’d have no difficulty moving on when the time came. Hell, she’d probably even instigate it.
For now, it would be his pleasure to awaken the woman in her. Seducing Samantha was definitely going to be a priority task.
Samantha felt more than a few moments of trepidation when she woke to the early morning light and remembered what she’d done. She’d actually handed Blake her resignation. She would be out of his life in a month’s time. She tried to picture being apart from him for the rest of her life, but the thought brought silly tears to her eyes that she quickly blinked back.
Taking a shuddering breath, she tried to put all this in perspective. She’d moved on before, hadn’t she? It wasn’t so hard. Of course leaving Pasadena had been an adventure as much as an escape. It would be a long time before she escaped wanting Blake Jarrod.
Oh, God.
Then she remembered the plan she’d come up with last night. At the time she’d thought it was brilliant, but now she wasn’t so sure she should go out with other men to try and make Blake jealous. It didn’t seem right to manipulate the situation like that.
And that left her exactly … nowhere.
Remembering the sizzle of Blake’s touch, she wondered if she really wanted to leave without giving them a chance. It was comforting to know that he would not want to get emotionally involved, but to become his lover, to be forever warmed by the memory of being in his arms, didn’t she have to do this for herself?
She could do it. This was a goal that was achievable. She may not be a femme fatale but she was considered attractive and she knew how to flirt. And while it may not have worked with Blake at the dinner last night, she knew she could interest other men here in Aspen. Hopefully she’d grab his attention that way.
Tossing back the covers like she was tossing away her shackles, she jumped out of bed. She felt more lighthearted by the minute.
After her shower, Samantha figured it would be prudent to distance herself from Blake as much as possible from now on. She wouldn’t capture any man’s attention if she was with him all the time.
First things first.
Apart from the maids from the hotel who tidied up Pine Lodge each day, she and Blake had decided to be mostly self-sufficient. The refrigerator was usually stocked with food or they could eat at Jarrod Manor, the main lodge on the resort where some of the family chose to live.
Usually they ate a light breakfast together—surprisingly Blake hadn’t brought any women back to the lodge while she’d been here—before they walked the short distance to his father’s old office at the Manor. Anything to do with his hotels in Vegas was kept separate and done here in the office they’d set up in a corner of the large living room. That work was mostly done after dinner each evening. There was a lot to do with running both businesses, especially now that it was pre-ski season here. Samantha didn’t mind keeping so busy. Besides, it kept Blake close.
But today was different. Fifteen minutes later, she quietly closed the lodge door behind her and left without waiting for him. The Colorado sun was making a shy return as she breathed in crystal air and walked the winding streets in picture-perfect surroundings. As she approached this grandest of hotels, a thrill went through her. With its main stone building complemented by guest wings on both sides, its peaked roofs and balconies with iron railings and its frosted windowpanes, it looked like an enchanted castle.
The doorman greeted her as she entered the hotel from under the stone arch leading off the driveway. She smiled and walked through the wide lobby dotted with tables and chairs. Being the off-season, it was quiet at this time of the morning with only a few guests up and about. A young couple stood viewing photographs of the mountains displayed along the wood walls. Older couples looked ready to go sightseeing the many popular tourist attractions, than pamper themselves in the spa.
It was no better in the casual eatery off the lobby, and Samantha sighed as she scooped scrambled eggs onto a plate from the buffet. Couldn’t there have been one measly attractive man in sight this morning? So much for her plans to make Blake jealous. It wouldn’t happen if she couldn’t even find a man to flirt with.
She lifted her head and saw Blake’s half sister, Erica Prentice, come out of the kitchen area and walk through the room with Joel Remy, the resort doctor. Joel was tall, blond and good-looking and he’d asked her out only last week and she’d refused, not giving it any consideration. Things had changed.
Erica saw her and blinked in surprise as she came over to her table. “Samantha, what are you doing here eating breakfast by yourself?”
Samantha liked Erica, who hadn’t known she was a member of the Jarrod family until a few months ago. Since then, Erica had become engaged to the Jarrod family attorney, Christian Hanford, and everyone was happy about it. Everyone except Blake, that is, though Guy had taken a while to come round. Erica was a PR specialist who had thrown herself into the running of the resort, willingly giving a hand wherever it was needed, just like the other family members. Samantha didn’t understand Blake’s attitude toward her.
She smiled at the other woman. “I was up early so I thought I’d get a head start on the boss.”
Erica laughed. “Yes, I think as Blake’s assistant you’d need to do that occasionally.”
Samantha let her eyes slide to the man beside Erica. “Good morning, Joel. You’re here early, as well.”
The doctor smiled. “One of the kitchen staff burned her hand, but thankfully it was only minor.”
Samantha nodded, then, “Where are my manners? Would you like to join me for breakfast? Erica, you, too, of course.”
As if she was getting a vibe, Erica glanced from one to the other and went to speak, but Joel got in before her. “I can’t, I’m afraid, Sam,” the doctor said. “I have to go out on another call. But how about I make it up to you? It’s Saturday and my night off. If you’re free I’d love to take you to dinner.”
Samantha could have kissed him, but she managed to restrain herself. If Blake didn’t get jealous over this, then at least she’d have some fun, right?
Thinking of Blake must have made him appear. He was at this moment striding through the lobby with a scowl on his face, heading for the private elevator. Her heart jumped in her throat when he glanced over toward them and saw her in the eatery. He changed direction and advanced toward her.
She turned back to Joel, waiting a few moments more for Blake to get closer. “Dinner tonight?” she said, raising her voice just a little. “Yes, I’d like that very much, Joel.”
He grinned at her. “Great. How about I pick you up at seven-thirty?”
Blake was almost at the table.
“I’d better go see my next patient,” Joel said, then inclined his head as he passed by. “Good morning, Blake.”
Blake nodded, then stopped at the table and practically glared down at Samantha. “You didn’t wait for me.”
She reminded herself how this man didn’t like things made easy for him. “I slipped a note under your door. Besides, I do believe I start work at nine and until then my time is my own,” she said, aware of Erica’s speculative gaze.
Blake must have been, too. He darted an irritated look at his half sister, then away, jerking his head at Joel’s retreating back. “What did the doctor want?”
Was he jealous already? She felt a thrill of excitement but before she could answer, Erica said, “Joel’s taking Samantha out to dinner tonight.”
Blake blinked in shock, but he recovered quickly, his blue eyes narrowing in on Samantha. “You can’t go. I need you to work for a couple of hours tonight. I’m expecting an important call.”
“I’m sorry, Blake, but I’m entitled to some time off.”
He shook his head. “Not tonight, I’m afraid. I’d do it myself but as you know, I have a function to attend in town.” He regarded her with a hint of smugness in his eyes. “That’s why I pay you the big bucks.”
Samantha’s stomach started to churn. For all that she had wanted him jealous … for all that she anticipated him being difficult with the job … she still hadn’t expected he would be quite so obstructive. It was obvious he was going to be exactly that from now on.
Well, she didn’t like being told what to do, especially when it was out of spite. Oh, boy, she was going to really enjoy not making this easy for him now.
Her chin angled up at him. “Only for the next month,” she pointed out smoothly, suddenly wanting to throttle him.
His mouth tightened. “Listen—”
“Blake,” Erica’s voice cut across him soothingly. “I really think you’re being unfair here. If necessary, one of the staff can—”
“Mind your own business, Erica,” he snapped, making both Samantha and Erica gasp. He grimaced, a pulse beating in his cheekbone. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Then he looked at Samantha. “Go if you must,” he said, then twisted on his heels and stormed off.
“Oh, my God, that was terrible, Erica,” Samantha muttered. “I don’t know what came over him.”
Erica stood watching her half brother storm into the elevator. “I do.”
Samantha sighed. “Yes, he seems to have a problem with you, doesn’t he? I’m sure he’ll be fine once he gets used to having a new sister.”
“Half sister,” Erica corrected with a wry smile, then sat down on the chair opposite. “Samantha, I don’t think it’s me who’s upset him. What’s going on between you two?”
Samantha was unsure how much she should confide in the other woman. When it came down to it, Erica was a Jarrod. Still, the others would have to know sometime. “I’ve given him my resignation. I finish up in a month’s time.”
“What! But why?” Erica cried. “I thought you loved your job.” She reached across the table and squeezed Samantha’s hand. “Please don’t leave. I love you being here. You’re part of the family.”
Samantha felt her heart lift, then take a dive as fast. She’d only just begun to know Blake’s family and now she had to leave. “It’s time for me to make a change.”
Erica gave her a penetrating look. “There’s been something bothering you lately.” She paused. “Blake needs you, Samantha.”
For the job, that was all.
“Yes, he’s made it quite clear that’s why he’s making me work out my contract for the next month.” She couldn’t stop her lips from twisting. “He told me it’s nothing personal.”
There was another pause, then, “I see.”
Samantha realized she may have said too much. The other woman probably saw more than she should.
All at once Erica gave a disarming smile. “You know what I do when I’m feeling down? I go shopping. How about I take you into town after lunch and we buy you a new dress for tonight?”
Samantha knew Erica was trying to make her feel better. “It’s a lovely thought, but I’ve already got enough dresses. And anyway, I have to work. Blake’s going to make sure he gets his money’s worth from me from now on.”
Erica waved that aside. “I bet most of your clothes are suitable for Vegas, not here. And please … no woman ever has enough dresses,” she teased, looking beautiful and happy but still slightly concerned. “Besides, I think it will do Blake good to do without you for a couple of hours.” She winked. “He owes me now for being such a jerk.”
Samantha appreciated it and she tried to smile but couldn’t. “Erica, it’s not a good idea.” Despite being angry with Blake, she realized she’d probably pushed him a bit too much already today. She’d wanted to shock him into being jealous. Not give him a heart attack!
“Phooey! You want to look good for Joel tonight, don’t you?”
Samantha thought about why she’d accepted the invitation to dinner with Joel in the first place. This was about making Blake jealous, she reminded herself, so she still had to keep trying. She couldn’t give up after the first try.
She nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“Then let’s light a fire under him, honey, if that’s what he needs.”
Samantha did her best not to give anything away, but they both knew Erica was talking about Blake, not Joel. And seeing that this might be her one and only chance …
“Okay then, Erica. I’m in your hands. I have nothing to lose.”
“Good girl! I’ll come by the office after lunch.” Erica got to her feet. “I’d better go and check on the staff member who burned her hand.” She smiled and headed back the way she’d come.
As Erica left, Samantha sat for a few moments then looked down at the remains of her scrambled eggs. She just hoped she didn’t end up like her breakfast—out in the cold and barely touched.
After lunch Blake’s bad mood increased as he watched Erica leave his office, taking his assistant with her for the afternoon. They were going shopping, for Christ’s sake! For a dress for Samantha’s date tonight!
Damn Erica. His half sister was beautiful and smart, but, unlike his brothers and Melissa, he didn’t totally trust her. After listening to her for the last five minutes, he hadn’t changed his mind. She was unmistakably adroit at getting her own way, using his outburst this morning against him to make him feel guilty. It had worked like a charm, as she’d known it would.
But it was Samantha he really needed to fathom, he decided, leaning back in the leather chair. He’d woken up thinking he’d go after her with an enthusiasm he rarely felt for a woman these days.
And then it had all gone wrong. First, there had been the note slipped under his door that she’d already gone to breakfast and hadn’t waited for him. She’d never done that before, not here in Aspen or anywhere else they’d stayed throughout the world.
Then he’d found her accepting a date with that gigolo doctor, Joel Remy. That was like going out with one of the ski instructors. Didn’t Samantha know women were lined up to sleep with these guys? He’d seen it all his life.
Take a number, Samantha.
What the hell was going on here? She suddenly seemed a different person. It was like she’d decided to place being a woman first, his assistant second.
What had got into her? Was she trying to pay him back for not letting her walk out on the job early? Would she really do that? He grimaced. She was a woman, wasn’t she? She’d probably decided to have a farewell fling just to rub his nose in it.
Thoughts of Samantha in bed with another man were suddenly anathema to him. He couldn’t let her do it. He knew her and he knew she’d regret it.
And surely if she was going to make love to anyone, then she could damn well choose him. He was the one who’d worked closely with her for two years. He was the one who would appreciate her in bed. He was the one who had to save her from herself.
As she descended the stairs that evening, carrying her clutch bag in one hand and her cashmere evening coat over her arm, Samantha’s foot faltered on the next step. She’d been hoping to show herself off to Blake before he left for his business dinner, and now her heart began knocking against her ribs when she saw the man in question look up from the corner bar in their lodge and catch sight of her. His glass stopped halfway to his mouth and he stared … just stared … as she slowly came the rest of the way down.
Thanks to Erica, she knew she looked fantastic. She’d always taken pride in her appearance and in making sure she looked right for her position, but this long-sleeved dress—this piece of hot-pink knit material that stretched over her body like it had been lovingly cling-wrapped to every curve—made her feel a little naughty.
Without taking his eyes off her, Blake put his drink on the bar and watched her walk toward him. “I’m stunned,” he said in a deep, husky voice that held true admiration and sent her pulse skipping with delight. “I’ve never seen you look so …”
“Nice?” she gently teased as her confidence soared. She would forgive him anything right at this moment.
The word took her breath away. She moistened her lips and saw his blue eyes dart to her mouth. “Thank you, Blake.”
Then his gaze rolled down her, before slowly coming up again, his eyelids flicking briefly when he passed over her breasts both times. She had the feeling her nipples may have beaded with sexual excitement and one part of her wanted to hunch over and say “don’t look,” while another forced her to hold her shoulders back proudly.
His eyes—dark with a desire she’d never seen before—finally stopped at her head. “What have you done to your hair?”
She swallowed. It hadn’t taken much to style the silky brown strands into bouncing curls around her shoulders. “I had a couple of inches cut off it.”
“It looks terrific.”
This was the reaction she’d been hoping for from him. “Thank you again.”
He picked up his drink and took a sip. Then, “I have to ask you something.”
Her heart took a leap. “What is it, Blake?”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
She blinked. “Do what?”
“Go out with Joel Remy.”
His voice gave nothing away but her pulse started to race even more. Dear God, could Blake be a little jealous? Had she actually managed to get through to him so quickly that she was a woman? A woman who needed him like she’d never needed any man before?
His eyes slammed into her. “He’s not your style, Samantha.”
Her heart almost burst through her chest. Blake was jealous. She tried to act nonchalant. She couldn’t succumb and throw herself at him the minute he decided he wanted her for five minutes.
“How do you know what my style is, Blake?” she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
“I know what suits you and what doesn’t and I know he’s not the man for you.”
No, this man in front of her was the man for her.
“Oh, so you’re an expert on me now, are you?” she flirted, thrilled beyond her wildest dreams that he was finally noticing her. It was this dress. She had so much to thank Erica for. The other woman had …
“I’d like to think I know you very well, Samantha,” he said, suddenly looking very superior, very arrogant. “You wouldn’t be happy with Remy. Trust me.”
Clarity hit her like a bolt of lightning. What a fool she was in thinking anything had changed. This wasn’t about Blake wanting her. This was about him being his usual conceited self. The man wasn’t jealous. He was merely trying to stop her having a relationship with another man over the next two weeks so that she wouldn’t inconvenience him. Frankly, she deserved better than this.
“That’s your considered opinion, is it?” she said coolly now.
“Yes, it is.” His eyes told her he’d noticed her change in tone. “Are you going to tell him you’re leaving soon?”
She tried to think. She was so disappointed. “I’d prefer to keep that to myself for the time being. It’s no one’s business but my own.”
“And mine, of course,” he pointed out dryly. Then, “But you’re probably right in not telling him. I doubt he’s after a long-term relationship anyway.”
“Neither am I,” she said, taking pleasure in the way his face hardened. “In the meantime, I’m sure Joel and I will both manage to enjoy ourselves.”
He looked all-knowing. “I doubt you’ll have anything in common.”
She raised one eyebrow. “Really? Don’t forget I worked in a doctor’s office before coming to work for you. And my family runs a medical transcription business, so I used to have quite a bit to do with doctors.”