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Книги автора Hilary Mantel

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An hilarious and sinister tale of dark secrets and secret forces in suburban England from the critically-acclaimed author of 'Giving Up the …
триллеры, мистика, русское фэнтези
From the author of the Man Booker prize-winners ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’ comes a story of suburban mayhem and merciless, hilari…
From the author of the Man Booker prize-winners ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’ comes a story of suburban mayhem and merciless, hilari…
From the double Man Booker prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’, and ’Bring Up the Bodies’ this is an epic yet subtle family saga about broke…
From the double Man Booker prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’, this is a dark fable of lost faith and awakening love amidst the moors.Fethe…
A new, revised edition for the London transfer of Mike Poulton’s expertly adapted two-part adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s hugely acclaimed no…
любовно-фантастические романы
From the two-time Man Booker Prize winner, a prescient and haunting novel of life in Saudi Arabia.Frances Shore is a cartographer by trade, …
From the two-time Man Booker Prize winner, a prescient and haunting novel of life in Saudi Arabia.Frances Shore is a cartographer by trade, …
публицистическая литература, современная русская литература, публицистика, сила любви, Новый год, чудеса, дружба и верность
Our greatest living writer.Six of her best novels.Hilary Mantel is the first British writer to win two Man Booker Prizes. This set brings to…
Our greatest living writer.Six of her best novels.Hilary Mantel is the first British writer to win two Man Booker Prizes. This set brings to…
During the summer after Hilary Mantel won the Man Booker Prize for Wolf Hall, she fell very ill. Just how ill is described in her extraordin…
From the twice Man Booker Prize-winning author of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, a collection of three novels: A Place of Greater Safety…
Charles O’Brien, bard and giant. The cynical are moved by his flights of romance; the craven stirred by his tales of epic deeds. But what of…
культура и искусство, русская классика, литература 19 века, критика, ЛитРес: чтец
A companion piece to the captivating memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST by the Man Booker-winning author, this collection of loosely autobiographica…
A companion piece to the captivating memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST by the Man Booker-winning author, this collection of loosely autobiographica…
The greatest literary sensation of recent times – and now the inspiration for a major BBC series, starring Mark Rylance and Damian Lewis and…
Bring Up the Bodies
словари, справочники, книги по психологии, о бизнесе популярно, руководства, общая психология, просто о бизнесе, знания и навыки
The greatest literary sensation of recent times – and now the inspiration for a major BBC series, starring Mark Rylance and Damian Lewis and…
The greatest literary sensation of recent times – and now the inspiration for a major BBC series, starring Mark Rylance and Damian Lewis and…
фэнтези, юмористическая фантастика, русское фэнтези, спасение мира, хулиганская фантастика, сверхспособности
From the double Man Booker Prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’, a wry, shocking and beautiful memoir of childhood, ghosts, hauntings, illnes…
From the double Man Booker Prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’, a wry, shocking and beautiful memoir of childhood, ghosts, hauntings, illnes…
The School of English
юмористическая литература, ужасы / мистика, юмористическая проза, мистика, сатира, рай и ад, верования, странная фантастика / weird fiction
A new story from Hilary Mantel, author of Wolf Hall and The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and twice winner of the Man Booker Prize.This…
A new story from Hilary Mantel, author of Wolf Hall and The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and twice winner of the Man Booker Prize.This…
приключения, книги о приключениях, книги для детей
Nothing is as it seems. Childhood cruelty is played out behind bushes. Both the living and the dead commute to Waterloo station. Staying in …
Nothing is as it seems. Childhood cruelty is played out behind bushes. Both the living and the dead commute to Waterloo station. Staying in …
An Experiment in Love
ужасы / мистика, фэнтези, попаданцы, ужасы, мистика, измена, ночные кошмары, исполнение наказаний, ремонт телевизоров
Following ‘A Change in Climate’, this brilliant novel from the double Man Booker prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’ is a coming-of-age tale…
Following ‘A Change in Climate’, this brilliant novel from the double Man Booker prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’ is a coming-of-age tale…
Vacant Possession
политология, книги по экономике, просто о бизнесе, журнальные издания
From the Man Booker Prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’, a savagely funny tale that revisits the characters from t…
From the Man Booker Prize-winning author of ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’, a savagely funny tale that revisits the characters from t…
Our greatest living writer.Six of her best novels.Hilary Mantel is the first British writer to win two Man Booker Prizes. This set brings to…
Our greatest living writer.Six of her best novels.Hilary Mantel is the first British writer to win two Man Booker Prizes. This set brings to…
Learning to Talk
A companion piece to the captivating memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST by the Man Booker-winning author, this collection of loosely autobiographica…
A companion piece to the captivating memoir GIVING UP THE GHOST by the Man Booker-winning author, this collection of loosely autobiographica…