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Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963
Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963
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Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963

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196 (#ulink_d5b6d445-2248-580e-a7e7-4675c4e51dfa) John William Dunne, The Serial Universe (London: Faber & Faber, 1934).

197 (#ulink_821f0375-a521-5940-8b10-054fb3cf8cad) 2 Peter 2:8: ‘One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day’

198 (#ulink_6433e24b-7525-54ae-85b9-3fba56ee292b) See Joy Gresham Lewis in the Biographical Appendix.

199 (#ulink_6433e24b-7525-54ae-85b9-3fba56ee292b) See David Lindsay Gresham in the Biographical Appendix.

200 (#ulink_6433e24b-7525-54ae-85b9-3fba56ee292b) See Douglas Howard Gresham in the Biographical Appendix.

201 (#ulink_1be6ac94-cc67-5931-a5f5-c82bcedbb4c4) George Sayer, Jack: C. S. Lewis and His Times (London: Macmillan, 1988; 2nd ed. Hodder & Stoughton, 1997), ch. 19, pp. 214-15.

202 (#ulink_d068a555-9ef4-5dcd-b325-2d9146bdcc71) The Rev. Patrick Kevin Irwin (1907-65) was born on 2 October 1907 and read Modern History at Brasenose College, Oxford, graduating in 1929. He read Theology at Ely Theological College in 1930, and was ordained in 1931. He served as Curate of Helmsley, Yorkshire, 1930-3, and of Goldthorpe, 1934-8. He was Vicar of Sawston, 1941-2, Vicar of St Augustine, Wisbech, 1947-58, Rural Dean of Wisbech, 1954-8, and Rector of Fletton, Ely, 1958-65.

203 (#ulink_9a2c532a-9830-5748-9e45-ce0ae81695d5) Charles Wickliffe Moorman (1925-96) was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on 24 May 1925. After serving in the Second World War, he graduated from Kenyon College, Ohio, in 1949. He earned Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1951 and 1954. He joined the English Department at the University of Southern Mississippi (then Mississippi Southern College), Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in 1954 and became department head in 1956, a position he held for twelve years. Moorman served as Dean of the Graduate School for two years, and as Academic Vice-president for twelve years. He stepped down in 1980 to resume full-time teaching and research, retiring in 1990. An expert in both Middle English and modern English literature, over the years he taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. He died on 3 May 1996. His works include Myth and Medieval Literature: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1956), The Precincts of Felicity: The Augustinian City of the Oxford Christians (1966) and A Knyght There Was: The Evolution of the Knight in Literature (1967).

204 (#ulink_45cb5ed0-e216-570d-b945-2e0858d921fa) Moorman was collecting material for a work published as Arthurian Triptych: Myth Materials in Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis, and T. S. Eliot (1960).

205 (#ulink_45cb5ed0-e216-570d-b945-2e0858d921fa) Charles Williams, All Hallows’ Eve (1945).

206 (#ulink_b4360d8b-8784-55e8-8fdc-9827a32fd925) 1 Corinthians 13:13.

207 (#ulink_b4360d8b-8784-55e8-8fdc-9827a32fd925) The three principles which Williams set great store by, and which run through his works, were Co-inherence, Exchange and Substitution. They are summarized in ‘Williams and the Arthuriad’, ch. 3, p. 123 of Arthurian Torso.

208 (#ulink_b4360d8b-8784-55e8-8fdc-9827a32fd925)The Figure of Arthur, Arthurian Torso, pp. 5-90.

209 (#ulink_13962503-f049-5c2f-b711-c5d6f5b3bdf8)That Hideous Strength, ch. 13, part V, p. 316: ‘None hears us save the last of the seven bears of Logres’; ch. 12, vi, p. 290: ‘Who knows what the technique of the Atlantean Circle was really like?’

210 (#ulink_13962503-f049-5c2f-b711-c5d6f5b3bdf8) ibid., Preface, p. xii: ‘Those who would like to learn further about Numinor and the True West must (alas!) await the publication of much that still exists only in the MSS of my friend, Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.’ Lewis had in mind that work of Tolkien’s published as The Silmarillion, ed. Christopher Tolkien (London: Allen & Unwin, 1977), ‘Akallabêth: The Downfall of Numenor’, pp. 259-82. In a letter to Roger Lancelyn Green of 17 July 1971, in Green and Hooper, C. S. Lewis: A Biography, p. 210, Tolkien said: ‘With regard to “Numinor”, in the early days of our association Jack used to come to my house and I read aloud to him The Silmarillion so far as it had then gone…Numinor was his version of a name he had never seen written (Numenor) and no doubt was influenced by numinous.’

211 (#ulink_13962503-f049-5c2f-b711-c5d6f5b3bdf8) The ‘romance’ was of course Tolkien’s trilogy, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (1954), The Two Towers (1954) and The Return of the King (1955).

212 (#ulink_63b2198a-54ee-570e-b057-aa7da565d573) See Phoebe Hesketh in the Biographical Appendix.

213 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) Phoebe Hesketh, No Time for Cowards: Poems, Preface by Herbert Palmer (London: Heinemann, 1952).

214 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., p. 8, ‘The Secret in the Stone’, 5.

215 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., 10.

216 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., p. 9, 49.

217 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., ‘Zebras’, p. 39, 10-11.

218 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., p. 81, ‘Retrospection’, 4-5: ‘Where half-hearts join while Time’s black finger races/Towards the evening train.’

219 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) ibid., p. 72, ‘I Am Not Resigned’, 18.

220 (#ulink_512ecaf4-c3e7-5a1c-86d1-e4cc067f0e6a) Richard Thomas Church (1893-1972), poet, critic and novelist, author of Over the Bridge (1955).

221 (#ulink_c49028fd-647e-5acd-8a0b-905474c681c1) Greeves’s dog.

222 (#ulink_6f8c906c-3ee1-533d-ab95-567ef14a026d) See the letter to Phoebe Hesketh of 4 October 1952.

223 (#ulink_6f8c906c-3ee1-533d-ab95-567ef14a026d) i.e., No Time for Cowards.

224 (#ulink_1e14bfff-412c-5c67-bdfc-2654773404d7) The Rev. John Rowland, B. Sc, was writing from 115 Mackie Avenue, Brighton.

225 (#ulink_55b2b534-b745-5bc4-be4e-9de9bdba3128) The Northern Whig was a Belfast newspaper which began in 1824, and continued as Northern Whig and Belfast Post from 1919 until 1963 when it ceased publication.

226 (#ulink_30d54f5b-0ac3-5452-b3b0-b4f5006b6488) Vera Henry, Mrs Moore’s goddaughter, sometimes acted as housekeeper for the Lewis brothers.

227 (#ulink_b07e9ffe-36ca-520b-a8c0-d4f0dc4c3e82) Roger Lancelyn Green, A. E. W. Mason, 1865-1948 (London: M. Parrish, 1952).

228 (#ulink_7a9e297a-878e-559d-88c2-b87a2f5feb60) ‘trust one who has experience’.

* (#ulink_18406ab3-dcc7-5d52-be36-63e510767431) who has a suspicious headache himself at the moment. Who knows!…

229 (#ulink_13b516a2-9c97-55a6-85ca-8de249241e14) This letter was published in the Church Times, CXXXV (24 October 1952), p. 763, under the title ‘Canonization’.

230 (#ulink_fcfef262-f1e3-5095-b70d-f4952fd8ee0a) See Eric Pitt, ‘Canonization, Church Times, CXXXV (17 October 1952), p. 743.

231 (#ulink_fcfef262-f1e3-5095-b70d-f4952fd8ee0a)The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, 15 vols, ed. Charles G. Herbermann, etc. (New York: Robert Appleton Co., 1907-12).

232 (#ulink_fcfef262-f1e3-5095-b70d-f4952fd8ee0a) A theological term signifying the honour paid to the saints.

233 (#ulink_0ac5394a-9a12-5a43-9242-d8153b8b22d0) John Oliver Reed (1929-) was born on 16 December 1929 in London, the son of E O. Reed. In 1941 he was awarded, on the result of the Junior County Scholarship Examination, a Foundation Scholarship to Bancroft’s School, Woodford. In December 1946 he was elected on examination to a Demyship at Magdalen College, Oxford. Before going up to Oxford he did his National Service, arriving at Magdalen in 1949. There he read English under Lewis, taking his BA in 1952. Reed was briefly an assistant master at Winchester College, after which he held assistant lectureships at the University of Edinburgh and at Kings College, London. From 1957 until he retired in 1996 he taught at universities in Africa and the Far East. See the letter to Reed of 8 July 1947 in the Supplement.

234 (#ulink_4e11201f-c7c9-539d-8bc5-54697f3708d1) This letter to Reed is written on a letter Lewis received from A. R. Woolley, Educational Secretary of the Oxford University Appointments Committee, dated 24 October 1952. Woolley said: ‘The Headmaster of Winchester tells me that he will need to appoint either in 1953 or 1954 a man with a good degree in English…If there is anyone among your pupils who you think might be interested in this opening I wonder if you would kindly suggest to him that he make an appointment to come and see me.’

235 (#ulink_4e11201f-c7c9-539d-8bc5-54697f3708d1) At this time Reed was in Oxford beginning a B. Litt. degree. Following Lewis’s suggestion, he sought the advice of the President of Magdalen College, Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase (1898-1974). In the end Reed was advised to give up work on his B. Litt. and take the job at Winchester College which began in January 1953. By mid 1953 he had accepted an appointment at the University of Edinburgh.

236 (#ulink_5ba22dc0-a8da-553c-a82a-14b008ad12dc) See the letter to Hesketh of 4 October 1952.

237 (#ulink_7fb4b704-80b4-5949-8497-048b28e4779b) Mrs Johnson was given the pseudonym ‘Mrs Ashtorï in L.

238 (#ulink_cb23fac6-7491-5e93-8ab5-183a9641ac9f) Mrs Johnson asked ‘What is your correct title?’ The following notes indicate the questions she asked (the original of her list is in the Wade Center).

239 (#ulink_829ddaf6-a518-5349-bac6-3bc06fa59499) ‘Do people get another chance after death? I refer to Charles Williams.’

240 (#ulink_fca82558-4d9e-591f-bf26-f3493f2994fb) ‘What would happen if I had died an atheist?’

241 (#ulink_36415d2b-427b-5057-9e20-2f5962f27495) ‘What happens to Jews who are still waiting for the Messiah?’

242 (#ulink_3a5ae3db-3368-5888-b52b-02b1f7d61659) ‘Is the Bible infallible?’

243 (#ulink_3a5ae3db-3368-5888-b52b-02b1f7d61659) Lewis originally wrote ‘not read with attention’, but altered this to ‘without’, presumably overlooking that he had written ‘not read’. But his meaning is ‘isolated from their context and read without attention…’

244 (#ulink_e629b5ae-6b4e-53f7-bfc7-4d26aad360ba) фονχεύσετς as in Matthew 19:18.

245 (#ulink_e629b5ae-6b4e-53f7-bfc7-4d26aad360ba) άποχτεíναι as in John 8:37.

246 (#ulink_66bf68e7-c662-568f-9a18-cbb58c65a7e1) ‘If a thief killed Eileen would I be wrong to want him to die?’

247 (#ulink_a776b1dd-b629-5326-9b95-cad3408e8644) ‘Is killing in self defense all right?’

248 (#ulink_a776b1dd-b629-5326-9b95-cad3408e8644) Romans 13:4.

249 (#ulink_a776b1dd-b629-5326-9b95-cad3408e8644) Luke 3:14.

250 (#ulink_a776b1dd-b629-5326-9b95-cad3408e8644) Matthew 8:10.

251 (#ulink_95d82c1f-a4bd-5fa4-958d-12d6ea339bd9) ‘Will we recognize our loved ones in Heaven?’

252 (#ulink_95d82c1f-a4bd-5fa4-958d-12d6ea339bd9) Matthew 22:4.

253 (#ulink_95d82c1f-a4bd-5fa4-958d-12d6ea339bd9) Matthew 22:2-12; Luke 12:36.

254 (#ulink_95d82c1f-a4bd-5fa4-958d-12d6ea339bd9) Hebrews 11:16; 12:22.

255 (#ulink_95d82c1f-a4bd-5fa4-958d-12d6ea339bd9) Revelation 5:8-14.

256 (#ulink_118fd375-d8c4-55e9-b7f2-2ebafdd893bd) ‘If Wayne didn’t go to Heaven I wouldn’t want to either. Would his name be erased from my brain?’

257 (#ulink_b41b0150-bb90-52f3-ad80-3fccbea7cf87) ‘Do you like sweets?’

258 (#ulink_e9bc6d24-da28-5503-884e-10e8a3940246) ‘Are you handsome?’

259 (#ulink_45028c32-7244-5381-983a-257d9997855c) ‘Tell me the story about the barber.’

260 (#ulink_6e5e6b2c-5d11-5a04-8e3c-4dd7b0b14ae4) Edward T. Dell Jr had written to Bles on 30 October 1952 that those essays by Lewis ‘chiefly found in pamphlet form or as articles in the “Spectator” might, with an appropriate preface, make an interesting book of essays…There is also a sermon that might be included as well. It was delivered in a church in the midlands on Apr. 7, 1946…I imagine Dr Lewis would scoff at the idea of a reprinting of his first book Spirits in Bondage but to me the book seems to merit it just as much as did Dymer’ (Bodleian Library, Dep. c. 771, fol. 9).

261 (#ulink_6e5e6b2c-5d11-5a04-8e3c-4dd7b0b14ae4) On 7 April 1946 Lewis preached a sermon entitled ‘Miserable Offenders’ in St Matthew’s Church, Northampton. It was included in a booklet, Five Sermons by Laymen (April-May 1946), and is reprinted in EC.

262 (#ulink_460743b8-f625-53eb-a4c4-b8e5b83d7727) Mrs Shelburne, formerly an Anglican or Episcopalian, in 1951 converted to the Catholic Church.

263 (#ulink_006227f6-2d08-5ae1-921c-7edc69a2dc71) See J. R. R. Tolkien in the Biographical Appendix to CL I, pp. 1022-4.

264 (#ulink_eefdd708-e2a4-5882-a16f-724df506cdbc) Lewis had read the typescript of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings in October 1949, and he wrote to his friend about it on 27 October 1949 (CL II, pp. 990-1). Since then Tolkien had been trying to get it published, hoping whoever published it would also publish the unfinished Silmarillion. Rayner Unwin, the son of the publisher Sir Stanley Unwin (1884-1968) of Allen & Unwin publishers, believed it to be a very great work and his father left it to him to decide whether the firm should accept it. After calculations and discussions with others in Allen & Unwin, Rayner wrote to Tolkien on 10 November 1952 saying the firm would like to publish the book under a profit-sharing agreement, under which Tolkien would receive nothing until the sales of the book had covered its publishing costs, but would afterwards share equally with the publishers any profits that might accrue. Tolkien was delighted The Lord of the Rings had been accepted, and he wrote at once to tell Lewis what had happened. Lewis replied with this letter.

265 (#ulink_eefdd708-e2a4-5882-a16f-724df506cdbc) ‘without trace’.

266 (#ulink_6cfb316a-f40e-503e-8882-857f0f9a4a8a) Priscilla was Tolkien’s daughter.

267 (#ulink_6cfb316a-f40e-503e-8882-857f0f9a4a8a) Katharine Farrer had been corresponding with Tolkien about The Lord of the Rings.

268 (#ulink_ca096faa-a3ce-5a9d-aafe-c18efe8ef82a) MacDonald, Diary of an Old Soul, November 3: ‘Have pity on us for the look of things,/Where blank denial stares us in the face./Although the serpent mask have lied before/It fascinates the bird.’

269 (#ulink_5668ca60-0831-5cd5-b96c-9d55f9024c70) Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34.

270 (#ulink_cac0925a-ab9f-5945-9581-95adbfeda5c0) Romans 12:5.

271 (#ulink_f245f29f-983a-5b46-80bd-7a61a47bd105) Mrs Van Deusen may have suggested sending Lewis the autobiography of the American political writer Whittaker Chambers (1901-61), best known for his accusation and testimony against Alger Hiss (1904-96), the architect of the Yalta Conference and Secretary General of the San Francisco conference that created the United Nations. Chambers’ autobiography, Witness, was published in 1952.

272 (#ulink_efd3d85e-d13c-51f8-83ff-830405b95277) Blamires had applied for a job in Edinburgh.

273 (#ulink_bdd1c4e4-10d1-5e7f-95df-787b46a720d1) The US edition of Mere Christianity was published by Macmillan of New York on 11 November 1952.

274 (#ulink_bdd1c4e4-10d1-5e7f-95df-787b46a720d1)The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’.

275 (#ulink_bdd1c4e4-10d1-5e7f-95df-787b46a720d1) During the autumn of 1952 the Church Times featured a number of pencil drawings of ‘Portraits of Personalities’; that of Lewis, by Stanley Parker, appeared in the Church Times, CXXXV (21 November 1952), p. 844.

276 (#ulink_bdd1c4e4-10d1-5e7f-95df-787b46a720d1) This was possibly the working title for an intended collection of Lewis’s essays.

277 (#ulink_46094996-4f5e-5e82-8ac5-35f5b7265e19) Serena is a young lady whose adventures are recounted in Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Book VI.

278 (#ulink_46094996-4f5e-5e82-8ac5-35f5b7265e19) The Red Cross Knight.

279 (#ulink_46094996-4f5e-5e82-8ac5-35f5b7265e19) Spenser, The Faerie Queene, I, x, 61, 8: ‘Thou Saint George shalt called bee.’

280 (#ulink_8c52482c-5d22-56d8-92bf-5725b1ddf922) There is no evidence that this story was ever published.

281 (#ulink_8c52482c-5d22-56d8-92bf-5725b1ddf922) H. G. Wells, Kipps (1905).

282 (#ulink_d3adfce2-62fe-5875-ba15-e8af47e69579) e.g. H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds (1898), ch. 6: ‘You may figure to yourself the hum of voices along the road in the gloaming.’

283 (#ulink_fdeeb586-6afa-5521-a15e-3200932aeb98)Christian Behaviour (New York: Macmillan, 1943).

284 (#ulink_1687d931-dcdf-5cc0-9d55-c4c6430c856b) ‘Luke 11:26: the last state of that man is worse than the first’ Matthew 12:45.

* (#ulink_3edb2299-3677-5a1e-a522-12010035df0f) There are v. important exceptions. Also, on further thought, I don’t believe much in ‘French, American, or English people.’ There are only individuals really.

285 (#ulink_2d6a8966-6a58-5f0d-b2f7-e60cd7fb3cec) i.e., Joy Gresham.

286 (#ulink_2d6a8966-6a58-5f0d-b2f7-e60cd7fb3cec) For a while Joy and Bill Gresham dabbled in Ron Hubbard’s philosophy of Dianetics or spiritual healing. See Lyle Dorsett, And God Came In: The Extraordinary Story of Joy Davidman, Her Life and Marriage to C. S. Lewis (New York: Macmillan, 1983), ch. 3, p. 71.

287 (#ulink_c2a75000-4e25-544b-8c25-24fe402dcc38) See the biography of the Honourable Phyllis Elinor Sandeman (1895-1986) in CL II, p. 788n. Mrs Sandeman was brought up in Lyme Park, one of the most magnificent houses in Cheshire. Home to the Legh family for 600 years, the original Tudor house was transformed by the Venetian architect, Giacomo Leoni, into an Italianate palace. In 1946 Mrs Sandeman’s brother, the 3rd Baron Newton, Richard Legh, gave Lyme Park to the National Trust.

296 (#ulink_19e279f4-daa5-5cde-b131-8765543b0b73) Lewis had put his finger on ‘Mrs’ while the ink was still wet.

288 (#ulink_3c855140-1ef8-5f0c-b585-75fb8528a34a) Phyllis Sandeman, Treasure on Earth: A Country House at Christmas, illustrated by the author (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1952), an account of a Christmas spent at Lyme Park during her childhood.

289 (#ulink_3c855140-1ef8-5f0c-b585-75fb8528a34a) Percy Lubbock, Earlham (1922).

290 (#ulink_3c855140-1ef8-5f0c-b585-75fb8528a34a) ‘we others’.

291 (#ulink_c625be7d-ec37-516a-9f9a-87478b614000) Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott, And Other Poems (1833), ‘The Lotus Eaters’, IV, 8-9: ‘All things are taken from us, and become/Portions and parcels of the dreadful Past.’

292 (#ulink_c625be7d-ec37-516a-9f9a-87478b614000) Sandeman, Treasure on Earth, p. 26: ‘It was a large lofty room with walls of darkly gloomy cedar-wood, Corinthian pilasters arranged in pairs dividing the long panels and each of these adorned down its centre with swags of elaborate wood-carvings. From looped garlands and palm leaves and cupids’ heads hung a host of diverse objects, bunches of fruit and flowers, musical instruments, trophies, fish and birds, all carved to the life in soft yellow pear-wood by the hand of the master—the one and only Grinling Gibbons.’ In Mrs Sandeman’s book the owners of the house–the Newtons–are given the pseudonym ‘Vayne’. Grinling Gibbons (1648-1721) was the most famous English woodcarver of all time.