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Amir: i m fine thanks missing you a lot… i got your message at facebook
Natalie: well, I also miss you today :) so add him
Amir: :) yes i will my princess, first show me your pretty face
*** Call to Amir, duration 00:16. ***
Amir: i love you Natalie
*** Call ended ***
Amir: comeon don’t close, please give me 5 minutes to see you, darling, just 5 minutes please
Natalie: when you have you microphone we can speak with open cam as I do with my son
Amir: i know but now please, i am missing you
Natalie: now I can?t just sit and wait while you are looking at me
Amir: and i have good news for you
Natalie: tell me
Amir: just 5 minutes, i need to see your face
*** Call to Amir, duration 00:37. ***
Amir: ok listen
*** Call ended ***
Amir: love i didn’t receive your passport
Natalie: yes, you didn?t. I have just spoken with Mary in general; I will send you in two-three days… wait… and my passport is valid only till April next year, it can be a problem
Amir: it will not, we will have some solution, still there are some months in it
Natalie: what was the good news?
Amir: the good news is: in 20 days you will be emailed your visa and you will be with me since the day i will apply for it so just pack your bags and be ready
Natalie: Amir, NO!!! I told you I came here for 3 months, the ppl are very kind to me, how can I act with them in this way? it is not good
Amir: so? you mean to say after 3 months?
Natalie: so we can meet only after Christmas
Amir: honey this VISA will already expire if you don’t enter in DUBAI in 2 months so it means i have to delay this process, may be in November i will start… ok as you say but not late than Christmas
Natalie: ok but will you come here? I?d like us to see each other first
Amir: honey i can come but it will take time, i need to apply for visa, i will get visa then i will apply for leaves so it will be Christmas already
Natalie: ok, well, we will decide so. I will speak with Mary again. Because just some days ago I told her I?d like to stay here till April
Amir: ok just discuss because i want to meet you
Natalie: we will :) are you at work now? I don?t like you to be with me while you have to work
Amir: honey it’s break so i am free
Natalie: ok, but then you have to take some meal :)
Amir: i already did, had a burger from HARDEEZ and now i am here with my princess… i love you Natalie, you are my life
Natalie: my husband used to tell me the same… YOU ARE MY LIFE :) well, I like it, but don?t be in hurry plz
Amir: i am not in a hurry, but i can’t sleep all night because i am just thinking about you
Natalie: I can?t take you seriously before I really see you… can?t take too seriously your love as well now
Amir: well i am mad about you and i want to meet you too so that’s why i was asking for your passport but now have to wait till November so delay is from your side, i want to meet you right now
Natalie: I told you it is too fast for me… I just was in relations with other person… let me come out of it first
Amir: ok take your time, i can wait for you
Natalie: and then it will be really difficult for you to wait if you don?t keep yourselves and don?t try to control your feelings
Amir: ok i am controlling, i am waiting… you are looking very beautiful today, can i see you again???
Natalie: Amir, you know I don?t like you to give too much attention to my look. I not always look well and then what? you won?t love me?
Amir: well i just admire you that you always look pretty but today it’s extra ordinary and my love is forever for you, nothing can reduce it, i wana see you… honey please
*** Call to Amir, duration 00:48. ***
Amir: i love you so i will add your son today
*** Call ended ***
Amir: love your eyes
Natalie: my son?s eyes also not bad! :)
Amir: hahahahahahaha i know, he is a handsome boy
Natalie: I saw your photos today. You are mostly too serious!
Amir: yea, i am not photogenic but i am jolly in regular life and romantic;)
Natalie: you look well for me and remind me my sister?s husband by your face
Amir: oh GOD really? so is it good or bad?
Natalie: yes, really, you can check yourself, I have his photo in my profile, but may be you can?t notice the similarity as I do
Amir: right
Natalie: not bad of course, he is a very good man and they live together for long and have 3 children and love each other
Amir: i will love you too and will live with you always… forever
Natalie: we will see. It is all from God, not from ppl. As a rule men love me very much, but I never was with someone for long
Amir: so i will prove it wrong now
Natalie: try! :)
Amir: ok sure, honey listen i have to go now, what time you will stay here? on skype?
Natalie: I will go to Nelly now and in evening in church, so I will at home only late in evening, about nine in my time
Amir: ok i will wait for you after reaching home
Natalie: ok, thanks! Bye! good luck!
Amir: i love you a lot take care, see you in evening, good bye
Натали отправилась проведать Нелли. Если она была в хорошем настроении (а наша героиня, если заметили, почти всегда была в хорошем настроении), то прогулка приводила её в ещё лучшее настроение, цвет лица светлел, а на душе пели птицы. Эта осень, конечно, была особенной, осень в Кёльне – одна на всю жизнь…
С Нелли она старалась побыть подольше, просто сидела в кресле, пока Нелли кормили обедом, и они обе спокойно обменивались репликами. Нелли любила расспрашивать Натали о её семье, о родителях, о сыне, Натали, в свою очередь, расспрашивала Нелли о её покойном муже, о том, как и почему они оказались в Германии. Нелли не была особо словоохотливой, но что-то всё-таки рассказывала, и так, за неторопливой беседой, проходило время. Потом Нелли отпускала Натали и ложилась немного отдохнуть, а Натали опять бодро шагала по улицам, шуршала листьями, улыбаясь своим мыслям, в предвкушении нового вечера со своим романтическим принцем…
[16.10.201* 15:53:06] Amir: knock knock
[16.10.201* 15:54:26] Natalie: Amir, I have just come and I am extremely hungry! So I go to the kitchen and will be busy with cooking! So sorry! :)
Amir: what are you cooking?
Natalie: soup
Amir: yummy
Natalie: are hungry too? you had your lunch already and I didn’t! so bye!
Amir: hahahahhahha yes i am hungry
Natalie: noh, sorry! sorry I can?t give it to you, too :)
Amir: Mr. VOVA is very busy, not replying
Natalie: yes, he is not here, I think. Don?t worry. The only thing is important for him – if you are good with me!
Amir: honey i will, we will be great friends for sure;) you are a great mother
Natalie: thanks! but we are more friends than just mother and son… and you don?t expect from him to be too polite with you. He is sixteen now… but he told he would like to speak with you and with me in the same time
Amir: ok as he wants, you both are dear to me
Natalie: thanks… are you still in office?
Amir: yes… i love you Natalie, you are my life;) now show me your beautiful face and then go and have lunch
*** Call to Amir M*, duration 00:16. ***
Amir: okkk no disturbance honey……………………………………….
Amir: soup finished?
Natalie: yes, but I have to make everything in order here now, it won?t take long. When will you go home?
Amir: in 30 minutes
Natalie: then it’s better to speak later, when you are already there
Amir: ok just open cam, let me kiss you and then i will leave for home
Natalie: I knew you would ask this! :))
Amir: hahahaha
*** Call to Amir*, duration 00:26. ***
Amir: i love you baby
Natalie: I want to tell the same, but it will not be true yet… I want to see you first! not in cam, in real… then we will see, baby :))
Amir: ok come here in 20 days… only 20 days!
Его стремительность пугала и нравилась одновременно. Но Натали решила быть осторожной, поэтому, насколько могла, она сдерживала свои чувства и ход развития событий. К тому же, думала она, кто знает: страсть, которая появилась так внезапно, может так же внезапно исчезнуть.
И потом, был ещё Аднан. Легко сказать: «finalize!», а сделать это было очень трудно. Прошёл почти год, как они знали друг друга, и за это время они срослись сердцами, мыслями, телами… И хотя его впереди ожидала женитьба на кузине, которую выбрали родственники, Натали чувствовала, как он страдает.
У неё был Амир, Аднан пока вынужден был переживать свою потерю в одиночестве. Он пытался скрыть от неё свою боль, как прежде пытался скрыть свою любовь, но не мог… Она просачивалась сквозь скупые строки стихов и посланий…