Книги жанра Научно-популярная литература - скачать бесплатно в fb2 или читать онлайн | Bookz.ru - Cтраница 4

Книги жанра Научно-популярная литература

Susan Sheets-Pyensonнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
‘Highly readable, subtle and thought-provoking scientific history’ ScotsmanIn this penetrating work, Pyenson and Pyenson identify that major…
‘Highly readable, subtle and thought-provoking scientific history’ ScotsmanIn this penetrating work, Pyenson and Pyenson identify that major…
Oliver Mortonнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
A narrative history of the men and women who have explored Mars and mapped its surface from afar, and in so doing conditioned our understand…
A narrative history of the men and women who have explored Mars and mapped its surface from afar, and in so doing conditioned our understand…
Tony Juniperнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
An environmental parable for our times – the story of a beautiful blue bird meeting its nemesis at the end of the 20th-century.In December 1…
An environmental parable for our times – the story of a beautiful blue bird meeting its nemesis at the end of the 20th-century.In December 1…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scie…
Вам кажется, что химия трудна, грустна и сложна для восприятия? Это глобальное заблуждение. Ведь химия вокруг нас и даже внутри нас. Химичес…
Николай Николаевич Непомнящийнаучно-популярная литература, природа и животные, интересные факты, чудеса природы, мир растений, знания и навыки
Ученые считают, что растения наделены чувствами, интеллектом, обладают памятью, чувством времени, могут различать цвета и общаться между соб…
Ученые считают, что растения наделены чувствами, интеллектом, обладают памятью, чувством времени, могут различать цвета и общаться между соб…
As linguas romances, un grupo de linguas relacionadas da familia Indoeuropea que se desenvolveu a partir do latín, inclúe o español, o portu…
As linguas romances, un grupo de linguas relacionadas da familia Indoeuropea que se desenvolveu a partir do latín, inclúe o español, o portu…
Ioannis G. Economouнаучно-популярная литература, электроэнергетика, знания и навыки
A comprehensive review of the current status and challenges for natural gas and shale gas production, treatment and monetization technologie…
A comprehensive review of the current status and challenges for natural gas and shale gas production, treatment and monetization technologie…
Kazuo Nakamotoнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
The Sixth Edition of this classic work comprises the most comprehensive and current guide to infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic, organo…
The Sixth Edition of this classic work comprises the most comprehensive and current guide to infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic, organo…
There has been significant expansion in the application of atomic spectrographic techniques in recent years, which has brought with it the n…
Dr. Wenjie Chenнаучно-популярная литература, электроэнергетика, знания и навыки
Covers the fundamental concepts and advanced modelling techniques of Doubly Fed Induction Generators accompanied by analyses and simulation …
Covers the fundamental concepts and advanced modelling techniques of Doubly Fed Induction Generators accompanied by analyses and simulation …
Exploring environmental changes through Earth’s geological history using chemostratigraphy Chemostratigraphy is the study of the chemical ch…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scie…
CIBA Foundation Symposiumнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scie…
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scie…
E. V. Vorozhtsovнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
Advances in computer technology have conveniently coincided with trends in numerical analysis toward increased complexity of computational a…
Advances in computer technology have conveniently coincided with trends in numerical analysis toward increased complexity of computational a…
Jamie A. Goodeнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
Jamie A. Goodeнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
Jamie A. Goodeнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
Jamie A. Goodeнаучно-популярная литература, знания и навыки
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…
This book features scientists from a broad spectrum of disciplines discussing recent data on aggression in laboratory animals with particula…