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‘DCI Matilda Darke is the perfect heroine’ Elly GriffithsThe third book in Michael Wood’s darkly compelling crime series featuring DCI Matilda Darke. Perfect for fans of Peter Jame...
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‘DCI Matilda Darke is the perfect heroine’ Elly GriffithsA short story and prequel featuring DCI Matilda Darke, star of Michael Wood’s darkly compelling crime series. Perfect for f...
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The nightmare is just beginning… A short story and prequel featuring DCI Matilda Darke, star of Michael Wood’s darkly compelling crime series. Perfect for fans of Angela Marsons an...
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Two murders. Twenty years. Now the killer is back for more…A darkly compelling debut crime novel. The start of a brilliant series, perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride, Val McDermid...
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‘DCI Matilda Darke is the perfect heroine’ Elly GriffithsThe second book in Michael Wood’s darkly compelling new crime series featuring DCI Matilda Darke. Perfect for fans of Stuar...
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Your life is in his hands.In the gripping new serial killer thriller from Michael Wood, Matilda Darke faces a vicious killer pursuing his own brand of lethal justice. Perfect for f...
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В этот день...
29 июня 1900 года родился Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (Antoine Marie Roger, Vicomte de Saint-Exupery) (ум. 1944), французский писатель.
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