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How to Fall in Love with a Man Who Lives in a Bush – Nichola Smalley

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A fresh, hilarious and compulsively readable love story with the most wonderful kernel of truth to it. An uplifting and clever read for fans of Graeme Simsion and Marian Keyes.Julia is looking for Mr Right, but Ben is more Mr Right-Now-He-Could-Do-With-a-Bath..You may think you know what kind of novel this is, but you’d be wrong.Yes, Julia is a single-girl cliché, living alone with her cat in Vienna and working in a language school. And yes, a series of disastrous dates has left her despairing of ever finding The One – until Ben sits next to her on a bench. He’s tall, dark, handsome……and also incredibly hairy, barefoot, a bit ripe-smelling and of no fixed abode.You guessed it – they fall in love, as couples in novels do. But can Julia overlook the differences between them, abandon logic and choose with her heart?Funny, filthy (literally) and fizzing with life – and based on a true story! – this is the perfect antidote to all those books promising you that Prince Charming lives in a castle.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008222369
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