Книги автора David Sibbet
David Sibbet
учебная и научная литература, монографии, гуманитарные и общественные науки, социология, культура и просвещение, СМИ / Средства массовой информации, массмедиа, проблемы современности, знания и навыки, медиакультураWhat Visual Meetings did for meetings and Visual Teams did for teams, this book does for leaders Visual Leaders explores how leaders can sup…
What Visual Meetings did for meetings and Visual Teams did for teams, this book does for leaders Visual Leaders explores how leaders can sup…
David Sibbet
ужасы / мистика, детективы, эротика и секс, эротические романы, триллеры, ужасы, страшилки и ужастики, психологические детективы, игры на выживание, психопатологияGraphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams—both face-to-f…
Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams—both face-to-f…
David Sibbet
Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams—both face-to-f…
Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams—both face-to-f…
David Sibbet
книги по психологии, социальная психология, краткое содержание, психологияWhat Visual Meetings did for meetings and Visual Teams did for teams, this book does for leaders Visual Leaders explores how leaders can sup…
What Visual Meetings did for meetings and Visual Teams did for teams, this book does for leaders Visual Leaders explores how leaders can sup…
David Sibbet
о бизнесе популярно, зарубежная деловая литература, личная эффективность, биографии и мемуары, саморазвитие / личностный рост, коучинг, истории успеха, лидерство, просто о бизнесе, деловая карьера, как достичь успеха, как достичь цели, краткое изложениеUse eye-popping visual tools to energize your people! Just as social networking has reclaimed the Internet for human interactivity and co-cr…
Use eye-popping visual tools to energize your people! Just as social networking has reclaimed the Internet for human interactivity and co-cr…
David Sibbet
юмористическая литература, юмористическая проза, современная русская литература, здоровье, медицина и здоровьеUse eye-popping visual tools to energize your people! Just as social networking has reclaimed the Internet for human interactivity and co-cr…
Use eye-popping visual tools to energize your people! Just as social networking has reclaimed the Internet for human interactivity and co-cr…
David Sibbet
Visualization—in your own imagination, on the wall, and with media—supports any consultant who is learning to design and facilitate transfor…
Visualization—in your own imagination, on the wall, and with media—supports any consultant who is learning to design and facilitate transfor…