Книги жанра Зарубежная деловая литература - скачать бесплатно в fb2 или читать онлайн | Bookz.ru

Книги жанра Зарубежная деловая литература

Do we need an Economic Jihad? What can you say about the boring cock-fights between Capitalism deities of our time? You should be as disgust…
Juliana Stancampianoзарубежная деловая литература, управление бизнесом
Create simple, engaging, and effective outputs that actually get results Billions of corporate dollars are spent every year on initiatives t…
Create simple, engaging, and effective outputs that actually get results Billions of corporate dollars are spent every year on initiatives t…
Dave Mitchellзарубежная деловая литература
Discover your true self and align your life journey around your core beliefs, values and perspective. Designed as both a companion piece to …
Discover your true self and align your life journey around your core beliefs, values and perspective. Designed as both a companion piece to …
Джил Хессонзарубежная деловая литература, интернет-бизнес, управление бизнесом
Think your way to a more positive life Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we can all learn. But it’s not just about h…
Think your way to a more positive life Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we can all learn. But it’s not just about h…
Joy J.D. Baldridgeзарубежная деловая литература
Successfully cope with day-to-day problems—and find joy along the way The Business of Joy provides you with an abundance of practical and im…
Successfully cope with day-to-day problems—and find joy along the way The Business of Joy provides you with an abundance of practical and im…
Larry Weberзарубежная деловая литература
Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing offers a forward-thinking approach to ach…
Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing offers a forward-thinking approach to ach…
Michael A. Robertoзарубежная деловая литература, управление бизнесом
Tear down the obstacles to creative innovation in your organization Unlocking Creativity is an exploration of the creative process and how o…
Tear down the obstacles to creative innovation in your organization Unlocking Creativity is an exploration of the creative process and how o…
Gain a holistic view of agricultural (re)insurance and capital market risk transfer Increasing agricultural production and food security rem…
Steve Glaveskiмалый и средний бизнес, зарубежная деловая литература
Make the leap and become an entrepreneur today Are you living for the weekend? Are you dissatisfied at work? Are you itching to do something…
Make the leap and become an entrepreneur today Are you living for the weekend? Are you dissatisfied at work? Are you itching to do something…
Greg S. Reidзарубежная деловая литература
The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles t…
The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles t…
Janine Garnerмалый и средний бизнес, зарубежная деловая литература
Who do you need around you? Networking is an essential skill; it's the key to your success. So why are so many of our connections superficia…
Who do you need around you? Networking is an essential skill; it's the key to your success. So why are so many of our connections superficia…
Michel Millotзарубежная деловая литература, управление бизнесом
Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all, and the price/quality ratio can be dec…
Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all, and the price/quality ratio can be dec…
Imran Rashidмалый и средний бизнес, зарубежная деловая литература
Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instag…
Authors Imran Rashid and Soren Kenner have sparked an international debate by revealing the “mind hacks” Facebook, Apple, Google, and Instag…
The first book to be published on the Theta method, outlining under what conditions the method outperforms other forecasting methods This bo…
Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Fifth Edition continues to supply actuaries with a practical approach to the key concepts and technique…
Muhammad Budi Prasetyoзарубежная деловая литература, интернет-бизнес, управление бизнесом
Gain insight into the unique risk management challenges within the Islamic banking system Risk Management for Islamic Banks: Recent Developm…
Gain insight into the unique risk management challenges within the Islamic banking system Risk Management for Islamic Banks: Recent Developm…
Stephen L. Nesbittзарубежная деловая литература
The essential resource for navigating the growing direct loan market Private Debt: Opportunities in Corporate Direct Lending provides invest…
The essential resource for navigating the growing direct loan market Private Debt: Opportunities in Corporate Direct Lending provides invest…
Scott A. Snyderзарубежная деловая литература, управление бизнесом
Harness your company’s incumbent advantages to win the digital disruption game Goliath’s Revenge is the practical guide for how executives a…
Harness your company’s incumbent advantages to win the digital disruption game Goliath’s Revenge is the practical guide for how executives a…
Переговорные техники, описанные Крисом Воссом, родились из сокрушительных поражений ФБР. После трагических событий на ферме Рэнди Уивера в ш…
Instant Business Letters
Iain Maitlandзарубежная деловая литература, управление бизнесом
Everything you need to know to become a first-class letter writer. Includes over 200 examples of business letters that can be used immediate…
Everything you need to know to become a first-class letter writer. Includes over 200 examples of business letters that can be used immediate…