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Home Staging. The Winning Way To Sell Your House for More Money – Barb Schwarz

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The way you live in a home and the way you sell it are two different things. That's the premise of Staging*, a concept that teaches you to look at your home through a buyer's eyes and make adjustments to improve its appeal and value. In any real estate market, Staged homes sell faster or sell for more money–or both. With Home Staging, you'll learn how to play up your home's strong points and improve its presentation. By rearranging furniture, trimming overgrown bushes, painting a room, and clearing out the clutter, Home Staging will help you spotlight your property for a fast, profitable sale. Filled with organizing tips and checklists, plus before-and-Staged photographs that dramatically show how Staging can transform your home inside and out, Home Staging has all the answers you'll need when looking to increase the sale price of your home. *Staging is a federally registered trademark of

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471928379

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