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The way you live in a home and the way you sell it are two different things. That's the premise of Staging*, a concept that teaches you to look at your home through a buyer's eyes...
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Home staging strategies needed to succeed in a down market Whether a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, the home selling and purchasing process is fraught with potholes that can...
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Let Barb Schwarz—the creator of the Home Staging concept—show you what it takes to make it in the Home Staging industry. In 1972, Barb Schwarz coined the term «Staging» to refer to...
В этот день...
28 июня 1860 года родился Сергей Федорович Платонов, русский историк (ум. 1933).
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...