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Covert Pursuit
Covert Pursuit
Covert Pursuit


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Covert Pursuit

Was that a note of veiled excitement in his voice? “What are you, a thrill junkie?”

A brief, amused smile flashed before he said, “I believe in making the most of opportunities presented.”

Sounded like something her brothers would say. But they were in the business of seeking opportunities to take down bad guys. What was Jason’s motivation? She needed more background info on the amiable boat captain. A lot more. Looked like she’d be calling Gabe, her Boston P.D. partner, to do a background check.

She hoped Jason didn’t have a record or a warrant anywhere. She was beginning to really like the guy.

And maybe he was right. Maybe they should be patient and sit tight. But she never did watch and wait well. Patience wasn’t one of her virtues. Probably one of the many character flaws that had sent men running in the other direction. That and her career. Would Jason run from her? Did she care?

“Tell me about yourself,” she said.

“Not much to tell,” he responded and studied the menu.

She arched a brow. They’d already ordered their meal.

“Come on. Talk to me.” She reached across the table to put her hand over the menu to gain his attention. “Who is Jason Bodewell? Are you ex-military?”

Setting the menu to the side, he gave her his attention. “Yeah, I’ve served my country.”

“Which branch?”


From the guarded tone of his voice, she guessed his service had left scars. “Did you grow up here on the island?”

“No. Born and bred in a small town outside Jackson, Mississippi.”

Now she understood why his accent was so much thicker than any she’d heard so far while on vacation. “You’re a long way from home.”

His expression dimmed as sadness deepened the blue of his eyes. “Nothing there for me anymore. My parents passed on. I don’t have siblings.”

Her stomach clenched with remembered panic and dread of her father’s heart attack last year. Sympathy for Jason infused her. She wanted to reach out and hold him, to soothe away his pain. “I’m sorry. How old were you when they died?”

“My dad passed on when I was a kid. Emphysema. He was a chain smoker for as long as I can remember. My mom—” His voice hitched. “She died of breast cancer about eight years ago.”

Compassion twisted in her chest. She couldn’t imagine having both parents die so young. “You don’t have any other family?”

He paused, his expression turning distant. Hard. “Not anymore.”

Their food arrived, preventing further questioning but not alleviating the curiosity churning in her mind. What was Jason’s story? Was his military background his only reason for getting involved with her and this situation?

As she contemplated the questions, she ate her pancakes quickly. Sweet maple syrup exploded on her taste buds with each bite. She wanted to be ready to move the moment the gunman from last night decided to leave the café.

“Guess you were hungry,” Jason commented. His amused gaze flicked to her empty plate.

She shrugged. “Need to be ready.”

“Ah, I see,” he said.

Taking her cue, his seafood omelet disappeared rapidly. She appreciated how in tune he was with the situation. But really she shouldn’t expect him to put his job and life at risk to help her. Even though he was ex-army, he was now a civilian. Or was he? The question lingered in her mind, trying to take shape. But nothing beyond his mannerism suggested he was on active status. She shrugged the notion off.

“Let’s go. We can position ourselves outside,” he said as he laid down cash to pay the bill.

Careful to keep her face turned away from the gunman, Angie followed Jason out of the café. The morning’s air had grown thick, making her cotton jacket stick to her skin. Ominous clouds darkened the sky. A gust of wind ruffled the trees and bushes along the landscaped main street of Old Loribel. Jason led her to a park bench beneath the cover of a red maple tree. Though the branches offered some protection from the storm, it did nothing to relieve the humidity that she was becoming used to.

She sat on the edge of the bench. Awareness of his presence pulsed through her. He had a ruggedness and a vital power that drew her in, making her wish he’d sit beside her and wrap his arm around her shoulders for an embrace. Her face flushed hot with embarrassment. “You don’t have to stay. I can handle this alone. I’m sure you have somewhere to be.”

“There isn’t anyplace on earth I’d rather be.” His intense gaze hinted at some deeper meaning, despite the playful curve of his mouth.

Taken aback by his words, her heart fluttered uncharacteristically beneath her breastbone. The man was charming to be sure, but there was something else, something in his steel gaze that made her believe his words. Trills of excitement raced up her spine, but self-doubt trampled after, warning, “Don’t get your hopes up.”

Needing to bring the conversation to a more benign topic, she asked, “What brought you to Loribel Island?”

Jason stretched his long legs out in front of him as he settled next to her and rested an arm along the back of the bench. “Many things. The ocean, the sun. It’s usually a peaceful place.” He slanted a mischievous glance at her. “But then you arrived.”

“Wow,” she said with a playful tone. “Thanks.”

Attraction arced. She forced her gaze from his teasing grin and focused on the café. He was gorgeous. Fine. But just because she was acutely responsive to him didn’t mean she had to be interested. Did it? And if she was—where could a romance possibly lead? Her life was in Boston, his here on Loribel.

The door to the café had opened, and the man they were waiting for walked out.

Jason stiffened, his whole body seeming to vibrate with energy. “Here we go.”

Senses jumping to alert, she smothered her romantic musings and concentrated on their quarry. They followed him, careful to keep a reasonable distance.

The man led them through Old Loribel, past quaint boutiques and art galleries that might tempt distraction for others, but to her were potential places where the suspicious man or his accomplices could hide.

Pausing occasionally beside the tall, graceful palms lining the street, Angie found Jason an easy surveillance partner. It had taken her and her currant homicide detective partner, Gabe Burke, at least a month before they’d synced.

Not once did she have to pull Jason back or explain the subtlety of feigning interest in anything other than the subject. Obviously he hadn’t forgotten his army training. Still, she had to wonder why he was going along with her. What was in it for him?

When they reached the parking lot at the end of town and the man climbed into a beat-up, red, single-cab truck, Angie figured they’d lose the guy. Jason’s Jeep was back near the café. But Jason surprised her by procuring two touring bikes from a nearby rental stand.

“Seriously?” She stared at the bright pink helmet he handed her.

“What better way to blend in than to stick out.” He grinned and secured a neon green helmet on his head.

Knowing precious seconds were ticking by, Angie didn’t argue. She quickly let down her hair to don the helmet and hopped on the bike. Keeping the truck in sight, she started down the road, her legs pumping the pedals and her heart rate kicking up with the effort. The invigorating sense of action and adrenaline propelling Angie forward made her smile. Jason rode beside her, falling back when traffic demanded.

The clouds let loose with a smattering of rain. Her excitement wasn’t dampened even as wetness soaked her clothes.

A bike chase was definitely a first—one her brothers would get a kick out of.

She glanced at Jason. He winked. Exhilaration bubbled over into a laugh.

Two miles later, the red truck turned off the main street onto a paved private road, then disappeared from view behind thick, lush foliage lining the road.

Frustrated, Angie pulled over to the muddy shoulder and stopped. A second later Jason halted beside her.

“Do you know where that road leads?” she asked.

His expression grew pensive. “Oh, yeah. There’s an estate at the end that belongs to the Corrinda family. They’ve been here since the founding of the island.” His gaze narrowed in speculation. “There’s a private cove attached to the property.”

Anticipation revved in her veins. “Let’s go.”

“No.” He grabbed the handlebar of her bike. “It’s private property.”

She opened her mouth to say the restrictions didn’t matter, she had probable cause. Those men last night had illegal weapons. Only, she didn’t have jurisdiction. Here she’d be nothing more than a trespasser. She yanked her cell phone out of her jacket pocket. “I’ll call the chief.”

“Definitely one option. But really, what’s the chief going to do? You didn’t file a report. He’s not going to raid a private residence without probable cause. And the way he dismissed you before, I doubt he’d take your word alone.”

Her gut twisted with frustration and unease. He was right. Chief Decker hadn’t exactly been very receptive last night. But with Jason’s collaboration the chief would have to take her seriously. “You can back me up.”

He shook his head, his stormy eyes troubled. “Sorry. No way do I want to get involved with the authorities.”

Disbelief and anger rushed to batter at her temples just as the rain beat against the helmet and soaked her clothes. “Why?”

“Hey, I’m just a boat captain trying to make a living while having a little fun in the sun.”

So that’s what all of his help was about—him having some fun. At her expense.

Disappointment clawed at her insides. He wasn’t the man she thought he was. “Fine. You don’t need to be involved. I’ll go see Chief Decker by myself.”

She yanked the bike from his grasp and pedaled back toward town, not bothering to see if Jason followed.

Jason’s insides coiled with guilt as he watched Angie ride away. For the first time in his life he regretted having to play the part his undercover work demanded. Boy, was he having a hard time keeping up the pretense with Angie.

He’d been apologetic to Serena when he’d had to leave and couldn’t tell her anything about the assignment.

But why did he regret keeping his cover with a woman he’d just met and barely knew?

He could only guess it was because she was a fellow law-enforcement officer. If he could take her into his confidence, he would in a heartbeat. But he’d worked too hard and too long to build this cover. Even one person knowing his true identity could jeopardize the whole mission. No way would he risk blowing everything because he liked the pretty cop.

The faster she left the island the better. She was proving to be a distraction he really couldn’t afford. He could never forget his purpose. And with Angie around he might.

He rode back to town, letting Angie stay well ahead of him but maintaining a visual on her. He still had an obligation to protect her. At the bike rental hut, he stopped her from walking away. “Let me drive you back to your place.”

She shook off his hand. “That’s okay. I’ll manage. Just steer me in the direction of the police department.”

There was no point in refusing her request. He gestured to the brick building off the main street with the American flag flying out front. “There.”

She walked away without another word.

Jason might not want to tip his hand to the local LEOs—law-enforcement officers—but he wasn’t going to just let Angie run around the island unprotected. He waited beneath the cover of an ancient Banyan tree, its curving branches and wide leaves giving some relief from the rain.

Taking his iPhone from his shirt pocket, he typed out a message to his SAC—Special Agent in Charge of the ICE Office of Investigations field office in D.C.—telling him about the lead and asking for more info on the Corrinda family. Were they connected to Picard? Or had they started some kind of illegal operation of their own?

When Angie came out of the station ten minutes later, he could tell by the angry set of her shoulders and the red in her cheeks that her talk with the chief hadn’t been productive. A good thing for him but he felt bad for her. He fell into step with her.

“What are you still doing here?” she snapped as she stalked down the road.

He liked the way her nose wrinkled up when she was irritated. “I’ve nothing else to do today because of the storm.”

“Lucky me.”

“I take it the chief is still being difficult?”

She slanted him a withering glare. “The man is insufferable and chauvinistic. He had the gall to suggest I was making everything up”

Jason grimaced at the hurt underlining her words. He wasn’t sure why the chief would be so dismissive. He could only guess Decker didn’t want Detective Carlucci intruding on his territory. Which was good for Jason. Not so good for Angie’s ego.

She stopped and glanced around as if suddenly realizing she didn’t know where she was going. The disconcerted expression on her lovely face made Jason yearn to take her in his arms and soothe away her troubles. Instead, he stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep from reaching out to her.

Her mocha-colored eyes met his. “Can you give me that ride back to the cottage?”

“Of course,” he said and steered her toward his parked Jeep.

He opened the passenger door for her. She hesitated, glancing down at her soaking clothes.

“Don’t worry about getting the seat wet. It happens all the time.”

“Thanks,” she replied and slid in.

Once they were headed out of town, Jason decided the storm might just be the catalyst to chase Angie off the island. “Too bad about the storm. Maybe now would be a good time to head home before this baby turns into a full-blown hurricane.”

She frowned. “Are you trying to get rid of me, too?”

“Not a lot to do during a storm,” he said, not liking how dejected she sounded or that he wanted to make her feel better.

Pointing to the ocean, she said, “They don’t seem to be bothered by the storm.”

He glanced at the day cruisers and fishing boats dotting the water’s surface. “Idiots.”

As they passed the marina, she turned to him. “Can I hire you for the day?”

He hesitated. Apprehension ruffled his nerves. “What do you have in mind?”

“You said the road we followed the red truck to led to a private cove, right?”

His gut clenched. The eager, determined expression in her lovely brown eyes didn’t bode well. He had to respect her tenacity even if he disapproved. “You really need to just let this go.”

He snapped his fingers. “I know. How about I take you treasure hunting? If you don’t mind trudging around in the mud and rain. This island is full of places where old pirates buried their loot, or so the Chamber of Commerce keeps saying.”

“I’d rather take a boat tour of the island, including that cove. But if you’re not available, I’ll find someone else,” she said pleasantly.

No way. Anxiety twisted in his chest. He couldn’t allow her to involve anyone else. And by the challenge in her expression, she knew he’d surrender. But not for the reason she believed. This wasn’t about his ego, this was about the mission and her safety.

If she was determined to take a boat ride, then he’d accommodate her. Taking a recon of the cove wasn’t a bad idea and at least he’d have Angie with him so he could keep her out of danger. Though he had a feeling he was the one in trouble. “After the storm passes.”

“How long will that be?”

“Could be hours. Could be days.” Maybe she’d leave by then. One could hope.

“I’ll wait.”

He was afraid she’d say that.

The next morning, Jason showed up on Angie’s doorstep before sunrise with the news that a break in the storm, which was predicted to last a few hours, made decent enough conditions for a boat tour around the island.

Sitting on the bench along the back of Jason’s boat, Angie tried to keep her gaze trained on the shoreline of the other side of the island, but found herself watching Jason instead.

He stood at the wheel, his long legs braced apart, his hand masterfully steering the vessel. Today he wore navy cargo pants and a red windbreaker with the logo of his company emblazoned on the front. She appreciated the look of him but she admired the way he carried himself more, emitting self-confidence and strength. She liked his easygoing manner, yet he’d been protective. Who said chivalry was dead?

There was nothing about Jason that suggested he’d be a man easily intimidated by her career. On the surface, Jason was a man she could see herself falling for. But—she still didn’t understand what motivated him or why he was so determined to be her crime-fighting cohort.

Especially after refusing to talk with Chief Decker. There had to be a reason. But what?

Worry churned in her stomach. Was she making a mistake by trusting Jason?

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