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Covert Pursuit
Covert Pursuit
Covert Pursuit


Полная версия:

Covert Pursuit

Were these Picard’s men? Or was there another illegal entity working out of Loribel?

“What are you doing out here?” the man asked in a thick Spanish accent.

“I’m taking the lady on a night cruise around the island.”

“Why’d you stop here?”

“She thought she saw a dolphin.” Jason shrugged. “You know tourists. Easily fascinated.”

“There’re no dolphins. Move along.”

“Sure, whatever you say.” Ignoring Angie’s low growl of disapproval, Jason turned to the two men who’d boarded his boat. “You coming with us?”

The two looked to their boss for direction. With a flick of his hand, the boss indicated for the men to return to the other boat.

Relieved not to have the unwanted guests, Jason practically dragged Angie to the helm with him, careful to keep her back to the men.

Thankfully, she remained silent, but the faint moonlight revealed the fiery expression that said she wanted to confront the situation head-on. Not a good idea when they were outmanned and outgunned.

He started the engine and pushed the throttle forward, easing the boat away from the other craft before letting the throttle out and speeding back toward the marina.

He glanced back only once. The deck boat was now only a bright dot in the dark. He hadn’t seen dive equipment on board but that didn’t mean there hadn’t been any. In any case, he would return to the spot in the morning before Decker and dive down just in case the bag was still there.

Angie brought out her cell phone. “I don’t have a signal yet. Not even roaming.”

Jason took the phone from her hands, noticing again the strength in her long tapered fingers. “You don’t want to call this in. Just let it go. You’re on vacation. You should act like it.”

“I can’t let it go.” Her voice held an incredulous note. “I can’t let those men get away with intimidation. Not to mention those weapons. They were there to get the body. I have to tell Chief Decker.”

Jason shook his head. “I don’t think you saw a body being dumped.”

“You don’t believe me?”

The hurt in her tone unexpectedly twisted inside Jason’s chest. “I believe you saw something. Something worth sending out armed men to retrieve. And the less people who know you saw anything the better. Believe me—you don’t want to mess with those men.”

“If it wasn’t a body, then what? Drugs? Weapons?”

“Hard to say,” he said in a dismissive tone. The woman wasn’t going to relent, was she? “The Colombian drug cartel has a pipeline to the U.S. through the Keys. Arms dealers are a dime a dozen, especially around the Gulf of Mexico.”

“But wouldn’t the salt water ruin drugs or weapons?”

“Not necessarily, if they were secured in airtight, waterproof packaging.”

She peered at him with suspicion in her eyes. “You’re not a simple boat captain. Who are you?”

Her hand rested on her hip, where her holstered weapon was concealed beneath her waistband. There was no doubt in his mind she wouldn’t hesitate to draw on him if she thought he was a criminal. But for her own good, he couldn’t reveal his identity.

“You don’t think I’m simple?” He placed a hand over his heart. “That warms me. It really does.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed a stray curl out of her face. “Be serious. Who are you?”

“I’m always serious.”

Irritation gleamed in the swirling depths of her eyes. “I want an answer.”

“Bossy, much?”

She stared him down, hard. A look meant to intimidate. He’d bet she’d used that look on suspects and witnesses. Probably got people talking. He enjoyed baiting her. But he really needed her to take the situation seriously. If she kept pushing, she’d find out how dangerous things could get.

The image of Garrett, dying in his arms, shuddered through his consciousness. He banked the memory and sobered. “Look, I’ve been at this a long time. These waters are infested with sharks. The human kind. Trust me, you’ll be safer if you pretend you didn’t see anything.”

“No can do.” She relaxed her stance slightly. “I’ve sworn an oath to uphold the law.”

He let up on the throttle and slowed to the minimum speed as the boat entered the marina limits. “Honorable. But down here, you don’t have jurisdiction. Besides, once Chief Decker searches and finds nothing, you’ll have lost credibility.”

“Exactly why I am going tell him about the men now,” she argued. She held out her hand. “My phone.”

Easing the Regina Lee into her slip, he cut the engine before handing over her phone. “Your funeral.”

She made a face, which he found charming, as she swiped the phone, and then hopped off the boat onto the dock. Jason shook his head with exasperation and admiration. The woman was a spitfire determined to do the right thing. He couldn’t blame her. But she had no idea what kind of hornets’ nest she’d stumbled into.

Whether Picard or some other lowlife, those men on the boat meant business. A lone lady cop out of her element and her jurisdiction wasn’t a match.

That meant it was up to Jason to keep Detective Carlucci safe.

He gritted his teeth to keep from swearing, a habit he’d been trying to break for years. Why did foul words rise so easily when he was frustrated?

Out of the mouths of men came the issues of the heart.

Jason could just hear Garrett’s voice piping into his mind. Even from the grave his friend was trying to save him. Anger and frustration were things Jason and God were working on. Some days there were small victories. Other days, not so much.

After quickly tying off the boat, Jason went after the pretty detective. He found her opening the door of her rental convertible.

“Nice ride,” he commented. “You know how to vacation in style.”

Frowning, she asked, “What do you want now?”

He chose not to take offense at her annoyed tone. “I take it your call to the chief didn’t go well?”

Turning away, she closed her eyes for a moment. “He said I could come in and make a report.”

Not the response she’d obviously been hoping for. “Are you going to?”

Her lips twisted. “Would it do any good?”

“I don’t think so.” He hoped she wouldn’t push this. For her safety. And for his mission. “You did your duty. You informed the local law enforcement. Nothing else can be done.”

“I guess.”

She stared out at the dark ocean. “How long has Decker been Chief?”

“A while now.” Decker had been elected a few months prior to Jason’s arrival. The guy had checked out.

“You think he’s competent?”

“I think this is a small island with a low crime rate.”

“And I’m just a hassle.”

He hated how deflated she sounded. He rather liked her spunk. “Hey, forget about him. How about I buy you a late dinner.”

Peering at him with speculation, she said, “No, thanks. Shouldn’t I be paying you for taking me out?”

“Naw.” He waved a hand.

“Not a very smart business move, don’t you think?”

Oh, but she was quick. And he needed to remember to maintain his cover. “I can afford it.”

He didn’t mention the excursion was on the government’s dime.

“Business that good, huh? Even in this economy?”

“What can I say? Tourism may be down elsewhere in the world, but not here on Loribel.”

“Right.” She slid into the car and turned the key. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

He stepped back so she could pull the convertible out of the parking space. As the red glow of the car’s taillights disappeared into the night, he said aloud, “Count on it.”

He’d be keeping an eye on the pretty detective for as long as she was on the island.

And he hoped that wasn’t going to be very long. He really didn’t want the distraction. Forming any sort of attachment wasn’t part of Jason’s game plan. Work and women didn’t mix. Even ones as pretty and spirited as Angie Carlucci.

Angie entered the darkened cottage and paused to listen before turning on the lights. Her internal warning system stayed quiet. No discernible threat waited in the shadows. Still, she kept her hand on the weapon at her waist as she flipped on the light, locked the door and searched the premises, to assure herself all was as she’d left it.

She let out a relieved breath.

Going to the kitchen to fix herself a tuna sandwich, she scoffed at her own silly paranoia. The armed men on the boat had rattled her more than she’d expected or cared to admit. For several heart-throbbing moments she’d been afraid. Only the silent prayers she’d sent heavenward had allowed her to keep her composure.

Fear was not something that could be allowed. Fear could mean death. Hers or others’.

But Jason had hardly seemed unnerved by the boat of armed men.

Except when he was barking orders at her to stand down. He’d sounded exactly like her academy instructors. What was up with that?

Ex-military? That would explain how nonplussed he’d been. And how autocratic.

At first she’d chafed against the obvious he-man tactic he’d employed by pulling her behind him as if she were some damsel in distress. Okay, maybe a bit of distress, but still—

If those men had wanted them dead, Jason’s body would hardly have been an effective defense. Though in retrospect, she realized he’d been trying to protect her, not as a fragile flower but rather to shield her identity from the men on the boat.

So they wouldn’t come after her because of what she’d seen? She shuddered at the thought.

She hadn’t expected gallantry from a total stranger, but there it was. Tenderness welled up. The man might be a bit irritating, but he’d shown a streak of honor she couldn’t deny. Definitely military material. And good-looking. Very good-looking. Muscular but not overly. Strong, capable hands. And a slow, killer smile that knocked the wind out of her lungs.

Forcing Jason from her thoughts, she took her food out to the back deck. A gust of wind threatened to rip the plate from her hand. She tightened her grip and stared out at the ocean to the spot where she’d seen the black bag go into the water. She burned with curiosity and the need to prove to Chief Decker and Jason that what she’d seen was worth investigating.

What if those men who’d chased them away hadn’t been able to find the bag? It could still be at the bottom of the ocean.

Angie sure could use a boat of her own. And scuba gear. She’d have to wait until morning to rent either one. But would she be early enough to get out on the ocean before Chief Decker? Doubtful.

She sliced a look to her left where there was a storage door underneath the cottage’s eaves. Maybe her aunt had something she could use.

Setting her plate on the small round table beside the Adirondack chair, she tried the knob. Locked.

She ran inside for the keys Aunt Teresa had sent her. There were two keys. One fit the front and back doors. The other had to open the storage closet.

Sure enough, the key slid easily into the lock. With the door open, she felt around the inside wall until she found a light switch. Score.

A single-person sit-on-top kayak was fastened to the wall by bungee cords. Several shelves lined the wall filled with beach gear.

The kayak wasn’t ideal. She’d only ever kayaked down the Charles River, which was a far cry from the agitated water of the ocean. But she wasn’t going to let a little thing like inexperience stop her.

She held a paddle in one hand and snorkel gear in the other and made a decision. As soon as the sun rose she’d paddle out. Obviously, she wouldn’t be able to go very deep with a snorkel but she wasn’t planning on dredging the bag up. She’d leave that to Decker and his men. All she wanted to do was confirm what she’d seen.

She’d show Mr. Jason Bodewell that a Carlucci never gave up on an investigation.

Beneath a sky streaked with gold and safety-cone orange, Jason eased the Regina Lee away from the dock. He searched the horizon for the impending tropical storm predicted on the news. Other than the wind gusting over the Gulf water, he didn’t see any signs. But that didn’t mean one wasn’t brewing. Sometimes they came on fast and left a trail of destruction in their wake. But not yet.

Once clear of the marina, he sped toward the apex of the coordinates he’d memorized last night, while keeping a sharp eye out for any unwanted attention. Especially a boat full of armed men.

He doubted he’d find anything at the bottom of the ocean; the men in the boat wouldn’t have left anything of value behind. But one never knew.

And it gave him something to do. He was so tired of waiting. Waiting for Picard to slip up and show his hand. Chatter through the intricate intel channels monitored by both ICE—U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement—and ATF—Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives—solidified the belief that Picard was on Loribel Island.

Posing as a charter-boat captain allowed Jason to explore the coastline all the way around the island. He had narrowed down three possible places Picard could be working from, since the arms dealer would need ocean access. All were being monitored by satellite surveillance. Which hadn’t yielded much so far.

But now that Jason had identified the man from last night as Hector Ramirez, a name linked with Picard in Interpol files, Jason was sure it would only be a matter of time before he found Ramirez again. Jason prayed the man would lead him to Picard.

Up ahead, a small craft, maybe a kayak, bobbed in the waves. Jason slowed the Regina Lee, his gaze sweeping the area. About fifty yards from the kayak, a dark head popped up, breaking through the waves. Water spurted out of a snorkel.

Jason stared as disbelief and frustration built in his chest. There was no mistaking the face staring at him from behind a clear mask.

“Women,” he muttered, making the word sound like an epithet.

Putting down anchor helped calm his ire. Moving to the side of the boat, he called out, “What are you doing?”

With graceful, broad strokes, Angie swam closer. She had on a short-sleeved black dive suit similar to his own. When she reached the Regina Lee, she lifted the mask to rest on her forehead and blinked up at him. “Enjoying the water. You?”

His mouth quirked. “The same.”

She smiled, clearly not believing him any more than he believed her. “Did you see anything of note?”

She shook her head. “No.” She held up the snorkel. “I was hoping I’d be able to see the bottom but it’s too murky.”

He reached behind him to where his scuba gear sat on the floor of the boat and held it up for inspection. “I can take care of that.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

“You might want to grab your kayak before it floats away,” he pointed out, watching the drifting craft move farther out to sea.

“Ugh, I had it tied to my wrist,” she exclaimed and swam away, powerful and lithe in the water.

Jason couldn’t deny he liked the lady cop. She was determined and persistent. Good qualities, but ones that could get her hurt. Not something he was going to let happen.

Slipping the tank onto his back, he donned the dive mask and breathing apparatus, readying himself for the dive.

Glancing around to make sure no boats were approaching, he slipped over the side and into the water. He swam down to the ocean floor, careful to check the depth meter on his watch so as not to go beyond the limit and risk nitrogen poisoning.

At fifty feet he could see the ocean floor. Sediment and sand swirled with the current, seaweed danced in clumps and fish scattered. He searched for several minutes. Nothing. He rose slowly, letting his body adjust to avoid decompression sickness.

At the surface, he found Angie treading water while using one hand to hold the kayak in place.

“Anything?” she asked, her voice eager.

“Nope. Didn’t really expect to see anything.”

“Right.” She stripped off the snorkel gear and tossed it into the seat of the kayak. “Thanks for trying.”

Did she think he’d done this for her? Interesting. And useful for hiding his true motivations. “You’re welcome. I figured you’d be itching until you knew for sure. I just hadn’t expected to find you out here already.”

“Tenacious as a bulldog, or so my father likes to tell me,” she said with a self-effacing grimace.

“A good quality in a detective,” he replied as he kicked his legs to remain upright, the weight of the tank heavy on his back. “Hey, why don’t we finish this conversation on my boat.”

For a moment indecision warred in her lovely brown eyes. “Don’t you have some tourists to motor around the island?”

Oh, man. His cover. Dude, you’re slipping. “Not today. The weatherman predicts a storm.” He hoped she bought the flimsy excuse. “I’m all yours.”

She blinked and turned away. “Right, a storm.”

He studied her profile, liking the straight line of her nose, the high cheekbones and long-lashed eyes, so natural in the morning light. “So can I give you a lift?”

Slowly, she nodded.

“Great.” He moved closer to help her with the kayak.

Together they towed the kayak to the Regina Lee. Jason was acutely aware of her beside him. When their legs brushed against each other beneath the surface of the water, a wave of shock jolted his system. Not good. Not good at all.

The last thing he needed was to let attraction derail his mission. He needed to stay focused and professional. Romance and undercover work didn’t mix well. A painful lesson he’d already learned.

Purposefully, he distanced himself from her as they worked together to maneuver the kayak onto the back of the boat.

Once Jason was on board, he grabbed towels from a cupboard in the cabin and handed one to Angie.

She took the towel with a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

Keeping his gaze from following the towel’s progress over her limbs, Jason started the engine but let the boat idle. “So now will you let this situation go?”

She sat on the padded bench near the helm. “I’ve not much choice now, do I?”

Relieved to hear she had come to that conclusion on her own, he relaxed. “How long are you planning on staying on Loribel?”

She lifted her shoulder in a negligent shrug. “Supposed to be a week, but…”


“I don’t vacation well.”

That made him chuckle. “Yeah, so I’ve seen.” He really liked her. What would it hurt to spend a little time with her before she left? “I’m starved. How about I treat you to breakfast?”

Tilting her head to the side slightly, she regarded him intently. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“I shouldn’t be?”

“What’s in it for you?”

“You’re never off duty, are you?”

She raised a nicely arched, dark eyebrow in reply.

He conceded the point with a laugh. “Can’t a guy ask a pretty lady to breakfast, especially after what we’ve shared?”

The corners of her mouth tipped up but her eyes showed doubt. “I suppose. Though I’d be more comfortable if I could put on some dry clothes.”

“Ah. Tell you what, we’ll moor the boat at the marina and I’ll drive you in my Jeep to your place. You can freshen up and then we’ll head into Old Town Loribel. I know the best place to get fresh seafood omelets.”

She contemplated him a moment before answering.

“Deal.” She sat back, letting her head rest against the side of the boat, her eyes drifting closed.

Jason smiled with satisfaction. Today would be a nice, calm day. A day where he could just be a guy enjoying a lady’s company. He had to admit the prospect was tantalizing since he couldn’t remember the last time he’d allowed himself a day off. That was one of the many things his ex-fiancée had complained about.

After mooring the boat, Jason went into the cabin to change into a pair of khaki cargo shorts, a button-up printed shirt and rugged Teva sandals.

They made the short drive to her place, where he waited in the Jeep while she ran inside the cottage to change. She came out wearing cropped, powder-blue cotton pants with a matching short-sleeved zipped-up jacket. Her dark hair was still pulled back from her face, the ends twisted up and captured by a gold clip. He detected the telltale bulge of her holster at her waist.

Did she ever really relax?

He silently snorted. Like he ever really did. They made quite a pair.

Twenty minutes later, dry and seated at a corner booth in Celeste’s Café, Jason watched Angie over the top of his mug of steaming coffee.

He noticed the small cross dangling from a gold chain around her neck. An ache started in his chest. It had been a while since he’d really thought about God. Not since the night Garrett died. Distrust and anger separated them. Jason didn’t know how to breach the barrier and frankly, wasn’t sure he wanted to try.

Forcing himself to stay in the moment, he asked Angie, “So tell me how you got into law enforcement.”

Toying with the rim of her glass of orange juice, she said, “Family business. Grandfather, father, brothers.”

Impressive. “All Boston P.D.?”

“Grandfather and father both retired from the force.” She smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Eldest brother is Secret Service, and the other ATF.”

Ah, he’d thought the name Carlucci sounded familiar. Special Agent Joseph Carlucci had been part of the joint task force that had tracked Picard in New Mexico. Jason was sure Joseph was still working the southwest corridor. He’d liked the guy. And now felt doubly responsible to make sure Angie left the island in one piece. Preferably sooner rather than later.

“Here comes trouble,” Angie said, ducking her head slightly as she stared over his shoulder to the front of the restaurant.

Trepidation curled low in his belly. “What?”

“Don’t turn around, but one of the armed men from last night just walked in.”

Jason grimaced. So much for time off.


In a swift movement that startled Angie, Jason’s hand closed over her wrist, the pressure pinning her hand to the table. “Don’t even think about it.”

His hard, knowing expression bathed in a shaft of morning light streaming through the café’s window stilled her breath. How could he read her so well? She didn’t even try to play innocent. “I’m not going to just let the guy walk around free. We need to detain him and call Chief Decker.”

Jason’s sooty blue-gray eyes narrowed. “You really want to start something in here? The guy’s probably not alone.”

Snapping to attention, she scanned the restaurant, searching for a threat. The other patrons seemed innocuous enough. A family of four sat at a middle table, the children both still half-asleep.

An older couple sat by the window. The man read the paper while the wife stared out at the beach. At the counter, two men and a woman ate breakfast while joking with the waitress.

Angie didn’t see anyone who looked to be in cahoots with the gunman. “I can handle him and anyone else,” she replied.

“And risk other people’s lives?”

Jason’s question brought her gaze back to him and the censure in his expression. Indignation rose to settle in her chest. How could he even suggest she’d put innocent lives in jeopardy? She’d sworn an oath to protect and serve. She took her vow seriously.

Frowning, she settled back against the booth’s cushioned seat, while keeping an alert eye on the male subject in question as he walked toward a table on the other side of the room. Thankfully, he’d sat with his back to them. There was a chance the man could ID her and Jason. They’d have to be careful.

Mentally she cataloged the suspicious man’s description—five foot ten, two hundred pounds, dark hair, jeans, work boots and plain green T-shirt. Just below the hem of the right sleeve, the edges of a tattoo winked at her. The guy didn’t appear to be carrying, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t.

Feeling Jason’s stare pressing on her, she said, “Then what do you suggest?”

He glanced over his shoulder. “He doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at the moment.” Turning back around, he said, “We watch him. See where he goes. Maybe he’ll lead us to the others.”
