Книги автора Платон
внеклассное чтение, школьные учебники по литературе, литература для внеклассного чтенияhe Republic (Greek: Πολιτεία, Politeia; Latin: Res Publica) is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato around 375 BC, concerning justice (δικα…
he Republic (Greek: Πολιτεία, Politeia; Latin: Res Publica) is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato around 375 BC, concerning justice (δικα…
социологияThe Allegory of the Cave, or Plato's Cave, was presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work Republic (514a–520a) to compare «the eff…
The Allegory of the Cave, or Plato's Cave, was presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work Republic (514a–520a) to compare «the eff…
The Apology of Socrates was written by Plato. In fact, it’s a defensive speech of Socrates that he said in a court noted down by Plato. The …
The Apology of Socrates was written by Plato. In fact, it’s a defensive speech of Socrates that he said in a court noted down by Plato. The …
любовно-фантастические романы, любовное фэнтези, эротическое фэнтезиLysis (Greek: Λύσις), is a dialogue of Plato which discusses the nature of philia (φιλία), often translated as friendship, while the word's …
Lysis (Greek: Λύσις), is a dialogue of Plato which discusses the nature of philia (φιλία), often translated as friendship, while the word's …
современная русская литература, городское фэнтезиCrito (Ancient Greek: Κρίτων [krítɔːn]) is a dialogue by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It depicts a conversation between Socrates and…
Crito (Ancient Greek: Κρίτων [krítɔːn]) is a dialogue by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It depicts a conversation between Socrates and…
космическая фантастика, юмористическая фантастика, любовно-фантастические романыEuthyphro (Ancient Greek: Εὐθύφρων, romanized: Euthyphrōn; c. 399–395 BC), by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue whose events occur in the weeks …
Euthyphro (Ancient Greek: Εὐθύφρων, romanized: Euthyphrōn; c. 399–395 BC), by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue whose events occur in the weeks …
Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Wester…
Plato was a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Wester…
учебно-методические пособия, педагогикаThe Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato dated c. 385–370 BC. It depicts a friendly…
The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato dated c. 385–370 BC. It depicts a friendly…
триллеры, современные детективыAdil insan kimdir? Adil yönetici nasıl olmalı, nasıl yetiştirilmelidir? Dünyadaki en adil ve mutluluk veren yönetim şekli hangisidir? MÖ 340…
Adil insan kimdir? Adil yönetici nasıl olmalı, nasıl yetiştirilmelidir? Dünyadaki en adil ve mutluluk veren yönetim şekli hangisidir? MÖ 340…