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Between Friends
Between Friends
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Between Friends

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Leonard is thrilled with his daughter. Every night he rushes home from court in order to spend time with her. She’s already standing on her own and it looks as if she’ll be walking soon. I’m afraid Leonard must bore everyone at the courthouse with photographs of Jillian. In his eyes she’s the most brilliant precious child ever to appear in this world. She has deep blue eyes and dark brown hair and a cheerful, happy disposition. She loves listening to the radio; her favorite show is Kukla, Fran and Ollie. Leonard claims it’s really my favorite show, and Jillian gives me the perfect excuse to listen. One show she doesn’t like—I think it scares her—is The Lone Ranger. Every time she hears the music she buries her head in my skirt.

Thank you for recommending Eleanor Roosevelt’s book This I Remember. I’ve ordered it from the library, but my reading has been severely curtailed since Jillian’s arrival. I’ve been making an effort to read during her afternoon nap, but the problem is, I usually fall asleep myself. With her teething, I haven’t slept an entire night in weeks. The poor child is having a difficult time of it, but the pediatrician assured us everything is normal.

Leonard and I are delighted that you’ve accepted our invitation to spend the Christmas holidays with us. Jillian will surely be walking by then—and sleeping through the nights!

I’ll write again soon. Give our love to Uncle Frank and everyone.

Yours truly,

Leonard, Barbara and Jillian


Mrs. Leonard Lawton

2330 Country Club Lane

Pine Ridge, Washington

January 4, 1955

Dear Sister John,

Enclosed please find the invitations to Jillian’s seventh birthday party. Would you kindly distribute them to all the children in both first-grade classes? My husband has hired puppeteers to perform at the party and there will be cake and ice cream for everyone. I would consider it a big help if you could let us know how many children we should expect.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.


Mrs. Leonard Lawton

Pine Ridge Mills

Pine Ridge, Washington

Lay Off Notice

Effective January 7, 1955

Attn: Mike Adamski

January 10, 1955

220 Railroad Avenue

Pine Ridge, Washington

Dear Judge Lawton, Mrs. Lawton and Jillian,

Thank you very much for the invitation to Jillian’s birthday party. Unfortunately we already have plans for next Saturday, and Lesley will be unable to attend.

Lesley so enjoyed the afternoon she spent with Jillian following their tap dancing class. We’ll have Jillian over to visit soon.

I’ve had to withdraw Lesley from dance class, but we’re hoping she’ll be able to start back soon. Jillian’s been teaching her the new steps at recess so she won’t be too far behind. These two have certainly formed a fast friendship, haven’t they? I’m grateful Lesley has such a good friend.

I’m sure Jillian will have a wonderful birthday. I’ll get in touch with you about having Jillian visit for an afternoon.


Mrs. Michael Adamski

KAKE RADIO dedicates “The Ballad of Davey Crockett” to birthday girl Jillian Lawton. Happy seventh birthday, Jillian, from all your friends here at KAKE RADIO.

Now everyone put on your coonskin cap and sing Happy Birthday for seven-year-old Jillian.

Pine Ridge Library

300 Main Street

Pine Ridge, Washington

October 1, 1955

Dear Mrs. Adamski,

At your request the library is holding Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk and Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis until the end of the week.


Mrs. Joan McMahon

Head Librarian

September 28, 1955

Dear Grandma and Grandpa O’Leary,

Thank you for the Betsy McCall doll. I named her Jilly after my best friend in school. I can read now.



November 14, 1955

220 Railroad Avenue

Pine Ridge, Washington

Dearest Momma and Daddy,

Lesley loves her birthday gift! She’s wanted a Betsy McCall doll for months. She wrote the thank-you note herself, but then you could probably tell that. She’s a smart little girl and can already sound out words. I take her to the library often and she loves books as much as I do. Even when she was two and three years old, she insisted I read her a story before she’d settle down for her nap. Now she’s almost reading on her own!

Susan is eager to read, too. She starts kindergarten next year and follows her big sister everywhere. Mikey and Joe are growing big and strong like their daddy.

Mike was laid off for three months, but he’s back working at the mill again. We managed all right. I didn’t tell him about the money you sent, Momma, so please don’t mention it. I bought groceries and a few chickens to raise for the eggs. I bake all our bread myself, just the way you always did, Momma, but my baking powder biscuits just aren’t as fluffy as yours. Luckily Mike never tasted your chicken and dumplings because mine just don’t compare. I wish I’d paid more attention when you were cooking.

Momma, I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you’d be upset with our news. I’m pregnant again and due to deliver anytime now. I thought Mike and I had a complete family. Four children in six years have worn me out, but God had other plans.

If we have a baby girl, we’re going to call her Lily. I don’t have a boy’s name picked out yet. Mike said he didn’t care what I named the baby. Since Mike, Jr. was born, he told me I could call the babies anything I wish. I know Daddy was pleased when I named our Joe after him.

You asked about Mike’s drinking. He does like his beer, but he doesn’t get drunk as often since he returned to work. Don’t worry, Momma, we’re all fine.

Your daughter,



Pine Ridge Herald

May 2, 1959

Lesley Adamski

Wins Fifth Grade

Spelling Bee

Lesley Adamski took top prize at the tenth Annual Spelling Bee sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. She successfully spelled the word serum, besting runner-up Jillian Lawton, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Leonard Lawton.

As the first-place winner, Lesley Adamski was awarded a Fifty Dollar U.S. Savings Bond. Jillian Lawton received a Twenty-Five Dollar U.S. Savings Bond.

The money raised by the Annual Spelling Bee has been donated to the March of Dimes for polio research.

Six fifth-grade classes competed in the Annual Spelling Bee from schools all across the county.

Lesley’s Diary

May 3, 1959

I won! Jillian and I practiced and practiced, and I was sure she’d win, but I did. Jillian was happy for me. I would’ve been happy if she won, too. My mom took the $50.00 savings bond and put it in a safe place. Mom and Susan, Mikey, Joe and baby Lily were at the spelling bee to see me win. Dad was with his friends, but that’s all right. Afterward, Mom said she was proud of me and took us all to the Dairy Queen for hot fudge sundaes. She invited the Lawtons, and Judge Lawton insisted on paying for all the ice cream we could eat. I’m so excited I can’t sleep.

Mrs. Leonard Lawton

2330 Country Club Lane

Pine Ridge, Washington 98005

June 23, 1959

Dearest Aunt Jillian and Uncle Frank,

Leonard and I are overwhelmed by your generosity to Jillian. We received the paperwork regarding the $25,000 trust fund you’ve set up for her college education, and it took our breath away. We don’t know what to say other than to thank you both from the bottom of our hearts.

I’m so sorry to hear you won’t be able to join us in Hawaii this August. Uncle Frank, take good care of yourself!

We love you both, and although Jillian is too young to fully comprehend the significance of this trust fund, Leonard and I certainly do.

All our love,

Leonard, Barbara and Jillian

Jillian Lawton/English J. M. J.

September 7, 1959


School let out on Memorial Day and Lesley Adamski and I spent three whole days together while her mother was in the hospital having her baby brother, Bruce. We got to go to the Country Club with my dad and he let us carry his golf clubs for him. After that we went swimming and got a sunburn. The best day of the summer was when Lesley and I were at the pool at the Country Club.

Then in August my parents and I flew to Hawaii. This is the third time I’ve been to Hawaii. I didn’t get airsick on the plane. The stewardess let me hand out gum to the passengers before we took off and said I did a good job.

We were in Hawaii on August 21st when it became the fiftieth state. My father wanted to buy property, but he says no one can afford $1.25 a foot for beachfront.

I like Hawaii, but I like Pine Ridge better. Pine Ridge is home and that’s where my best friend lives. I feel sorry for all the Cuban refugees who are coming to America, having to leave their homes behind. I hope they’ll be able to return to their homeland soon. There really isn’t anyplace better than home. That’s what I learned this summer.

St. Mary Parochial School

1521 North Third Street

Pine Ridge, Washington

November 2, 1959

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adamski,

I regret to inform you that your tuition payment for Lesley, Susan and Mike is now three months past due. We trust that you will take care of this matter at your earliest convenience.


Sister Philippa


Jillian’s Diary

October 23, 1959