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Play With a Tiger and Other Plays
[ANNA and DAVE, in silence, opposite each other on the carpet. Dance music starts, soft, upstairs.]
ANNA: A good lay, with music.
DAVE: Don’t, baby. If I was fool enough to marry I’d be like Harry.
ANNA: Yes.
DAVE: Don’t hate him.
ANNA: I can make out Harry’s case as well as you. He wanted to be a serious writer, but like a thousand others he’s got high standards and no talent. So he works on a newspaper he despises. He goes home to a wife who doesn’t respect him. So he has to have the little girls to flatter him and make him feel good. OK Dave – but what more do you want? I’ll be back on duty by this evening, pouring out sympathy in great wet gobs and I’ll go on doing it until he finds another little girl who looks at him with gooey eyes and says: oh Harry, oh Dave, you’re so wonderful.
DAVE: It wouldn’t do you any harm to indulge in a bit of flattery from time to time.
ANNA: Oh yes it would. I told you, I’m having the truth with a man or nothing. I watch women buttering up their men, anything for a quiet life and despising them while they do it. It makes me sick.
DAVE: Baby, I pray for the day when you flatter me for just ten seconds.
ANNA: Oh go and get it from – Janet.
[MARY comes in fast, without knocking.]
MARY [she is very aggressive]: Anna, I didn’t like your manner just now. Sometimes there is something in your way I don’t like at all.
[ANNA turns away.]
ANNA: Mary, you’re a little high.
MARY: I’m not. I’m not tight at all. I’ve had practically nothing to drink. And you don’t even listen. I’m serious and you’re not listening. [taking hold of Anna] I’m not going to have it. I’m simply not going to have it.
[HARRY comes in. He is half drunk.]
HARRY: Come on, Mary. I thought you were going to make me some coffee. [MARY bangs ineffectually at ANNA’S shoulder with her fist.] Hey, girls, don’t brawl at this time of night.
MARY: I’m not brawling. [to DAVE] He’s smug too, isn’t he. Like Anna. [to ANNA] And what about you? This afternoon you were still with Tom and now it’s Dave.
HARRY: You’re a pair of great girls.
[ANNA looks in appeal at DAVE.]
DAVE [coming gently to support MARY]: Hey, Mary, come on now.
MARY [clinging to him]: I like you Dave. I always did. When people say to me, that crazy Dave, I always say, I like Dave. I mean, it’s only the crazy people who understand life when you get down to it …
DAVE: That’s right, Mary. [He supports her.]
[HARRY comes and attempts to take MARY’S arm. MARY shakes him off and confronts ANNA.]
MARY: Well Anna, that’s what I wanted to say and I’ve said it.
[HARRY is leading MARY out.]
MARY: The point is, what I mean is.
HARRY: You’ve made your point, come on.
ANNA: See you in the morning, Mary.
MARY: Well I’ve been meaning to say it and I have.
[HARRY and MARY go out, HARRY with a nod and a smile at the other two.]
DAVE: Anna, she’ll have forgotten all about it in the morning.
[He goes to her. She clings to him.]
DAVE: And if she hasn’t, you’ll have to.
ANNA: Oh hell, hell, hell.
DAVE: Yes, I know baby, I know.
ANNA: She’s going to wish she were dead tomorrow morning.
DAVE: Well, it’s not so terrible. You’ll be here and you can pick up the pieces. [He leads her to the bed, and sits by her, his arm around her.] That’s better. I like looking after you. Let’s have six months’ peace and quiet. Let’s have a truce – what do you say?
[The telephone rings. They are both tense, listening. HARRY comes in.]
HARRY: Don’t you answer your telephone, Anna? What’s the matter with you two? [He goes to the telephone to answer it. Sees their faces, stops.] I’m a clod. Of course, it’s Tom.
ANNA: It isn’t Tom.
HARRY: Of course it is. Poor bastard, he’s breaking his heart and here you are dallying with Dave.
ANNA: I know it isn’t.
DAVE: Never argue with Anna when she’s got one of her fits of intuition.
ANNA: Intuition!
HARRY: Mary’s passed clean out. Mary’s in a bad way tonight. Just my luck. I need someone to be nice to me, and all Mary wants is someone to be nice to her.
ANNA: I hope you were.
HARRY: Of course I was.
ANNA: Why don’t you go home to Helen?
HARRY [bluff]: It’s four in the morning. Did you two fools know it’s four in the morning? I’ll tell Helen my troubles tomorrow. Anna, don’t tell me you’re miserable too. [going to her] Is that silly bastard Dave playing you up? It’s a hell of a life. Now I’ll tell you what. I’ll pick you up for lunch tomorrow, I mean today, and I’ll tell you my troubles and you can tell me yours. [to DAVE] You’ve made Anna unhappy, you clod, you idiot.
ANNA: Oh damn it, if you want to play big Daddy why don’t you go home and mop up some of Helen’s tears?
HARRY [bluff]: I don’t have to worry about Helen, I keep telling you.
ANNA: Harry!
HARRY [to DAVE, shouting it]: Clod. Fool … all right, I suppose I’ve got to go home. But it’s not right, Anna. God in his wisdom has ordained that there should be a certain number of understanding women in the world whose task it is to bind up the wounds of warriors like Dave and me. Yes, I’ll admit it, it’s hard on you but – you’re a man’s woman Anna, and that means that when we’re in trouble you can’t be.
ANNA: Thank you, I did understand my role.
[The telephone rings.]
HARRY: He’s a persistent bugger, isn’t he? [He picks up telephone, shouts into it.] Well you’re not to marry him, Anna. Or anyone. Dave and I won’t let you. [He slams receiver back.]
ANNA: Go home. Please go home.
HARRY [for the first time serious]: Anna, you know something? I’m kind Uncle Harry, the world’s soft shoulder for about a thousand people. I make marriages, I patch them up. I give good advice. I dish out aid and comfort. But there’s just one person in the world I can’t be kind to.
ANNA: Helen’s ill.
HARRY: I know she is. I know it. But every time it’s the same thing. I go in, full of good intentions – and then something happens. I don’t know what gets into me … I was looking into the shaving glass this morning, a pretty sight I looked, I was up all last night drinking myself silly because my poppet’s getting married. I looked at myself. You silly sod, I said. You’re fifty this year, and you’re ready to die because of a little girl who … you know, Anna, if she wanted me to cut myself into pieces for her I’d do it? And she looked at me yesterday with those pretty little eyes of hers and she said – primly, she said it, though not without kindness – Harry, do you know what’s wrong with you? You’re at the dangerous age, she said. All men go through it. Oh Christ, Anna, let me take you out and give you a drink tonight. I’ve got to weep on someone’s shoulder. I’d have wept on Mary’s, only all she could say was: ‘Harry, what’s the meaning of life?’ She asks me.
ANNA: Anything you like but for God’s sake go home now.
HARRY: I’m going. Helen will pretend to be asleep. She never says anything. Well I suppose she’s learned there’s not much point in her saying anything, poor bitch.
[He goes. DAVE and ANNA look at each other.]
DAVE: OK Anna. Now let’s have it.
ANNA [in cruel parody]: I’m just a little ordinary girl, what’s wrong with that? I want to be married, what’s wrong with that? I never loved anyone as I loved Dave …
DAVE: No, Anna, not like that.
ANNA [in JANET’S voice, wild with anxiety]: When I knew I was pregnant I was so happy. Yes I know how it looks, trapping a man, but he said he loved me, he said he loved me. I’m five months’ pregnant.
[She stands waiting. DAVE looks at her.]
ANNA: Well haven’t you got anything to say?
DAVE: Did you expect me to fall down at your feet and start grovelling? God Anna, look at you, the mothers of the universe have triumphed, the check’s on the table and Dave Miller’s got to pay the bill, that’s it, isn’t it?
[She says nothing. DAVE laughs.]
ANNA: Funny?
DAVE [with affection]: You’re funny, Anna.
ANNA: It’s not my baby. I’m sorry it isn’t. I wasn’t so intelligent.
DAVE: That’s right. You’ve never got the manacles on me, but Janet has. Now I marry Janet and settle down in the insurance business and live happily ever after, is it that? Is that how you see it? If not, this cat and mouse business all evening doesn’t make sense.
ANNA: And the baby? Just another little casualty in the sex war? She’s a nice respectable middle-class girl, you can’t say to her, have an illegitimate baby, it will be an interesting experience for you – you could have said it to me.
DAVE: Very nice, and very respectable.
ANNA: You said you loved her.
DAVE: Extraordinary. You’re not at all shocked that she lied to me all along the line?
ANNA: You told her you loved her.
DAVE: I’ll admit it’s time I learned to define my terms … you’re worried about Janet’s respectability? If the marriage certificate is what is important to her I’ll give her one. No problems.
ANNA: No problems!
DAVE: I’ll fix it. Anna, you know what? You’ve been using Janet to break off with me because you haven’t the guts to do it for yourself? I don’t come through for you so you punish me by marrying me off to Janet Stevens?
ANNA: OK, then why don’t you come through for me? Here you are, Dave Miller, lecturing women all the time about how they should live – women should be free, they should be independent, etc., etc. None of these dishonest female ruses. But if that’s what you really want what are you doing with Janet Stevens – and all the other Janets? Well? The truth is you can’t take us, you can’t take me. I go through every kind of bloody misery trying to be what you say you want, but …
DAVE: OK, some of the time I can’t take you.
ANNA: And what am I supposed to do when you’re off with the Janets?
DAVE [with confidence]: Well you can always finally kick me out.
ANNA: And in a few months’ time when you’ve got tired of yourself in the role of a father, there’ll be a knock on the door … ‘Hi, Anna, do you love me? Let’s have six months’ peace and quiet, let’s have a truce … ’ and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on …
[The telephone rings.]
DAVE [at telephone]: Hi, Janet. Yeah. OK, baby. OK, I’m on my way. Don’t cry baby. [He puts down receiver.]
[They look at each other.]
DAVE: Well baby?
ANNA: Well?
[He goes out. Now ANNA has a few moments of indecision, of unco-ordination. She begins to cry, but at once stops herself. She goes to the cupboard, brings out Scotch and a glass. She nearly fills the glass with Scotch. With this in her hand she goes to the mirror, carefully drapes the black cloth over it. Goes to the carpet, where she sits as if she were still sitting opposite Dave. The Scotch is on the carpet beside her. She has not drunk any yet. ANNA sits holding herself together, because if she cracked up now, it would be too terrible. She rocks herself a little, perhaps, picks a bit of fluff off her trousers, makes restless, unco-ordinated movements. MARY comes in.]
MARY: I must have fallen asleep. I don’t know what Harry thought, me falling asleep like that … what did you say? I don’t usually … Where’s Dave?
ANNA: He’s gone to get married.
MARY: Oh. Well he was bound to get married some time, wasn’t he?
[Now she looks closely at ANNA for the first time.]
MARY: I must have been pretty drunk. I still am if it comes to that.
[She looks at the glass of Scotch beside Anna, then at the black cloth over the mirror.]
MARY: Hadn’t you better get up?
[MARY goes to the mirror, takes off the black cloth and begins to fold it up. She should do this like a housewife folding a tablecloth, very practical.]
MARY: I suppose some people will never have any more sense than they were born with.
[She lays down the cloth, folded neatly. Now she comes to Anna, takes up the glass of Scotch, and pours it back into the bottle.]
MARY: God only knows how I’m going to get myself to work today, but I suppose I shall.
[She comes and stands over ANNA. ANNA slowly picks herself off the floor and goes to the window.]
MARY: That’s right. Anna, have you forgotten your boy’ll be home in a few days? [as ANNA responds] That’s right. Well we always say we shouldn’t live like this, but we do, don’t we, so what’s the point … [She is now on her way to the door.] I was talking to my boy this morning Twenty-four. He knows everything. What I wouldn’t give to be back at twenty-four, knowing everything …
[MARY goes out. Now ANNA slowly goes towards the bed. As she does so, the city comes up around her, and the curtain comes down.]
The Singing Door
SCENE: Is this a cave? If so, it is a cave into which has been fitted technical equipment. Perhaps it is an underground shelter for time of war? At any rate, this place combines a rawness of earth and rock with advanced gadgetry. This last is piled up at centre back in a way which suggests an altar or a sacred place: computer, radio receiving apparatus, television set, electronic devices – any or all of these. None of these things is working. In the middle of this arrangement is set, in the place of honour, an unattached wooden door. Every item is much garlanded and decorated, but the flowers and greenery are artificial. The altar’s ATTENDANTS are wearing technicians’ uniforms. They are in attitudes of worship, telling beads, muttering mantras, and so on.
At left is a rough rocky exit into the deeper levels of this underground place.
At right is a large door, much more than man-size. It has a look of complicated and manifold function, and seems as if it might be organic, for it is hard to see how the thing is fastened into the rock. There is no jamb, lintel or frame. It seems more as if all that part of the rocky wall is, simply, door. And while it might be of brass, or bronze, or perhaps gold – any metal that by age comes to soften and glisten so that it coaxes and beguiles the eye – it might equally be made of some modern substance, glass, or plastic, or sound waves made visible. A faint humming sound can be heard, but it is more reasonable to assume that such a noise must come from the machines, even though these look dead – just as the eye is first drawn to them, in their central position, and not immediately to the great door, perhaps just because of its size and equivocal substance. Yet, once seen, the great door dominates, although, in contrast to the altar of technical objects, it looks neglected or ignored. The steps leading to it are undecorated.
At right front is a large round table with chairs set round it, glasses of water, scribbling blocks – the paraphernalia of a modem conference. One is in progress. On the breast of each DELEGATE is a large badge with his or her status on it. They have no names. Each wears some sort of uniform, or stiff, formal clothing. The DOCTOR is dressed like a surgeon in an operating theatre. The GUARDIAN OF THE DOOR wears overalls like a mechanic, but he has religious and national symbols pinned or draped on him.
There are ATTENDANTS at the exit, left, and GUARDS behind the chairs of the CHAIRMAN and the GUARDIAN OF THE DOOR.
CHAIRMAN: And that brings us to the end of our agenda. Thank you, all officers. Thank you, delegates.
[People are already beginning to get up, but]
FIFTH PRECEPT: Excuse me, not quite the end.
[CHAIRMAN leafs to the end of his agenda, looks enquiringly at FIFTH PRECEPT, then laughs. So do some of the other.]
FIFTH PRECEPT: I wasn’t joking, sir.
[They sit down again, but they still smile as if at an old joke.]
CHAIRMAN: Fifth Precept, we have been in continuous session for nearly a week.
FOURTH PRECEPT: Or for several hundred years.
CHAIRMAN: Quite, quite. Fourth Precept, I do not think this is the right time for … it makes me nervous when anyone even jokes about time, measurements of time – that sort of thing, when it takes so little to start the bickering and disagreement off again. All very sincere people, very sincere, the historians and time-keepers, but …
FOURTH PRECEPT: I wasn’t joking either, sir.
FIFTH PRECEPT: We would like to have the last item, Item 99, discussed and voted on.
CHAIRMAN: When was the last time Item 99 was discussed, Secretary?
SECRETARY [leafing through minutes]: Just a moment. It’s been so long that …
CHAIRMAN: Oh never mind.
FIFTH PRECEPT: It was fifteen years ago.
SECRETARY: Yes. That’s right.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Which was when the problem arose last time.
GUARDIAN OF THE DOOR: There was a great deal of trouble. We had a lot of trouble, I remember.
CHAIRMAN: So I submit it can wait until tomorrow.
GUARDIAN: Or even next week.
[The DELEGATES laugh.]
FIFTH PRECEPT: No. It must be now.
CHAIRMAN: Forgive me, Fifth Precept, but are you feeling well? We are all of us pretty tired, and it is quite understandable …
FIFTH PRECEPT: Quite well, thank you. [he stands up] Exalted Chairman! Guardian of the Door! Fellow Precepts! Delegates! Secretaries! … and so on and so on and so on. If you actually take the trouble to look at the wording of the last item, Item 99 [Some members hurriedly do so.], You’ll see that it reads: ‘In view of the urgency, it is decided that full mobilization is called at once. The Door is expected to open at hour zero.’ Very shortly, in fact. [There is general discreet amusement.] A great many people are expecting it.
CHAIRMAN: You know quite well that some nut is always announcing the Opening of that Door.
SECRETARY: Which is why we have Item 99 permanently on the Agenda, to take care of it.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Yet we all believe that the Door will open some time. And that when it does we can leave this place.
DELEGATE: Of course we do.
DELEGATE: Of course.
CHAIRMAN: If there had been any indication from Centre [he indicates the machines and their worshippers] we would have been told.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Our life in this place is entirely organized around our expectation of this Opening. If we didn’t believe that we would one day escape, that our people would one day reach the open air and the light-of-day …
DELEGATE: Whatever they may be!
FIFTH PRECEPT: … the light-of-day, it would not be possible to sustain life here.
DELEGATE: Hear, hear.
SECRETARY: Article 17 of our Declaration of Faith. Very fine, but is a conference the right place for this sort of thing?
GUARDIAN: As First Guardian of the Door I must protest against the tone of our Secretary.
SECRETARY: Sorry, Guardian. [as GUARDIAN does not relent, he recites] I offer my thoughts, being and intentions in total apology for blasphemy. Unintentional blasphemy atonable for by simple-form apology.
GUARDIAN: Simple-form apology accepted with warning.
CHAIRMAN: Can we get on? I adjourn the conference until tomorrow.
CHAIRMAN: Overruled.
FIFTH PRECEPT: According to. Rule 954 I have the right to insist.
CHAIRMAN: Wait a minute. [he and SECRETARY consult the rules] I see. Very well then – you’re ill. You must be. I’ve never been more upset to see a colleague of mine fall under the weight of duty. You’d better take leave. From this evening.
FOURTH PRECEPT: And must I join him?
CHAIRMAN: Oh no, it’s too much … when two of this, the highest body of our people, fall victim to … yes, both of you, take a month’s leave.
[FOURTH AND FIFTH PRECEPTS look at him in surprise, then at each other.]
[FOURTH AND FIFTH PRECEPTS and the last speaker are surprised.]
CHAIRMAN: Four of you. I see. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before – this is obviously yet another attempt from the Low-Levellers to take over. Obviously.
[FOURTH AND FIFTH PRECEPTS and their two supporters laugh.]
FIFTH PRECEPT: As soon as the Low-Levellers come into it, that’s the end of all reason.
CHAIRMAN: We all know that you represent the Low-Levellers, that you work for their interests, that you improve their conditions – and of course, we all honour you for it.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Really? I hadn’t noticed it.
CHAIRMAN: Of course, without reformers there’s no progress. But. The Low-Levellers always overstep the mark sooner or later. We know that too, and expect it.
FOURTH PRECEPT: And make provision for it by putting under the last item of every agenda their requests, reasonable or otherwise, about the Door.
CHAIRMAN: I am glad you can admit they are sometimes unreasonable.
FIFTH PRECEPT: I and Fourth Precept assure you that this has nothing to do with the Low-Levellers.
A DELEGATE: May we then ask who inspired your conviction that the Door is about to open?
FIFTH PRECEPT: For one thing, look at it.
[They turn to look at the door in the middle of the stack of machinery.]
A DELEGATE: It has never changed since I first saw it.
ANOTHER: My father served on this committee and he said it never altered in his lifetime.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Not that Door. The other one.
A DELEGATE: What Door?
ANOTHER: What other Door?
CHAIRMAN: As you two are new on this committee, you may not know that certain deviant and of course unimportant sects have always maintained that the real Door is that one. [He nods at the Door, right. The GUARDIAN coughs.] I apologize.
GUARDIAN: It is not your fault these heresies continue.
DELEGATE: Funny, I never even noticed it.
GUARDIAN: Which is not surprising.
FOURTH PRECEPT: It is easily overlooked.
FIFTH PRECEPT: Until you have seen it – but then some people find it hard to look at anything else.
ONE WHO STARES AT THE ALTAR: Why, it isn’t even attached to anything. It doesn’t lead anywhere.
ANOTHER: It isn’t anything at all.
GUARDIAN [on his feet and obviously about to launch into an oration]: My children, in this unfortunate time, let us all take heart and …