Книги автора Nikolay Lakutin
Nikolay Lakutin
научная фантастика, космическая фантастика, будущее, экстрасенсорные способности, экстрасенсы, фантастические рассказыDear ladies, I understand your curiosity, attempts at self-assertion and feelings of importance. All this at a certain stage-fine, but in mo…
Dear ladies, I understand your curiosity, attempts at self-assertion and feelings of importance. All this at a certain stage-fine, but in mo…
Nikolay Lakutin
приключения, современная русская литература, пьесы и драматургия, книги о приключениях, серьезное чтение, пьесы, драматургияIn a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My …
In a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My …
Nikolay Lakutin
учебная и научная литература, учебно-методические пособия, гуманитарные и общественные науки, педагогика, знания и навыкиThree epochs converged at one point. Grandmother, mother and daughter each live their own canons, but at the same time try to get along in t…
Three epochs converged at one point. Grandmother, mother and daughter each live their own canons, but at the same time try to get along in t…
Nikolay Lakutin
любовные романы, фэнтези, любовно-фантастические романы, любовное фэнтези, героическое фэнтези, смертельная опасность, становление героя, магические миры, настоящая любовьHave you ever met in your life a person who unobtrusively, carefully enters into personal space and then never returns from there... even if…
Have you ever met in your life a person who unobtrusively, carefully enters into personal space and then never returns from there... even if…
Nikolay Lakutin
приключения, ужасы / мистика, фэнтези, ужасы, любовное фэнтези, книги о приключениях, ведьмы, оборотни, некромантияIt is no secret that the author of short books Nikolai Lakutin many fans. It is also no secret that he does not have a model appearance, but…
It is no secret that the author of short books Nikolai Lakutin many fans. It is also no secret that he does not have a model appearance, but…
Nikolay Lakutin
современная русская литература, сила любви, ревность, трагедииThe fact is, dear friends, that this story is not interesting destination, which serves as a village in one of the real regions of Russia wi…
The fact is, dear friends, that this story is not interesting destination, which serves as a village in one of the real regions of Russia wi…
Nikolay Lakutin
зарубежная деловая литератураI present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two pe…
I present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two pe…
Nikolay Lakutin
культура и искусство, критикаCorporate events in the organization and the cycle of incidents have a lot in common. We do not usually think through every detail and run t…
Corporate events in the organization and the cycle of incidents have a lot in common. We do not usually think through every detail and run t…
Nikolay Lakutin
детская проза, сказки, книги для дошкольников, сказочные миры, семейные хроники, домашний хлеб, веселые историиTwo married couples face the same problem. A problem that every family man faces in his time. But they solve this problem in different ways.…
Two married couples face the same problem. A problem that every family man faces in his time. But they solve this problem in different ways.…
Nikolay Lakutin
детективная фантастика, психологическая фантастикаHello, dear readers, dear hearts and trembling Souls. Many of you already know me, and some of you may even know me too well. But those who …
Hello, dear readers, dear hearts and trembling Souls. Many of you already know me, and some of you may even know me too well. But those who …
Nikolay Lakutin
ужасы / мистика, детективы, триллеры, ужасы, мистика, ведьмы, мистические триллеры, мрачные рассказы, ХэллоуинPerhaps, after reading this play, you will change your attitude to the term "scoundrel"! You will love the main character, or hate it, it do…
Perhaps, after reading this play, you will change your attitude to the term "scoundrel"! You will love the main character, or hate it, it do…
Nikolay Lakutin
современная зарубежная литература, первая любовь, психология отношений, Индия, студенческая жизнь, романтическая проза, сентиментальная прозаI was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for…
I was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for…
Nikolay Lakutin
научно-популярная литература, гуманитарные и общественные науки, социология, социальная философия, этика, знания и навыки, здоровье и медицинаMore than ten years of marriage. To strangle or strangle, that's the question! Where do those attractive guys and girls go for whom we do wo…
More than ten years of marriage. To strangle or strangle, that's the question! Where do those attractive guys and girls go for whom we do wo…
Nikolay Lakutin
исторические детективы, расследование преступлений, ретродетективы, остросюжетные детективы, криминальные детективы, исторические романы, таинственное убийствоThere are rumors that once upon a time there was an unusual writer. Most of his biography is shrouded in darkness, but even what is known ab…
There are rumors that once upon a time there was an unusual writer. Most of his biography is shrouded in darkness, but even what is known ab…
Nikolay Lakutin
программы, компьютерная справочная литература, компьютерные игры, руководствоAre you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try t…
Are you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try t…
Nikolay Lakutin
детская проза, советская литература, литература 20 века, книги о детстве, школьная программа, детская классика, поучительные истории, книги для младшего школьного возрастаA series of impossible, unusual, funny, sometimes frightening stories that really happened in my life. I believe that you will not believe e…
A series of impossible, unusual, funny, sometimes frightening stories that really happened in my life. I believe that you will not believe e…
Nikolay Lakutin
классическая прозаShe's 55. Today she is an unnecessary saleswoman in a stall. She accepted the goods, sold the goods – that's her whole life... But it wasn't…
She's 55. Today she is an unnecessary saleswoman in a stall. She accepted the goods, sold the goods – that's her whole life... But it wasn't…
Nikolay Lakutin
книги по психологии, практика психологии, семейная психология, психологическая консультация, психотерапия, психология отношений, психология личности, популярная психология, семейные отношения, семейная психотерапияHave you ever met truly holy traffic cops on the roads? That's so that almost a halo can be viewed over your head. Happened? Our story is no…
Have you ever met truly holy traffic cops on the roads? That's so that almost a halo can be viewed over your head. Happened? Our story is no…
Nikolay Lakutin
стихи и поэзия, сборник рассказов, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзияTime for change... How few people understand what this means, and what is happening under the colorful masks of people, communities, countri…
Time for change... How few people understand what this means, and what is happening under the colorful masks of people, communities, countri…
Nikolay Lakutin
приключения, ужасы / мистика, детективы, мистика, иронические детективы, книги о приключениях, интриги, авантюрные приключения, театр, театральная жизньAll events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or de…
All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or de…